Chapter Seventeen: Not Going to Happen

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“Iker,” Katelyn murmured shaking her head as her boyfriend slipped the rose gold plated pave crystal heart charm bracelet onto her wrist, she had no idea what had made him pick up such an expensive gift.

Iker chuckled pressing a kiss to her hand, he wanted nothing more than to ease his mind and with everything that was going on right now; he wasn’t going to risk Katelyn in anyway.

“Consider it an early Christmas gift,” Iker replied trying to ease her mind, he didn’t want to worry Katelyn and he was doing his best to keep her safe from the truth of what was happening.

Iker drew Katelyn close, he feared that she might become a target and he couldn’t bear the thought of something happening to her; the past month had been tense and things weren’t easy.

The trip to visit Raul had taken a back seat and Iker was glad that his former leader had been okay with that; things were crazy and it still needed to happen.

Sergio had also been teaching Katelyn how to fire a gun, they wanted her to be able to defend herself if anything were to happen to them; it was a dangerous line of work and it could very well end in tears if they weren’t careful.

“You didn’t have to get me this,” Katelyn whispered admiring the bracelet wondering why Iker had given it to her, he said it was a gift but she felt that there was more to it than that.

Iker ducked down and kissed Katelyn, he wasn’t going to tell her any time soon that there was a small tracking device attached to the bracelet; he was going to keep her safe no matter what.

“I love you Kae… if anything ever happened to you,” Iker whispered to her, his lips brushing against hers as he held her close; something was going to happen sooner or later and he would do anything to keep her safe from what was coming for them.

Iker had heard whispers that there was a plot to overthrow him, someone who worked for him was working with Daniel to take his place and that meant everyone that he loved was in danger.

Katelyn wrapped her arms around him and held him close, she could see that he was scared and she had no idea what was going to happen; she wanted to help him in some way but she couldn’t.

“I love you too,” Katelyn whispered wanting nothing more than to reassure him, she didn’t hesitate to say those words back to him; she would say the same to Sergio if she saw him.

Iker groaned holding Katelyn close to him, he would do everything to keep her safe until his last dying breath and that was going to start now; he would do what he could to keep her safe.

“Iker what is going on?” Katelyn asked breathlessly, she looked up at Iker wanting him to tell her what was bothering him; she had known him for five months and she had never seen him like this before.

Iker shook his head and kissed her again, he held her close wondering when Sergio would be back; he didn’t like the fact that his lover was always away but there was no way around it right now.

Katelyn pushed away from Iker and stared at him, she had no idea what had gotten into him; it made her fear just what they were keeping from her and what was going on.

“You’re starting to scare me,” Katelyn said stepping back away from him, she moved away from his desk and took a deep breath trying to steady herself a little.

Iker watched her, the past three months had been good for them and he hoped that they had years ahead of them; he ran a hand through his hair wanting to make all of this okay again.

Katelyn was what he had wanted and he wasn’t going to let anyone take her away from him or Sergio.

“I won’t lose you,” Iker whispered trying to calm Katelyn in some small way, he was worried himself about how everything was playing out; he wanted to protect her with everything that was coming.

Katelyn stared at Iker, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was going to happen and it scared her; she leant against the desk as the office door opened.

“We’re not going to lose her,” Sergio interrupted closing the door behind him, he knew why Iker was worried and he didn’t blame him; things were going to get messy and he hoped that they would be prepared for what was going to happen next.

Katelyn crossed her arms, she was trying to stay as calm as possible but that didn’t mean that she was going to forget that they were keeping something from her; she was sure that it was going to be okay.

“What is going on?” Katelyn asked trying to sound confident, she eyed the two men wanting to know what was going on; she had no idea what she would do if something happened.

Sergio took a deep breath, he didn’t want to scare Katelyn in anyway but he knew that this wasn’t something that they could just ignore; it wasn’t going to go away if they ignored it.

“Someone is betraying us to the Los Rojiblancos,” Sergio murmured moving closer to Katelyn, he was pleased to see the bracelet on her wrist; he would do anything to make it easier for them now.

Katelyn stared at Sergio before looking to Iker, her heart pounded in her chest at the idea that someone could be plotting against them.

“They’re working with Daniel to overthrow me,” Iker continued watching Katelyn closely, he hadn’t wanted to upset her not with this information but Sergio was telling her the truth for a reason.

Hopefully it would do something to keep Katelyn safe, it was something that both Iker and Sergio wanted; they wanted her away from any sort of danger.

Katelyn closed her eyes as Sergio drew her close, his lips brushing down her neck in comfort while Iker moved towards them; he joined Sergio knowing that they would keep her safe.


Sergio brushed his lips against Katelyn’s bare shoulder, he looked up at Iker who lay on the other side of her; he knew that they weren’t going to let anything happen to the woman that lay between them.

“When will we tell her?” Sergio murmured kissing the bare shoulder gently, his brown eyes locked with Iker’s knowing that there was only one way that they could keep her completely safe.

Iker watched his lover, he would do anything to make sure that this was going to be okay; he would do anything to keep the two of them safe.

“Soon we’ll visit Raul and then tell her,” Iker whispered looking down at Katelyn, she was sleeping peacefully and he didn’t wish to frighten her in anyway; he wanted to show her that it was going to be okay.

Raul was in the same situation as them and his wife would be able to ease Katelyn in to the idea of what was going to happen next before they asked her.

Iker could only think of one way to keep Katelyn safe and that was to marry her, something that would tie her to both him and Sergio; it was going to happen and he hoped sooner rather than later.

“It’ll be okay… I doubt that she’ll freak out,” Sergio murmured softly, he traced his fingers down Katelyn’s naked body and wondered what would happen if they didn’t find out who the traitor of.

Iker nodded his head, he had no idea what they would do and he hoped that they would be okay when the time came.

“Things will work themselves out,” Iker mused turning onto his side, he drew Katelyn close wanting nothing more than to forget for a couple of hours and to pretend that everything was going to be okay. 

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