Chapter Two: Wanting Revenge

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The first thing that Katelyn was aware of when she started to wake up was the pounding in her head, she tried to move her hands to clutch her head only to find that she couldn’t move.

Katelyn groaned wondering what was going on, she slowly opened her eyes and blinked surprised that she wasn’t in a bright white hospital room; she looked down at her hands stunned to see that she was tied to a chair in a room she didn’t recognise.

“Glad to see you awake Miss Cardona,” said a voice making Katelyn look up to see a man in a grey suit, she didn’t know who he was and she had a feeling that this wasn’t some misunderstanding.

Katelyn couldn’t help but admire the man before her, he was good looking there was no denying it and if the situation was different then she would have happily talked to him.

“This must be terribly confusing for you,” the man mused sitting back in his chair, he had been watching her for six months now and he was prepared for what he had done.

Katelyn was a means to an end and he wouldn’t have involved her if it wasn’t serious; she was an innocent but he knew that this was the only way.

“You don’t say,” Katelyn muttered staring at the man, her head was still killing her and she was tied to a chair; she was very certain that she had been abducted and she wished to know why.

Katelyn wasn’t even sure how long she had been unconscious, her parents would be looking for her and she was sure they would blame her for letting this happen.

“I am Iker Casillas,” the man said introducing himself, he ignored Katelyn’s little comment aware that she had every reason to be snarky; he just hoped that she wasn’t going to cause him any trouble.

Katelyn stared, the name sounded very familiar to her and she couldn’t figure out why; it was something work related but she just couldn’t figure out why.

“You’re going to be staying with us for a while,” Iker stated calmly, he hadn’t wanted it to come to this but there was no other way; his problem lay with Katelyn’s father and he needed to stay focused to get what he wanted.

It was nothing personal against Katelyn but Iker knew that her father would give anything to get her back; Iker wanted revenge for everything that Daniel Cardona had done to him and his family.

“Why?” Katelyn asked trying to figure out what was going on, she didn’t trust the man before her and she was sure that it wouldn’t be long until someone got her out of this.

Iker quirked his lip amused a little by the blonde, he was a little pleased at how calm she was acting and he guessed that the chloroform was keeping her a little more docile than usually; he had heard about what had happened between her and Martin Fernandez.

“Because your padre owes me a lot of money…” Iker explained not really wanting to go into it, he leant back in his chair knowing that Daniel would never want the truth to be revealed; it would ruin the businessman.

No one knew that Daniel’s company was technically broke, he was bankrupt himself and Iker had been the one to bail him out; he had given him the money and now wanted repayment.

“Money… you abducted me of a bit of money,” Katelyn exclaimed feeling angry that she had been dragged into this because of a debt that her father owed; she was sure it was some stupid misunderstanding.

There was no way that her father would have borrowed money, her mother would have never let him hear the end of it if he had.

“I wouldn’t call €31million a bit of money,” Iker corrected her, he watched the colour drain from her face at his words.

Katelyn opened and closed her mouth shocked to the core about Iker’s claims, she didn’t want to believe it but she doubted that a man like Iker would waste his time if it wasn’t true.

Iker stared for a moment, he wanted Katelyn’s stay to be as comfortable as possible and he didn’t want her to think bad of him; he was quite a simple man even if he was a crime boss that ran most of Madrid.

“Now this is your living quarters during your stay… you have this room, a small yard that you can use and a bathroom,” Iker explained, he wasn’t going to be contacting Daniel for another few days and he wanted the man to worry for his daughter for a while.

Daniel had destroyed people’s lives in the past few years after Iker had given him the money and the crime boss was furious; he had seen a lot of his friends do time in prison because of Daniel and they all wanted him to suffer.

“You’ll be fed three meals a day,” Iker continued as he heard someone enter the room, he didn’t have to look behind him to know who it was; they had talked about this and he was sure about his decision.

Katelyn swallowed staring at the man that appeared behind Iker, he was covered in tattoos and looked far from happy to be in the same room at her; she worried what they might have planned for her.

“This is Sergio… he’s going to be your handler while you are here,” Iker introduced waving his hand towards his best friend and second-in-command, he didn’t trust anyone but Sergio to keep an eye on Katelyn.

Katelyn sat silently, she had no idea how long she was going to be stuck in this room but she had a feeling that it was going to be her home for a very long time; she just hoped her father would pay the money back quickly.


“Are you sure about this Iker?” Sergio asked once they were alone in Iker’s home office, the two men had lived together since Sergio had served three years in prison thanks to Daniel and they lived in complete peace and quiet in the country.

Sergio still held an apartment in the city but since his prison time, he hadn’t felt comfortable there after what had happened; he had lost so much after he had gone to prison.

“You want revenge don’t you?” Iker asked looking at his friend, he already knew the answer and it wasn’t as if they hadn’t done worse before to people that had crossed their paths.

Daniel thought that he could mess with Los Merengues, he had thought that he could get away with taking Iker’s generosity; Iker’s predecessor Raúl would have killed him in a heartbeat for not paying the money back.

“I do… I just don’t feel right involving an innocent, that’s something the Los Rojiblancos would do,” Sergio muttered feeling unease, he had done since he had abducted Katelyn off the street; he wanted Daniel to pay for what he had done but he didn’t want someone else to get hurt.

Iker grumbled knowing that Sergio was right, he wasn’t happy with this but it was the only way; he needed to gain Daniel’s attention and make him realise he wasn’t untouchable.

Sergio rested a hand on Iker’s shoulder, he knew how much his friend had thought this through but there was no way around it now; Katelyn was their hostage until they had their money.

“How long do you think it’ll take him to pay up?” Sergio asked changing the subject, he doubted that Daniel was going to make this easy for them; they had to play this right and Katelyn was the key there.

Iker shrugged his shoulders, Daniel had made it clear that he was never going to pay the money back and even with Katelyn now being used as leverage Iker doubted it would be enough.

“I don’t know… but once I’ve destroyed his life, how much can he refuse,” Iker replied simply, he was sure his plan would pay off one day.

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