Chapter Forty-Two: The Final Battle

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Iker loaded his gun as he walked through the empty building that Mourinho was using for his base, he couldn't believe that he hadn't realised that it was this place sooner; he wrinkled his nose at the smell. 

Iker had separated from the others, he knew that he had to be careful but the idea that he would find Mourinho and end all of this was too great; he wanted to make the other man suffer for what he had done. 

Just as he was about to round another corner, Iker was shot at making him dive behind a wall and lean against it knowing that everything was going to be just fine. 

"Hola Casillas," Mourinho called with a smug smile, his eyes swept over the area as he tried to spot Iker; he couldn't believe that things were working out in his favour. 

Mourinho wondered for a moment if Iker had any idea that Katelyn was here, he doubted it since he was sure that the other man would be going crazy demanding answers if he did know. 

"This is where it ends Mourinho," Iker shouted back, he tried to see where Mourinho was standing and he frowned when he couldn't see him. 

Iker gritted his teeth, he needed a clear shot and he hated that he didn't know where the other man was standing; he knew that Mourinho was in a good place if he had managed to shoot at him. 

"Why don't you come out? I have a friend who would be pleased to see you," Mourinho cooed making sure that he had a good hold on Katelyn, she was the perfect shield for him to use since he doubted anyone would risk hurting her. 

Iker furrowed his brow, he licked his lips carefully moving out from behind the wall and he looked directly at the space where Mourinho was stood; his stomach dropping at the sight of the human shield that he was using. 

 "Katelyn..." Iker whispered lowering his gun when he realised that it was his wife, he had no idea what the hell she was doing here but he knew that this wasn't good.


Sergio kicked open another office and frowned when he saw that there was no one inside, he frowned wondering what the hell was going on; he looked at the team that was with him knowing this wasn't good. 

Sofia looked at her brother, she didn't like this and she feared that they had just walked into an ambush; she wished that Iker wouldn't have broken off from the main group. 

"Let's go down this way," Sergio murmured nodding down the corridor, he moved to step out only to be hit from behind; he hissed in pain dropping to the floor to grab his right shoulder. 

Sofia didn't waste a moment before she opened fire on whoever was stupid enough to have shot her brother; she smirked as she heard a thud before Marcelo moved to check who they had killed. 

"You okay?" Sofia asked turning to Sergio, she could see the crimson mark seeping through his white shirt and was glad that Gareth had come with them. 

Gareth was quick to start dealing with the shoulder, he knew that this wasn't the place for them to stop; there was going to be men everywhere watching them waiting to kill them all. 

"It was Terry," Marcelo confirmed walking back to his fiancée and the others, he was surprised that someone like John Terry would be alone but he guessed that if Iker was doing it then it was something that they couldn't ignore. 

Sergio gritted his teeth, he had a bad feeling about all of this and he wanted to get back to Iker and get the hell out of there; however he didn't get the chance to give the order before someone opened fire on them.


Mourinho smirked staring at Iker, he made sure to press his gun to Katelyn's side knowing that the other man wouldn't risk it; he had everything now and he knew that the rest of the Los Merengues that had come would be dead by now. 

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