Chapter Three: Ransom Made

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Katelyn sighed staring out of the window of her room, she couldn’t believe that she had been stuck in this hell for a week now; she would have thought that her father would have rescued her by now.

Sitting in the short sleeve blue marl T-shirt and cream jersey bottoms that she had been given, Katelyn wondered how long she would stuck in this and when she would return to her normal life.

“Buenos días chiquitita,” Sergio teased walking into Katelyn’s room, he smirked as she turned to glare at him already knowing that she didn’t like the nickname that he had given to her.

Katelyn sighed doubting that he would care if she argued with him, she had tried to get him to stop calling her that and there had been no change.

“Now I brought you some French toast and orange juice for breakfast,” Sergio explained setting the tray down at the small table that Katelyn had in her bedroom, he was pleased with his cooking ability and he doubted that she was going to be happy with what was planned for the day.

Katelyn eyed Sergio, she sensed that he had something planned and she didn’t like it; she was wary of the two men that lived in the house with her.

Katelyn knew many more visited the house but she doubted that any of them would help her; they were all cut from the same cloth and she would never trust anyone that worked with Iker and Sergio, she couldn’t believe that these men worked for the mafia.

“I’m not hungry…” Katelyn murmured shaking her head, she had no idea why Sergio acted like everything was normal; she was a hostage and she wanted to go home.

Sergio raised an eyebrow, he knew that she was upset but they were doing this for a reason; he was here to keep her safe and that was the reason she was locked up in this room right now.


Katelyn struggled against Sergio’s hold on her arm as he dragged her into Iker’s first floor office, she glared at him wondering why he couldn’t leave her alone; she didn’t want anything to do with any of them.

Iker looked up and smiled watching Sergio bring Katelyn into his office, he hadn’t wanted to bring her into this; he only needed to prove that he was the one that had her.

“Buenos días,” Iker greeted as Katelyn was sat in a chair across from him, the office door was closed and she wouldn’t be leaving this office; he doubted that she would like any of them when it was over.

Katelyn glared at Iker, she wanted to go home and she didn’t understand what gave the crime boss to take her; she had nothing to do with the debt that he claimed her father owed him.

“She’s a little grumpy today… wouldn’t even touch her breakfast,” Sergio informed Iker, he was still a little tense about having her hostage but he knew that this was the only way; Daniel had made that clear over the past week, he didn’t even have anyone looking for Katelyn as if he knew that it was them.

Iker tutted and shook his head, he watched Katelyn for a moment before he reached for his phone and started to dial the number so that he could speak to Daniel; there was no point dragging this out longer.

Katelyn gritted her teeth as Sergio rested a hand on her shoulder making sure she wouldn’t jump out of her seat, he knew that she would make a break for it and they couldn’t risk it.

“Hola Daniel,” Iker greeted leaning back in his chair, his lips quirking doubting that the man had expected him to wait this long to contact him.

“I have someone here that you might like to talk to, your daughter Katelyn,” Iker mused staying calm and casual, he wasn’t going to let Daniel get the upper hand again; they had all suffered once for what had happened.

Katelyn watched at Iker, she had no idea what her father was saying but she knew that he wouldn’t stand for this; she was going to be going home soon and she wouldn’t waste a moment before she turned to the police and told them all about what had happened to her.

“Come now Daniel… you know why I’m making this call, you owe me a lot of money and I want it back,” Iker said getting to his feet, he walked around his desk hoping that hearing Katelyn’s voice would convince the man that this was serious.

Iker pulled the phone from his ear, he gently passed it to Katelyn sure that this would make Daniel realise that he wasn’t as untouchable as he thought he was.

Katelyn carefully took the phone from Iker, she stared up at him for a moment before she slowly placed the phone to her ear; she flinched at the harsh words coming from her father who clearly still thought he was speaking with Iker.

“Padre,” Katelyn whispered as Sergio let go of her shoulder and moved to stand by the door, she was a little grateful for the fact that she had some space.

Iker stared at Katelyn, he wondered if she knew how much trouble her father could cause; he truly didn’t want to ruin her thoughts on her father.

“Yes padre it’s me… I’m okay,” Katelyn said softly ignoring the bark in Daniel’s words, she closed her eyes knowing that he would blame this on her; she just wanted to go home and forget about this horrible mess.

Sergio raised an eyebrow at Iker, there was something about the way that Katelyn spoke to her father that surprised the two men; they would have thought that she would have pleaded with Daniel and called him daddy.

Katelyn flinched as her father barked at her furiously, he couldn’t believe that she had been so stupid and he hadn’t raised her to be like this; she carefully held the phone back to Iker doubting he would be stopping soon.

Iker stared at Katelyn for a moment, he hadn’t known what to expect when he met her but his opinion about her was changing; she wasn’t the spoilt brat that the media portrayed her as.

“If you want your daughter back then I suggest that you get me my €31million,” Iker interrupted Daniel’s atrocious speech, he couldn’t believe any man would speak to their daughter like that; he wondered how often he took off like that at Katelyn.

Sergio watched Iker, he knew that something had upset his best friend and he doubted that Katelyn was safe around her own father; he had caught hints of a deal to marry Katelyn off to Martin Fernandez even after what Sergio had seen of their altercation in the car park.

Iker disconnected the call not wanting to speak any longer to Daniel, he moved to put the phone back and looked at Katelyn; she was no longer looking at him instead down at her hands.

“Take Katelyn back to her room,” Iker murmured not wanting to upset the blonde further, he was sure that they would be able to keep her comfortable now that the ransom had been made; he doubted she wanted to spend more time around them than needed.

Katelyn got to her feet and allowed Sergio to lead her from the office, she swallowed the lump in the throat that made her want to cry; she hated this and she wished her father could have said one thing to comfort her.

Sergio eyed Katelyn, he would speak to Iker late on to find out what had been said and he doubted that Daniel was a saint at home; he could only imagine what he was like at him.

Katelyn was the product of a con-artist billionaire and his trophy wife; Sergio doubted that she was any different from her parents, he could only imagine what her upbringing was like.

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