Chapter Twenty-Four: Damage Done

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Katelyn chewed on her lip as she waited for some sort of news, Sergio had called to tell her what had happened to Iker; she was terrified at what state her husband would be in when they arrived on the island. 

It wasn't safe to keep Iker in Madrid, the traitor had blown up Iker's house and had nearly killed Iker himself; they still had no idea who the traitor was since Iker was still unconscious. 

Katelyn didn't know what to think having heard what had happened to Iker, she feared that he wouldn't have survived the flight from Madrid and she knew that she would just have to wait for Sergio to arrive. 

Luisa watched the blonde, she had no idea what she was going through right now and she hoped that everything was going to be okay; stress wasn't good for Katelyn or the baby right now. 

"Why don't you sit down? They should be here soon," Luisa suggested moving to put the kettle on, the flight should have landed by now and if everything was alright then the men would be here with the hour. 

Katelyn nodded her head, she rested a hand on her bump and wondered if everything was going to be okay; Sergio hadn't told her much but from what she had heard it was bad. 

Katelyn prayed that Iker was going to be alright, she couldn't bear the thought that something had happened to him; she was starting to fear that he wouldn't be coming back at all. 

Luisa had done her best to comfort Katelyn when Sergio had called with the news that Iker had nearly been killed and they were flying him back to the island as fast as possible. 

Sergio was bringing with him a team of the most trusted people that the gang had and Katelyn trusted her husband with everything that was going on right now.


Sergio ran his fingers through his hair, he couldn't believe that this was happening to him and his family; he patted the gang doctor on the back before he walked out of the bedroom where Iker had been set up. 

Gareth and Fernando would ensure that Iker was going to be okay, they were both doctors and Sergio trusted them to ensure that his husband didn't die. 

Sergio knew that he needed to speak to Katelyn, he didn't want his wife freaking out and the house was be secured by Cristiano and Marcelo; he wasn't taking any risks when it came to his family. 

It didn't take Sergio long to track down his wife, she was sat by the pool with her feet in the cool water; Sergio watched Katelyn for a moment before he moved to sit down next to her. 

"Is he okay?" Katelyn asked not looking at her husband, she stared out across the garden; she didn't look at Sergio fearing what he would tell her. 

Sergio knew that this had all gone horribly wrong, he wished that he had been there to protect Iker when the traitor had attacked; they still didn't know who had done this to them. 

"He will be," Sergio promised looking to Katelyn, he didn't want his wife getting stressed out; she was thirteen weeks pregnant and he knew that stress wasn't good for her or the baby. 

Iker would want him to be strong and protect their family, he didn't need Sergio breaking down when they were all still in danger from the traitor. 

"How bad is it Sese... honestly?" Katelyn asked peeking at her husband, she didn't want to be kept in the dark about what was going on; she needed to be prepared since she hadn't been allowed to see Iker when he had arrived. 

Sergio didn't want her getting upset and Iker was in a pretty bad way, Gareth and Fernando were doing their best to keep him alive and they were sure he would be fine once they had been able to treat him properly.

"His right shoulder has some minor burns, he needs stitches in the back of his head, bruised and fractured ribs plus he'll be on oxygen for a while because he took in a lot of fumes during the fire," Sergio said taking Katelyn's hand, he squeezed it knowing that Iker was strong and he would bounce back from this. 

Sergio would leave him here once they were sure that he was going to be okay and head back to Madrid to destroy the man that had nearly killed Iker; he wasn't going to let this go and he knew it had to be done. 

Katelyn swallowed and nodded her head, she knew that Iker wouldn't be healed right away and it would take time; she feared what would happen with him out of action. 

"Be careful," Katelyn whispered cuddling into Sergio's side, she had no idea what he was going to do but she couldn't lose him; she needed him right now and she didn't want to lose either of the men that she loved. 

Sergio nodded his head, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her; he smiled a little as his fingers brushed against the bump that she was now carrying. 

"How are you?" Sergio asked changing the subject, he knew that things had been so tense the last few hours and he hoped that Katelyn and the baby had been okay. 

Sergio would be leaving several members of the gang here with Iker and Katelyn when he returned to Madrid, he wasn't going to risk the traitor trying to hurt them and he would do anything to ensure they were safe. 

Sergio had ears on the ground back in Madrid, there were already stirrings within the gang after what had happened to Iker and it wouldn't be long before the traitor would reveal himself.


Iker groaned as he slowly started to wake up, the beeping was annoying him and he had no idea what it was; he felt heavy and didn't like it, the last thing he could remember was speaking with Arbeloa. 

Moving to pull the annoying tube from his nose with his left hand, Iker found himself being stopped by someone; he grumbled opening his eyes slowly confused about what was going on. 

"Hola," Katelyn murmured smiling at Iker, she was so happy to see him awake and she knew that the pain medication that he had been given was pretty strong. 

Iker stared at his wife confused as he tried to work out what she was doing here, he knew that there was no way in hell that Sergio would have allowed her to come to Madrid. 

"You're on Gloynt Islands," Katelyn explained sensing that Iker was confused, he had been pretty out of it thanks to the pain medication and she guessed that she was a little grateful for that. 

Katelyn couldn't bear the idea that Iker was going to be in agony especially with the burns that he had to his right shoulder; he would take months to heal and Fernando had offered to stick around if Gareth was needed back in Madrid by Sergio. 

"How do you feel?" Katelyn asked softly, she knew that Sergio was busy organising what would happen now; they didn't need the traitor getting a foot hold in the gang if people thought Iker was dead. 

Iker swallowed gently reaching for his wife, he knew that something bad had happened and he could see tears in her eyes; he hated that he had scared her in some way. 

"Better now I'm with you," Iker whispered he watched her trying to piece together what had happened and he knew that he finally had the identity of the traitor; Álvaro Arbeloa Coca.

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