Chapter Thirty-Three: The Mission

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Katelyn took a deep breath as she carefully climbed out of the car, she smoothed out her white contrast trim shirt and black bootcut trousers and peeked at Sofia; she felt nervous and she hoped that this went well, she didn't want to mess things up. 

Katelyn knew that if she messed up that there was no one there to save her, she was going to be on her own while she hacked her father's system while Sofia dealt with the security system. 

Katelyn stared up at the building where she once worked, things felt so different now and she knew that she never wanted to go back to the woman that she had been; she took a deep breath and focused on the mission ahead. 

Katelyn took a deep breath as they walked into the lobby of the building, they needed to keep things quiet since they didn't want to attract any attention to themselves; they didn't have any back-up to come and save them. 

Katelyn and Sofia slowly approached the reception desk and plastered smiles to their faces, they needed to get past him and there was only one way that they were going to do that; Sofia nodded her head at Katelyn knowing that she would know better on how to get in. 

"Hola... I was wondering if you could help us," Katelyn asked innocently, she batted her eyes at the man knowing that this had to work if they wanted to get inside; there was no other plan if they couldn't get into the building and she wouldn't let anyone down. 

The security guard blinked at the sight of Katelyn and Sofia and nodded his head, they were beautiful women and he couldn't believe that they could need his help. 

"We have a personal message for señor Espina," Katelyn said leaning forward a little, she winked at the security guard hoping that he would believe that they were some sort of escorts; she hoped this would work as well as last time.

The security guard nodded his head, he quickly moved to give Katelyn and Sofia visitors passes while he stared at her and Sofia; he swallowed thickly as he handed it over not remembering the last time a woman like her had talked to him like that. 

"Gracias," Katelyn said smiling, she slipped the badge around her neck and winking at the security guard before she headed for the elevator followed; she could feel his stare as she walked away and resisted the urge to shudder. 

Sofia was a little glad that Iker and Sergio hadn't seen that, she could only imagine what her brother and brother-in-law would do if they had witnessed their wife flirting; she had no doubt that Katelyn hadn't enjoyed flirting with the guard. 

Katelyn pressed the button to call the elevator and looked at Sofia, they were going to go their separate ways; she hoped that when this was over that they were both going to be okay. 

"You remember what to do?" Sofia asked peeking back at the chubby security guard, she didn't know what it was but something didn't feel right; her hand moved to rest on the gun that was hidden in the back of her jeans out of sight. 

Sofia was glad that Daniel hadn't invested in a better security system, she could only imagine how things would have been so much harder if that had been the case; she wanted to get out of the building as fast as possible. 

Katelyn nodded her head and looked at Sofia, she wasn't going to have any issues getting into her father's system; she knew that he hardly ever changed his security systems. 

"Good luck," Katelyn murmured stepping into the lift with Sofia, the lift closed behind them and Sofia smiled at Katelyn; she pressed the emergency stop button when the lift was between floors before she forced the doors open so she could climb down the shaft to the basement.


The trip up to the thirty-seventh floor was nerve wracking after Sofia had left her alone and Katelyn stood silently in the elevator trying to ease the tension that she felt inside of her. 

Finally reaching the floor that she wanted Katelyn stepped out of the elevator and started to walk towards the office that she wanted; she didn't have long before Mr Espina returned from his lunch break. 

Katelyn didn't want to be around when he came back especially since she was about to release a virus into his computer system that would take down the entire building; she was glad that it would also take out all the cameras while it was at it. 

Not wasting a moment Katelyn slipped into Mr Espina's office un-noticed and closed the door behind her, she didn't know much about the man only that he occasionally did work with Daniel; from what Katelyn recalled he had an interest in much younger women. 

Walking over to the computer, Katelyn sat down and got to work not wanting to drag this out; she turned the computer on before reaching into her black tote bag and pulling out the USB that held the virus. 

Katelyn tapped her fingers on the desk while the computer started, she peeked at the clock knowing that Mr Espina would be back in less than an hour; she had time to get this done but she had to be quick since hanging around would only led to her getting caught. 

Once the computer had started up, Katelyn started to hack the system so that she could plant the virus in the right way; the virus would send all of Mr Espina's information and work to one of Iker's men that was waiting for it so that they could take what they needed. 

Katelyn opened up the USB before moving to plug it into the USB port of the computer, she brushed some hair from her face and focused on the screen; she wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible and meet back up with Sofia.

Katelyn started to transfer the virus across and bounced her knee as the unloading begun, she stared at the timer on the screen that was slowly running down as the virus uploaded itself. 

Moving the mouse in an attempt to get the virus to load quicker, Katelyn recalled what she had been told by Fábio who had created the virus; she would have five minutes before the virus took hold to get out of the building. 

Katelyn smiled at the computer when the virus had loaded, she pulled the USB from the port and stuffed it into her bag before she started to close down the computer so that she could leave. 

Katelyn nibbled on her lip as she waited for the computer to shut down completely, she got out of the chair and pushed it back into the desk and picked up her black bag pleased with how fast this had worked again. 

Once the computer had fully shut down, Katelyn moved towards the office door, she was glad that her part of the mission was over and she could get out of there; she pulled open the office door and froze feeling her stomach drop. 

"Hola Katelyn," Daniel greeted smirking at his daughter, he was a little surprised to see her again alive and he knew that things were working out perfectly right now; he could finally get what he wanted. 

Katelyn stepped back, she had no idea how Daniel had known that she would be here and it made her feel sick; she peeked at the men with him and knew that this wasn't going to end well. 

"It's such a shame that you had to get in my way," Daniel mused shaking his head and pulling a gun out, he aimed it at his daughter knowing that this was the last time she would get in his way. 

Katelyn closed her eyes and prayed as the room filled with a bang, she wondered what her husbands would do when they found out her father had murdered her.

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