Chapter Twenty-One: Mrs Casillas Ramos

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Katelyn took a deep breath as she stared at herself in the mirror, her fingers brushed against the lace of her ivory empire spaghetti straps symmetry tea-length wedding dress; she couldn't believe that she was getting married.

Katelyn tried to calm her nerves as she looked away from the mirror, from this day forward she would no longer be Katelyn Cardona Martell and she was sort of relieved of that fact; she wouldn't be linked to Daniel any more by her name.

Katelyn would be happy if she never saw Daniel again, she had heard that he was helping the traitor try to take over the Los Merengues from Iker; she wanted nothing to do with the man after what he had done.

The one thing that Katelyn did worry about was that she would lose both Iker and Sergio; she couldn't bear the thought that she and her unborn child would be alone.

Katelyn smiled at that thought, she hadn't told Sergio or Iker yet since she had found out that morning when she had thrown up but the insemination had been success and several pregnancy tests confirmed that Katelyn was three weeks pregnant.

Katelyn had recently turned twenty-seven a week earlier and they had spent the day at the beach, it was one of her better memories since they had arrived on the island that was her home now.

Sergio had turned twenty-nine only days earlier and had insisted on spending the day in bed with Katelyn and Iker; he wanted to ravish them both while he had the chance.

Katelyn peeked at her reflection thinking about her future, she stared for a moment and smiled knowing that Iker and Sergio would be thrilled when they found out that Katelyn was expecting their first child.

Katelyn had spent the morning working out when the baby was due and if everything went well then they would become parents in December of that very year; she just hoped Iker and Sergio would be here for that.


"You look beautiful," Iker murmured ducking down to kiss Katelyn again, he hadn't been able to take his eyes off her since the ceremony; it had been quick and he was pleased to now call Katelyn, his wife.

Iker held Katelyn close as he peeked over at Sergio who was speaking with the priest that had married them, he was sure that they would be able to keep this under wraps for a little while.

Katelyn smiled cuddling into Iker's arms, she couldn't believe that she was now officially Katelyn Casillas Ramos; it seemed so unreal to her and she had a feeling that things weren't going to peaceful after this week was over.

"How are you feeling?" Iker asked gently looking down at Katelyn, he knew that things were tense and he wanted to make sure that she was okay especially after what he had heard that she had been sick that morning.

Katelyn looked up at him, she wondered what made him ask that when she had never felt happier; she had a feeling that he might have heard her be sick that morning.

"Luisa told us you were sick this morning," Iker murmured smiling, he was sure that Katelyn was fine and he hoped that she was okay; he was only on Gloynt Islands for another week before he returned to Madrid to deal with the problems there.

Katelyn nodded her head, she should have known that the housekeeper would report back to Iker, she was sure that Iker was going to use that to his advantage when he returned to Madrid with Sergio.

"I'm fine Iker," Katelyn reassured knowing that she would have to tell them soon that she was pregnant, she wondered if that would change their decision to leave her behind.

Katelyn wasn't looking forward to being left behind, she knew it was for the best but she would all be alone for as long as it took.

"I do have something to share with you and Sergio," Katelyn murmured smiling up, she wondered how happy they would be when she told them and she had hopes that they wouldn't be separated for months on end.

Iker raised his eyebrow at Katelyn and nodded his head, he was curious about what she was going to say and he hoped that it was good news; he didn't want to fight with Katelyn on their wedding day.

"Is everything alright Kae?" Sergio asked walking back towards his husband and wife, he grinned knowing that they were alone now and he was curious about what Katelyn wanted to tell them.

It was clear that Katelyn was keeping something from them and Sergio hoped that she wasn't going to argue with them today on the fact that she was to stay on the island while they both returned to Madrid.

"I'm pregnant," Katelyn revealed with a smile, she looked between her two husbands knowing that they were in for a surprise; they had all agreed that the paternity of any of their children would never be discover.

Iker and Sergio stared at Katelyn, they hadn't expected her to find out now and they had thought it would take more time to find out if she was pregnant with their first child.

"Are you sure amor?" Iker asked looking at Katelyn, today couldn't have gotten any better and he had a feeling that it was going to be a busy pregnancy.

Sergio stepped closer to the blonde, he knew that this was what they had wanted and he was now nervous about leaving her behind with her expecting their first time.

"Five positive pregnancy tests sure," Katelyn replied smiling at the two, she couldn't help but brush her fingers down the lace of her dress; she couldn't wait to have a bump that she could feel.

Iker and Sergio looked at each other, they needed to make Madrid safe again so that Katelyn and the baby could be back in Madrid as soon as possible.

"Kae," Sergio whispered moving forward to hug his wife, he couldn't contain his happiness at the news that he was going to be a father; he couldn't wait until the baby was born and he hoped everything would go well.

Iker watched Sergio with Katelyn for a moment, he would do anything to keep them safe and the Madrid situation needed to be dealt with; he didn't want anything taking his family away from him.

"It'll be okay," Sergio murmured looking at Iker, they weren't going to let anything happen while they were back in Madrid; they would deal with the traitor and be back before Katelyn could even miss them too much.

Iker nodded his head, he already had a feeling that he knew who the traitor was and they just needed evidence now; he wanted them all to be able to relax and that couldn't happen until they had dealt with the traitor.

"Promise me that you'll both be careful," Katelyn said pulling away from Sergio, she looked between him and Iker wanting to know that she wasn't going to lose them now.

Katelyn couldn't bear the thought of losing them both with a baby on the way, she didn't want to become a widow so soon after marrying and she prayed that they would be safe when they both returned to Madrid.

"We promise Kae," Iker and Sergio both agreed sharing a look, they would have each other's backs and Katelyn was what was important to them now; they were going to be fathers' in nine months times.

Katelyn nodded her head and took a deep breath, she had a bad feeling that something was going to happen while they were in Madrid and she prayed that she was wrong. 

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