Chapter Twenty-Two: One Last Day

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Iker sipped on his coffee while he watched Katelyn and Sergio sleep, today was the last day that they would be here and he knew that the trip back to Madrid wasn’t going to be easy.

Iker wasn’t going to change his mind about leaving Katelyn behind, she was safer here and they had the baby to think about now; they would have a long wait before it was born but it would be worth it.

Iker could only hope that they would be able to solve who the traitor was and soon, he knew that they were working with Katelyn’s father but he was glad to hear that the Los Rojiblancos hadn’t sided with the traitor.

They might not be allies but Iker knew that Gabriel Fernández preferred the peace that they’d had in the past few years than what had happened when Raul was in charge; it had been blood-shed and the city of Madrid didn’t need that again.

Iker rested back against the wall, he didn’t want to lose Sergio or Katelyn and if he could, he would have convinced his husband to remain here with their wife but that wasn’t going to happen.

Iker wanted nothing more than to relax and he knew that he wouldn’t be seeing Katelyn for a few months; it would take time for all of the mess to be sorted out and he feared that they might not see the birth of their unborn child.

“Iker… come back to bed,” Sergio mumbled sleepily, he didn’t even want to think about leaving Katelyn for another few hours; last night they had spent hours making love and now they had time to relax.

Iker chuckled setting down his cup before moving to remove his boxers and climb back into bed; he had never felt more content and he feared what would happen when he returned to Madrid and left all of this behind.

Katelyn cuddled back into Iker’s side, she was everything that Iker and Sergio had ever wanted and they weren’t going to let that go; she was their wife and they would do anything to ensure that she was safe.  


Katelyn ran her fingers through her wet blonde hair as she sat on the edge of the pool, she snorted amused as she watched Sergio trying to get Iker into the pool; it was a beautiful day even if it was their last together for a while.

Katelyn had decided not to nag her husbands until letting her return to Madrid, she already knew how hard this was going to be and she had their baby to think about.

Katelyn might have been five weeks pregnant but she wasn’t going to let that bother her just yet, her morning sickness was manageable and she was going to have to get used to doing things alone since she would be here without Iker and Sergio.

“How are you feeling amor?” Iker asked moving away from Sergio, he thought that Katelyn looked beautiful in her red gathered moulded bikini top and bikini briefs; he knew that it wouldn’t be long before she had a small bump.

Katelyn rolled her eyes, they were always asking how she felt and she guessed that she was going to miss it when they were back in Madrid; she wished that they could all just stay here and forget about Madrid.

“I’m fine,” Katelyn reassured as Iker stood between her legs, she raised an eyebrow at him having a feeling that she knew what was going through his head.

Sergio chuckled swimming over to join them, he was sure that they would all be fine and he wasn’t going to let anything happen; he just wanted his family safe and he would kill anyone that tried to take them away from him.

“You sure?” Iker asked knowing how hot it was and he didn’t want her overheating, he wanted her and the baby to be okay; especially since he wasn’t going to be able to look after her while in Madrid.

“Positive… baby and I are perfectly fine,” Katelyn reassured feeling Iker gently touch her stomach, she smiled down at him sure that he was going to be the worrier out of all of them when their baby was born.

Sergio snorted wrapping his arms around Iker and pressing himself up against his back, he had no idea when they would be able to relax but he knew that he wasn’t going to let anything slip past him now.

Iker made a small noise as Sergio nudged himself against him, he peeked back at his husband not even surprised that he was aroused right now; it seemed pretty easy to turn Sergio on and it was always at times like this.

“Serious Sese,” Katelyn laughed softly, she remembered the time that she had seen him and Iker; she loved watching them together and had seen she had started all of this with them.

Sergio snorted moving to wrap his arms around Iker’s lower waist, his fingers eagerly brushing against the material of his swim shorts and pulling him even closer to him.

“Sergio,” Iker warned closing his eyes, he relaxed into Sergio’s touch knowing that this was being done to distract him a little from Katelyn who was quite happy to watch them together.

Katelyn’s smiled watching Sergio and Iker, she had no idea just how she had gotten lucky and she knew that she didn’t want any of this to end for them; they were happy and she hoped that they would always be this way.

Iker made a noise deep in the back of his throat as Sergio’s hands slipped inside his swim shorts, he rested his head against Katelyn’s knee; he took a couple of deep breathes trying to steady himself.

“You’re next,” Sergio purred looking up at Katelyn, a cheeky smile on his face as he thought about all the fun that they could have before he and Iker left the next morning to return to Madrid.


Katelyn panted laying back on the bed, she squeaked feeling Iker nip at her neck while Sergio kissed down her stomach; she was going to miss having them around all the time and she prayed this would be over soon.

Sergio trailed his lips over where Katelyn would one day have a bump, he hoped to be here when she had one and he wasn’t going to miss the birth of their first child.

Iker slowly joined him making Katelyn close her eyes, she had spent the afternoon in bed and she guessed that they wouldn’t be leaving her anytime soon; she just wanted to forget they were actually going to leave.

“You look beautiful like this,” Iker mused smiling up at Katelyn, she looked completely ravished and he could already see the small marks that he and Sergio had left on her tanned skin.

Sergio nodded in agreement, he didn’t think that he had ever seen anything more beautiful than Katelyn after they’d been intimate; it was one of his favourite sights and he doubted he would ever get bored of it.

Katelyn opened her eyes and looked at her husbands, she felt a lump form in her throat but gasped when Sergio slipped a hand between her legs.

“Again?” Katelyn breathed staring at him making Sergio grin and nodded his head, he slowly started to kiss his way down while Iker chuckled and moved upwards; they had until tomorrow before they had to leave.

Iker and Sergio wanted to make this time count, they wouldn’t be seeing Katelyn in person until they had sorted out what was happening in Madrid.

Whoever the traitor was, they weren’t going to be able to hide much longer and when they were discovered they would be finished; Iker and Sergio would end this as soon as possible.

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