Chapter Twenty-Six: Doesn't Time Fly

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"I can't believe it's been nine months already," Sergio murmured running his fingers through his hair, he had been so busy dealing with things in Madrid that he hadn't even realised how fast time had moved.

Iker nodded his head, his recovery had gone well and he knew that Fernando was pleased with the way his body had healed; now he was finally ready to return to Madrid.

Iker leant back in his chair and closed his eyes, it had been a long night and he knew that it could go on longer; he hadn't been expecting Katelyn to go into labour late at night but he was thrilled that they would soon have a baby.

"Do you think Kae will be okay?" Sergio asked flinching at her cries of pain, she had kicked her husband's out of the birthing room that had been set up; she hadn't been able to deal with them fussing over her.

Iker opened his eyes and stared at Sergio, he was sure that between Fernando and Gareth everything would go perfectly fine; he trusted the two men with his wife and he just wanted this to be over.

"She'll be fine," Iker reassured with a small smile, it was still early stages and Fernando would tell them if there was something wrong; they didn't want to be kept in the dark over the birth of their first child.

Sergio swallowed nodding his head, he knew that Iker was right but that didn't stop him from fearing for Katelyn; things were only just fixing themselves after all the damage that Arbeloa had caused and there was signs that he might not have been the one running things.

Iker sighed moving to get his book, there was little that they could do and he knew that Katelyn was in good hands; nothing was going to happen and that he was sure about.

Sergio watched Iker, he didn't know how he could be so calm and he wished he could be like that; he wanted to help in some way but Katelyn was determined not to have him or Iker in the room.


Iker groaned handing Sergio a cup of coffee, it had been thirteen hours since Katelyn had gone into labour and there was still no sign of the baby; he wondered how on earth his wife was coping with the long labour.

Sergio made a small noise in thanks before sipping on his drink, they were still wanting for some news and he wished that there was more that he could do to help.

Iker plopped down in his seat, he hadn't slept a wink since Katelyn had gone into labour and he had no intentions of doing so until their baby had been born; it had to be close now and he wanted to be awake when it happened.

"It shouldn't be much longer," Iker murmured peeking out of the window, the sun was slowly starting to rise and he doubted that today could start any better than the birth of their first child.

Sergio didn't say anything, he messed with his coffee wondering how Cristiano was handling things back in Madrid; he hadn't risked moving his family back to Madrid, not until he was sure that whoever Arbeloa was working for wasn't going to come back.

"Sese..." Iker said looking to his husband, he knew that things were still tense and he wished that he could help; he had been stuck on Gloynt Islands healing and he knew that he had been driving Katelyn made with his recovery.

Sergio shook his head, he didn't have any secrets from Iker and he knew that his husband was worried; whoever Arbeloa had been working for was certainly going to be a problem if they couldn't work out who he was.


Iker felt someone shake him roughly, he cursed softly in Spanish as he sat up and peeked at Sergio; he couldn't believe that he had fallen asleep while waiting, he stretched looking at Sergio to see he had fallen asleep as well.

"Congratulations," Gareth said smiling at his friends, he knew that it had been a long day but there was finally some news that he could give the two waiting fathers.

Gareth had no idea how Katelyn had managed it, it had been a long labour and he had even started to wonder if he and Fernando would have to surgically remove the baby.

"Twenty-three hours, I have no idea how she did it," Gareth mused peeking back at the room, he was impressed and he was just glad that things had gone so well; he couldn't imagine what Katelyn would have done if it had gone on longer.

Iker and Sergio stared at Gareth as it slowly sank in that Katelyn had given birth, they couldn't believe it and they knew that it had been a long day; they hadn't expected it at all when they had been woken up.

"How are they?" Iker asked softly, he ran his fingers through his hair as he stared up at Gareth; he was hoping for good news and he knew that if it wasn't then Gareth wouldn't seem so happy right now.

Sergio peeked passed the doctor, he wanted nothing more than to go and see Katelyn but he guessed that Fernando was making sure that everything was fine before they could go and see her.

"They're fine... you have a beautiful baby girl," Gareth revealed smiling at the two men, it had been a long day and he was looking forward to getting some sleep for himself; he was just glad that everything had gone so well with the birth.

Iker felt a smile forming on his face at the news, he couldn't believe it and he knew that they had waited to find out; he just couldn't wait to see his wife and their beautiful baby girl.

Sergio sniffled at the news, he was so happy right now and he was sure that she would be as beautiful as her mother.


"Kae," Iker whispered stepping into the room once Fernando had left, he was followed eagerly by Sergio and he couldn't take his eyes of the small bundle that sat in their wife's arms.

It seemed so unreal that they had a little girl and Iker knew that he didn't care about the lack of sleep, he was just happy that everything had gone well; he moved to sit down next to his wife on her right side.

"She's beautiful Kae," Sergio murmured peeking down at the baby, he couldn't find better words that would ever describe how beautiful she was; she had toughs of brown hair on the top of her head.

Katelyn smiled tiredly, she was glad that it was finally over and she was sure that the name that they had picked out would be perfect for her.

The three had thought long and hard about names and if they'd had a boy they would have named him, Brandon Casillas Ramos; however that wasn't the case and they had a little girl to name.

Katelyn gently handed the baby over to Sergio, she closed her eyes tiredly while Iker whispered softly into her ear about how proud he was of her; he had no idea how she had the strength to do what she had.

"We are all agreed then," Sergio whispered knowing that Katelyn needed to sleep, he would happily watch over their daughter but first they needed to name her; he peeked over at Iker who nodded his head with a smile.

Katelyn gave a tired smile, she hadn't had much sleep since her labour had started and now she finally had a chance to get some much needed rest.

"Sansa Casillas Ramos," Sergio whispered looking down at the newborn, he smiled knowing that they would protect her with their lives. 

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