Chapter Five: The Escape Attempt

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Katelyn took a deep breath as she ran her fingers through her hair, tonight would be the night that she made her escape; she couldn’t wait to get home and nothing was going to stop her.

Katelyn had spent days thinking about what she was about to do and she had planned it perfectly, she just had to wait until Sergio brought in her dinner; she wasn’t going to waste another moment in this place.

It had been a long three weeks and Katelyn couldn’t wait to get out of there, she wondered what her parents would think when she got home; she had no idea what was taking her father so long to pay Iker back the money that he owed him.

Katelyn sat on the bed, she was relieved that this would be the last time that she would be in this room; she would never be coming back and she was glad about that.

Hearing the sound of someone coming towards her door, Katelyn got to her feet and picked up the lamp that she had chosen to smack Sergio over the head with; she could only hope that the sound wouldn’t attract any attention.

Katelyn pressed herself up against the wall, she had no idea what she was going to actually do once she got out of the house but she wasn’t going to stop running until she was far away from there.

The bedroom door was unlocked and Katelyn held her breath, her eyes locked on the spot as she waited for Sergio to appear; she had to act quickly if she didn’t want to get caught.

Sergio whistled to himself as he moved further into the bedroom, he had no idea that Katelyn was waiting just around the corner for him; he had a tray in his hands and he was sure that it would be another quiet day.

Katelyn watched Sergio walk straight past her, she didn’t move an inch in case he noticed her as he walked past; she waited until she was sure that he couldn’t see her before she slammed the lamp over Sergio’s head sending him to the floor.

Katelyn stared at Sergio for a moment, her breathing heavy as she wondered if he was going to get up for a moment; she swallowed slowly backing towards the door, her eyes glued on Sergio in case he moved.

Katelyn stepped out of her room and into the hallway, she swallowed nervously for a moment before she pulled the door shut and locked the door; she was relieved to find the key still in the lock.

Katelyn clapped a hand over her mouth realising that this was happening, she continued to move backwards trying to recalling the door that she had seen out of the house.

It was silent and Katelyn knew that Iker would only be sat up stairs, she had to be silent if she didn’t want to get caught out; she knew that it wouldn’t be long before someone noticed that Sergio hadn’t come back from giving her dinner.

Katelyn quickly walked to the front door, her hands shaking a little as she messed with the lock so that it would open; she peeked back at the door where she had been held hostage one more time before she tugged the door open and stepped outside for the first time in weeks.

Katelyn quietly closed the door behind her, she pressed herself up against the wall not wanting to be spotted when she was so close to getting away; she couldn’t believe that this was actually happening after so long locked away.

Katelyn looked around, the house was in the middle of a clearing and was on a little hill, it looked like a nice place and it would have been if she hadn’t been held hostage there.

Taking a deep breath, Katelyn started to run towards the trees trying to stay out of view as much as she could; she wasn’t ever going to come back to this house and she would make sure of that.


Katelyn shivered as she walked down a country road, it had long since gone dark and she still hadn’t reached a main town; she had no idea where she was but she wished that she had worn something warmer than the navy scoop neck floral T-shirt and dark wash skinny jeans paired with navy canvas lace up pumps.

Katelyn sniffled looking around, she had to find somewhere to stay the night and she had to do it quickly; she looked around wondering what she was going to do.

Brushing some hair from her face, Katelyn continued walking sure that she would come across a house or a passing car or something that would help her right now.

It had been hours since she had escaped her abductors and Katelyn was sure that they would be searching for her now; she wasn’t going back no matter what happened.

The sound of a car approaching made Katelyn pause her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to recognise it from the distance; she had no idea who it could be but she needed to do something.

Waving her hands in the air, Katelyn hoped the driver would see her and she prayed that the driver wasn’t Iker or Sergio; she would have to find another way to escape them.

The silver car slowed down to a stop just before her, Katelyn stared for a moment before she hurried to the passenger’s side of the car and pulled open the door so that she could climb inside into the warmth.

“Thank you so much for stopping,” Katelyn breathed peeking at the driver, he looked a little familiar and she couldn’t figure out why; she was sure that he wasn’t anything to do with the men that she had escaped from.

The man nodded his head and smiled at Katelyn, he doubted that she recognised him since it had been years since she had seen him and it hadn’t been up close.

“It’s not a problem… where are you heading?” the man asked simply pulling away from the side of the road, he couldn’t believe his luck that he had been able to find her like this.

“Into town,” Katelyn replied vaguely, she didn’t know what it was but she felt a little on edge; she shrugged it off as the fact that Iker and Sergio would be looking for her and she was determined to get to a police station before they got to her.

The man nodded his head and stared straight ahead at the road, he had a job to do and he wasn’t going to let anything get in his way; he had to be careful if he didn’t want Katelyn to know that she had fallen straight into a trap.

“I’m Katelyn,” the blonde said introducing herself, it was the least that she could do especially since he was helping her; she didn’t have any money and she had no way to repay him for what he was doing for her.

Katelyn was hopeful that there was some big search going on for her, she doubted her mother would have been able to ignore the fact that she was missing; she had been abducted and sure her family missed her.

“Benjamin,” the man replied with a smile, he peeked at Katelyn sure that Daniel would be pleased with what he had planned for her; he was going to make sure that Katelyn was out of the way for good.

Staring out of the window, Katelyn took a deep breath and started to plan out what she was going to do when she got home; she smiled at how simple things would be and she hoped that she never had to deal with Iker or Sergio again.

Benjamin slowly reached down into the driver’s side door, his hand closing round a syringe filled with something that would make sure that Katelyn wasn’t going to put up much of a fight.

The sooner that he had Katelyn out of the way, the sooner he could get paid and get out of here before Daniel messed with the Los Merengues and the Los Rojiblancos.

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