Chapter Thirteen: The Decision

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Katelyn tied her hair back into a ponytail as she stared at her laptop, it was going to be another long night and she wanted to get her work finished before she did anything else; it might have been a week since her talk with Iker and Sergio but not much had changed.

“Are you not done yet amor?” Iker asked popping his head into the office, he leant against the door frame and crossed his arms; he was pleased with how everything had worked out and he was hopeful that things would stay this peaceful.

Katelyn shook her head, she yawned rubbed her eyes tiredly trying to focus on what she had been doing; so far she had managed to dig up most of her father’s secret foreign accounts but there were so a couple to find.

Iker sighed stepping into the room and heading for his girlfriend, he had been pleased when she accepted and he knew that things were going to take some time to settle.

“Why don’t you stop for tonight?” Iker mused wrapping his arms around Katelyn and pressing a kiss to her neck, he peeked at the laptop knowing that she had done enough for today; he was shocked at how many accounts that Katelyn had found in Daniel’s name.

Katelyn closed her eyes and relaxed into Iker’s touch, she was still getting used to the fact that she had two boyfriends; they were so different and she was hopeful that things would work out.

“I’ll make you some dinner,” Iker mused brushing his lips against her cheek, Sergio would be back from the city soon and he was sure to be hungry and have news for them.

Katelyn nodded her head, she opened her eyes and slowly moved to close down the laptop after a hard day’s work; she peeked at Iker knowing that he was always looking out for her.

“That sounds wonderful,” Katelyn murmured smiling at Iker, she was glad to stop for the evening and she was starving and she was hopeful that dinner would be soon.


“How was the city?” Iker asked looking at Sergio, he rarely went into the capital city anymore especially after what had happened; he sent Sergio or one of his more trusted men to go for him to keep an eye on thing.

Katelyn peeked at Sergio, she hadn’t seen the capital city since she had come into Iker and Sergio’s lives; she sometimes did miss her old life but she was glad that she had gotten away from her father, she would always miss her mother, niece and nephew.

“Everything seems to be going well,” Sergio replied sipping on his wine, he smiled at Iker knowing that things had been going well recently; their businesses were thriving and people were paying back their money even if Daniel hadn’t yet.

Iker nodded his head, he had been worried that when Daniel had refused to pay back the money that he owed that it would spiral but things seemed to be going so well; no one knew that the man was getting away with so much.

“That’s good,” Iker murmured taking a deep breath, he didn’t want to discuss business over dinner but there was little option sometimes; he had a gang to run and he needed to know if there was any worries.

Sergio popped some bread into his mouth, he had been impressed when he had come home to a cooked meal; he knew Iker was probably worried they’d all go without eating if he didn’t make them something.

Katelyn messed with her pasta, she doubted that she would be seeing her home ever again; she was sure that Daniel had spun a tale of lies about her whereabouts especially if he had hired Benjamin to murder her.

Iker and Sergio shared a look, they doubted that it was easy for her to hear about things in the city; she wasn’t a hostage anymore but they couldn’t risk Daniel finding out that she was still alive.

“Katelyn…” Sergio murmured knowing that they had to tell her, they couldn’t put the decision off any longer and it was only far that it would happen sooner than later; they wanted everything to be sorted before the holidays.

Katelyn looked at Sergio, she could see that there was something on his mind and it made her nervous; she looked to Iker who had the same look on his face as well.

“The decision has been made about your initiation,” Iker continued for Sergio, it had been put to the gang and they had made the decision; they were pleased with what had been chosen even if they were a little worried about what was planned.

Katelyn swallowed suddenly not feeling that hungry, she had no idea how to respond and she wondered what they were thinking; she felt a little off about the idea of what had been planned for her.

“And?” Katelyn whispered wanting nothing more than to know her fate, she doubted it was going to be bad if Iker and Sergio had anything to do with it; she could only imagine what they could have her do and it scared her a little.

Iker looked at Sergio, he was worried about the initiation that had been selected; neither him nor Sergio would be there to protect her if something went wrong.

“It’s a sabotage job…” Iker revealed carefully, his brown eyes watching Katelyn praying that whoever went with her would look after her; he wanted nothing more than for her to be safe.

Katelyn stared at Iker, her stomach dropping a little at the idea at what lay ahead and she doubted that it was going to be simple; she had to earn her place for the right reasons in the Los Merengues.


Iker sighed running his fingers through his hair, he knew that there was little that he could do to help with Katelyn’s initiation; he wanted to protect her but that wasn’t going to happen.

Iker took a deep breath wanting to do something to ensure that Katelyn was protected when she took her initiation and he was sure that he could trust his men to keep her safe while she was doing so.

Reaching for his phone, Iker took a deep breath knowing that he needed to call in a favour and he hoped that his friends would keep her out of too much trouble; he knew who to call for help.

Iker pressed the phone to his ear, he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy but he had to try and he was willing to have someone keep an eye on her.

“Arbeloa I need a favour,” Iker murmured into the phone, he sat on his desk and he hoped that there would be some way that Arbeloa would be able to help; he trusted the man with his life and he was sure that he could trust him to make sure that Katelyn would be safe.

Iker closed his eyes, he prayed that he was making the right decision and he knew that Sergio would agree with what he was doing even if he couldn’t reveal why he was doing it to the gang.

“I need you to keep an eye on Katelyn during her initiation,” Iker said trying to keep himself calm, he didn’t want anyone to know of his attachment to Katelyn this soon into their relationship; they had only been together for a week.

Iker listened to Arbeloa talking, he wasn’t going to reveal something that could be used against him; he wanted nothing more than to protect her and he would do anything to make that happen.

Until Katelyn was married to him or Sergio, she was a likely target that he had to protect with everything that he had.

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