Chapter Forty: Meeting Iker's Parents

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Katelyn took a deep breath as she smoothed out her coral printed dress, she couldn't believe that she was actually going to be meeting Iker's parents; she had no idea what was going to happen but she hoped it went better than meeting Sergio's family. 

"You look fine," Iker reassured helping her out of the car, he knew that she was worried about meeting his parents but he knew that they would look after her. 

Sofia was currently away in Hawaii with Marcelo, she needed time to recover from what had happened and she was better off away from Madrid were she wouldn't have that chance. 

Katelyn nodded her head as she stared at the house where Iker's parents lived, they were about two hours away from the centre of the city and she knew that Iker was doing this for the right reasons. 

Iker moved to get Sansa from her car seat, he fussed over their daughter knowing that Sergio was still furious about what had happened with his family; he doubted his husband would ever forgive them for that. 

Iker fixed Sansa's cream embroidered dress before he handed her over to her mother, he smiled at Katelyn before moving to get her suitcase; he knew that this wasn't easy for her. 

The war had meant that Katelyn and Sansa were being constantly moved about but Iker was sure that the war would be over soon; they were so close to getting Mourinho and then it would all be over. 

Katelyn took a deep breath as she slowly followed Iker to the front door, she held onto Sansa knowing that she needed to be strong for her husbands' sake. 

Iker set down the suitcase and knocked on the front door, his parents had been expecting them and he was glad that they were going to take his wife and daughter in for a little while. 

The couple didn't have to wait long before Carmen Casillas opened the front door, she blinked at the sight of her eldest smile since she hadn't been expecting him so early.

"Madre," Iker greeted with a nod of his head, he hadn't seen her in years and he hated that it had been so long; things had been so busy and he knew how worried she had been after Arbeloa had tried to kill him. 

Carmen took a deep breath before she stepped out of the house and hugged her son, she had been so worried that she would end up burying her son because of this war. 

"Madre... may I introduce my wife, Katelyn Casillas Ramos," Iker said grinning at Katelyn's surname, he loved that she had dropped her Cardona Martell surname and he knew that she wasn't going to take that back. 

Carmen peeked at the blonde that Iker had brought home with him, she had been waiting months to meet her and she wished Iker wouldn't have waited this long. 

Katelyn squeaked in surprise as Carmen pushed Iker out of the way and pulled her into a hug, she hadn't been expecting it and she peeked at Iker who just had a big smile on his face pleased with this. 

"It's wonderful to finally meet you," Carmen gushed, she had no idea how Katelyn had coped so well with everything that had happened; she knew everything that had happened since Katelyn had come into her son's life. 

Sansa babbled making Carmen's smile grow, she couldn't believe that she was finally getting to meet her granddaughter for the first time; the little girl was adorable and she looked so much like her mother but with deep brown hair.

"Is this Sansa?" Carmen cooed moving to fuss over the three month old, she adored her and she knew that this visit had been a long time coming; she ignored Iker completely while he tried to get his mother's attention in favour of the infant.


José Luis pursed her lips as he eyed his eldest son, he wasn't pleased with the fact that he had come home after all this time as if nothing was wrong; he had no idea what Iker was still doing running a mob. 

José Luis had never approved of his son's work and the two had barely spoken in years, the news that a war had broken out hadn't even phased him; someone was going to get killed and José Luis had a feeling that Iker was going to lose something in this war. 

"How have you been?" Iker asked trying to make conversation with his father, he didn't want to fight with him and he hoped that they could move past all of this now. 

Iker didn't know what to do with his father anymore, no matter what he did it didn't seem good enough for José Luis; they had always clashed and José Luis had always favoured Unai. 

José Luis huffed moving to open his newspaper, he didn't want to make small talk with Iker while his wife fussed over their daughter-in-law; he would rather that Iker took her and the baby back with him since he didn't want them in his home. 

"Padre... can't we let this go?" Iker pleaded wanting for them to be okay again, he wanted his father to be a part of Sansa's life; she would never know Katelyn's or Sergio's families after what had happened. 

Iker knew things were tough right now but he wanted to make amends, he didn't want to fight every time he came to visit his family; he wanted nothing more than to put the past behind them and move forward. 

José Luis didn't look at Iker, he had said all that he'd had to say to his son and he wasn't going to forget how Iker had turned his back on the family business; he wanted nothing to do with his eldest son anymore. 

Iker sighed shaking his head, he got to his feet and looked at his father one more time before he walked out of the living room to speak with his mother and Katelyn.


"Promise me you'll be careful," Katelyn whispered as she hugged Iker, this was it and she couldn't help but fear that something big was going to happen before this war was over. 

Iker sighed holding onto his wife, he knew that he couldn't promise anything and he would do anything to make sure that he came home to her and Sansa; he knew that Sergio wanted them same even if he was distracted right now. 

"Swear to me," Katelyn pleaded looking up at Iker, she didn't want to lose him and she couldn't shake the feeling that by the end of this war that she would have lost either him or Sergio. 

Iker looked down at Katelyn, he brushed his fingers gently through her hair; he didn't want her worrying over him and Sergio, they were going to do their best to come back from this alive. 

"I promise," Iker whispered kissing Katelyn on top of her head, he closed his eyes knowing that he would do anything to ensure that she and Sansa were safe; he knew that Mourinho was preparing for his final fight. 

Iker knew that it was going to happen soon and he was glad that everyone who was important to him and Sergio were hidden away; he wasn't going to let anyone die for him. 

Katelyn blinked back tears as she looked up at Iker, she kissed him passionately wanting him to have something to think about until she saw him again. 

Iker kissed her back, he didn't know what was going to happen and he was going to ensure that Mourinho paid for everything that he had done. 

"This is not goodbye," Iker whispered to Katelyn before he pulled away from her and walked to his car, he swore that this war would end before the month was over and he would come back for her and Sansa.

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