Chapter Twenty: Gloynt Islands

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Katelyn fanned herself as she stepped off the plane, she couldn’t believe that in a week she would be getting married; things had been so tense in Madrid and she knew her boys were worried.

Iker and Sergio might have been trying to keep Katelyn in the dark about what was happening but she had heard whispers about the explosions that seemed to be targeting the businesses that Iker run.

It had been the main reason why they had moved to the island now and not later, Katelyn had a feeling that things were going to be rough and she would be left here for quite some time.

Gloynt Islands was set in the Atlantic Ocean, it was miles away from anywhere and you couldn’t even see South Africa which was the closest place to the small island.

Katelyn fanned herself, it was so hot and she had a feeling that this wasn’t even close to how it could get; she peeked at Sergio and Iker knowing that there was so much left to get ready for the big day.

“It’s a thirty minute drive to the house,” Iker mused stretching, he wanted to make sure that Katelyn was safe here and he had plans to ensure that she would be safe no matter what happened to him or Sergio.

Katelyn nodded not sure what to say, she really wasn’t happy with the idea of being separated from them and there was no way she was going to enjoy being trapped on this island alone for weeks at a time.

Iker sighed not wanting to fight with her again, she had wanted to stay in Madrid and he couldn’t risk it; she had been inseminated before they left and there was a chance that she was pregnant right now.

Katelyn would only be about a week along and Iker hated that they were doing it this way, he knew that he would do anything for his family; they were what mattered to him even now that he had so much at stake.


“How are you feeling?” Sergio asked peeking back at Katelyn, he was hopeful that the insemination would stick and the thought that she was pregnant made him smile; he just hoped everything went well.

Katelyn nodded her head, she had done her best to try and talk them out of leaving her on the island but it hadn’t been successful; she didn’t just have to think about herself anymore but the chance of her baby inside of her.

It had been a rushed decision to have the insemination done last week, Katelyn had made the decision since she knew that things would be crazy after the wedding and it was something that she could now look forward to.

“It’s not forever Kae,” Sergio murmured as the house slowly came into view, it was out of the way and the only people that lived around there was the housekeeper that Iker had living on the island.

Katelyn wouldn’t be completely alone and Iker knew that Luisa would never betray him, he would have the woman keep an extra eye on Katelyn while he was gone.

“I know… it’s not going to be easy though,” Katelyn replied trying not to sulk, she wasn’t going to ruin the next two weeks that she had with Iker and Sergio since she wasn’t sure when she would see them again after that.

Staring up at the large house that was now her home, Katelyn climbed out of the car; it wasn’t like the house that they had left behind in Madrid and she had a feeling that she would like it here.

The house sat on the edge of a beach and looked out over the ocean, it was in the perfect spot and was surrounded by trees on the other side allowing it to sort of blend in and hide from the view of anyone who might find it.

“This is home,” Iker mused smiling, he had bought the house years ago when he had replaced Raul as the leader of the Los Merengues; it was where he had always planned to retire there no matter what happened in his life.

Iker had always wanted to raise a family here and no he hoped to get that chance with Katelyn and Sergio; in a few weeks they would know if Katelyn was pregnant with their first.

Katelyn and their baby were the most important things in their lives, Iker and Sergio would do anything to keep them safe and here on Gloynt Islands they would be a lot safer than they would have ever been in Madrid.

“It’s nice,” Katelyn murmured not wanting to sound to infused about her new home, she had no idea what to expect after the wedding only that she would be left behind while they returned to Madrid.

Iker still had no idea who was plotting against him, he knew that something had to be done before he lost control; he had a feeling that the traitor would soon reveal themselves.

Iker and Sergio shared a look, they had a feeling that Katelyn was going to argue with them again before they left; they wanted her safe and weren’t going to change their minds.

“It’ll be okay Kae,” Sergio whispered wrapping his arms around Katelyn, he didn’t want anything to happen to her; he wanted her to be safe and here she would be.

Katelyn didn’t say anything, she was tired and there was so much to do for the wedding; she doubted that Iker and Sergio were going to be much help since they still had work to do.

Iker watched their fiancée, he had no idea what to expect after the wedding and he hated that she wanted to come back to Madrid when it wasn’t safe; they might have a baby on the way soon and there was no slowing that down.


“It is beautiful here,” Katelyn mused looking out at the view from their bedroom window, she could only imagine what the rest of the island looked like; she would find out soon since this was now her home.

Iker smiled pleased that she wasn’t moping, she had been quiet all through dinner and he had been worried that she planned to push again for a return to Madrid.

Moving across the room, Iker wrapped Katelyn up in his arms and kissed her softly; his fingers brushing against her flat stomach that could be holding his child by now.

“I don’t want to lose any of you,” Katelyn whispered frightened of losing the men that she loved, she was going to be so far away and if something happened then she didn’t know what she would do.

Iker and Sergio were her family now and with a baby on the way, she didn’t want to think about the fact that she would be all alone here with no one but staff to keep her company.

“Nothing will happen,” Iker reassured knowing that he couldn’t promise her anything, they were going to be as careful as possible but that didn’t mean that something could go wrong.

Iker and Sergio didn’t know who was behind all of this and with the Blaugrana willing to help them as much as possible everything would be soon sorted out; even the Los Rojiblancos wanted things sorted out since everything was so unbalanced right now.

Katelyn pulled back from Iker, she knew he was trying to make her feel better but it wasn’t working; her stomach churned at the thought of being alone without them.

“I promise you… Sese and I will come back,” Iker murmured he would do anything to make this happen, he wanted to be there when their baby was born and look after Katelyn afterwards.

Katelyn shook her head and pulled away from Iker, he was making a promise that he couldn’t keep and it hurt to think just what the future held for them.

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