Chapter Thirty-Nine: Madrid Again

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Katelyn took a deep breath as she whispered softly to Sansa, she couldn't wait to get home to Madrid; she hoped never to set foot in Seville again after what had happened while she was there. 

Katelyn peeked over at Sofia, the other woman hadn't spoken to her since they had boarded the plane; she was worried about Sofia and she didn't know what to do to help her in anyway. 

Sofia just stared out of the plane, she ignored everything that was going on around her as she remembered the talk that she'd had with Mirian before they had left the hotel. 

Mirian had pleaded for a second time for a small chance to fix the damage that she had done, even now Sofia could feel her older sister's stares and she couldn't turn around to face her. 

Sofia was never going to forgive Mirian for allowing someone to rape her, she doubted that she would ever forget what Carlos's brother had done to her and the fact that technically he was the father of her first child even if she had lost the baby. 

Marcelo sighed walking past Sofia, he hated how quiet she was being and he hoped that being back in Madrid would help her recover from what happened; he wasn't sure what to expect when they returned home and that scared him. 

"The plane is ready to leave," Mirian murmured smiling weakly at Marcelo, she knew that he didn't trust her completely and she didn't blame him; she wished that there was something more that she could do. 

Mirian peeked at Gareth who was sat beside Sofia keeping an eye on her, she couldn't forget about the fact that her sister had told her that she had been diagnosed with depression and had been self-harming while involved in the cage fights. 

"You'll be okay?" Marcelo asked not sure what was going to happen when René found out what Mirian had done; he dreaded to think what he might do to her and her twin boys.

Mirian shrugged her shoulders and made her way off the plane, she didn't want to think about what was going to happen when René found out; she had nowhere to go and she couldn't leave Seville like Sofia had. 

Marcelo watched Mirian leave, he couldn't help but worry for her since she had two young children to think about; he hoped that Carlos had a plan to keep his family safe. 

Mirian moved away from the plane and towards her car as the engine's picked up, she turned around and waved a little knowing that no one on that plane cared anyway. 

Watching as the plane rushed down the runway and took off into the air, Mirian took a deep breath as she heard several cars rushing towards her; she swallowed turning to look at the cars as they skidded to a stop. 

René climbed out of the car and stared at the plane as it flew away, he gritted his teeth unable to believe that this had happened; he turned to look at his older sister wondering why she had done this. 

They had been so close to getting Sergio back and René knew that Katelyn had been the key to getting him home, they needed him to come home and that would have only happened if they'd had Katelyn and Sansa. 

"What have you done?" René hissed stepping closer to Mirian, he couldn't believe that his older sister had betrayed him like that; he had thought she would have realised that wasn't such a good idea. 

The men behind him moved forward making Mirian stare at them in fear, she had no idea what was going to happen to her but she deserved it; she should have never have let their father and René hurt Sofia. 

"I did what was right," Mirian replied closing her eyes, she would take whatever they had planned and she knew that this was it for her.


Katelyn smiled watching Iker fuss over Sansa, she had missed her husband and she was hopeful that they wouldn't be sent away again; she peeked over at Sergio who was talking to Gareth about Sofia. 

Katelyn couldn't imagine how Sergio would react to what had happened, she could see that he was angry and she feared what he might do; they were already involved in one gang war, they couldn't handle another. 

"Are you okay?" Iker murmured watching his wife, he could see a slight bruise on her face and he knew that there was only one person responsible. 

Iker hated that René had been warped into this person, he knew that this had only happened in the last few years and it was all down to José María who had done this to his son; he could only imagine what he would do if he got his hands on Sergio. 

Katelyn nodded her head and looked back at Iker, she was relieved to be home and she could see that he hadn't been sleeping well recently; she wished there was some way that she would be able to help him. 

Iker sighed wrapping an arm around Katelyn, he held her close and kissed her head before looking at Sergio; he frowned watching his husband's face at whatever Gareth was telling him about his prognoses. 

Sofia had already left the room and Iker guessed that they were going to have to keep an eye on her; he didn't want his sister-in-law going down a dark path that she might not ever recover from. 

Katelyn closed her eyes, she prayed that Iker didn't send her and Sansa back to Gloynt Islands; she wanted to stay in Madrid and she knew that there was a chance that wouldn't happen. 

"I've been thinking," Iker said looking down at Katelyn, he wanted to keep her safe and that was what mattered; they had so much to think about and he wasn't going to put them in danger. 

Katelyn nodded her head and looked up at Iker, she hated that he seemed so tense and she knew that the war was draining him; she cuddled closer wanting to offer some comfort.

"I'm going to send you and Sansa to live with my parents for a while," Iker revealed carefully, he had spoken with them and they were thrilled with the idea of finally meeting their daughter-in-law and granddaughter. 

Katelyn blinked surprised at what Iker was saying, she had never actually thought that she would get this chance and she doubted that they were as bad as Sergio's; she doubted anyone could be as bad as Sergio's family had been. 

"They live here in Madrid," Iker continued running a comforting hand down Katelyn's back, he wanted to keep her and Sansa close right now and he knew that Sergio would be a bit distracted with what had happened with Sofia. 

It was clear that Sofia had suffered and having already heard from Gareth that she had depression, things weren't going to be easy; they would have to keep an eye on her since she had been through some horrible things. 

Katelyn blinked pulling away from Iker, she knew that he had grown up in the city but she had never thought that his parents still lived there; she couldn't believe that she had never met his parents if that was the case. 

Iker shook his head, he didn't want to discuss why it had been so long since he had seen his parents; he knew his father didn't approve of his work, he just hope that José Luis wasn't going to cause any problems when Katelyn and Sansa were there. 

"You should get some sleep," Iker murmured slowly leading Katelyn out of the room, he looked back at Sergio who was talking with Gareth and Fernando about what they could do to help Sofia before it became too late. 

Sansa cuddled into her father's arms, she had no idea just how much the next few months were going to change her life.

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