Chapter Fourteen: The Initiation

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Tugging on the bottom of the black embellished shoulder dress that she was wearing, Katelyn took a deep breath as she stared at the building across from her; it wasn’t her usual style but she only had to wear it for her initiation.

“Would you stop that,” Arbeloa muttered peeking at the blonde who was sat beside him, he was far from pleased that he had to keep an eye on her during her initiation; it was almost as if Iker had a soft spot for the woman.

Katelyn rolled her blue eyes, she didn’t know what it was but she didn’t like Arbeloa even if she did have to listen to him while she did this; she didn’t know how Iker could trust someone like that in this sort of business.

“Now you know what to do?” Arbeloa asked looking at the building, she would be going in alone but he would be able to track her thanks to the silver tracking bracelet that she wore on her wrist still.

Iker had told Katelyn that he would remove the tracking bracelet when she had completed her initiation; it would be a sign that she had been accepted into the Los Merengues as an official member.

“I have to get past security… head up to the thirty-seventh floor and head for the main office,” Katelyn murmured reciting the plan that she had been told, she was a little nervous about what she had to do; she feared what would happen if she was caught since no one had told her what would happen.

Arbeloa nodded his head, he wasn’t sure why Iker was so intent on having Katelyn join the gang; she wasn’t anything special and he felt like she would be nothing but trouble for the entire Los Merengues gang.

“Once in the office, I hack their main frame and implant a virus that is on this USB memory stick,” Katelyn continued holding up her black USB memory stick, she prayed that this was going to be quick and that she wouldn’t run into any trouble while she was doing her initiation.


Katelyn took a deep breath as she walked into the lobby of the building, she made sure to have a swing in her hips; she was going to have to be careful while she was here since she didn’t have a weapon of any sort to help her.

Katelyn slowly approached the reception desk and rolled her shoulders, she plastered a smile on her lips as her eyes landed on the rather large security guard sitting at the desk.

“Hola… I was wondering if you could help me,” Katelyn asked innocently, she batted her eyes at the man knowing that this had to work if she wanted to get inside; there was no other plan if she couldn’t get into the building and she wouldn’t let Iker or Sergio down.

The security guard blinked at the sight of Katelyn and nodded her head, her dress left little to the imagination since it had a deep V-neckline and was incredible short; she wasn’t like the other women that walked in and out of this building.

“I have a personal message for señor Espina,” Katelyn said leaning forward a little, she winked at the security guard hoping that he would believe that she was some sort of escort; she was a little used to having to fake a smile since she did it all the time when she went to company dinners for Daniel.

The security guard nodded his head, he quickly moved to give Katelyn a visitors pass while he stared down the top of her dress; he swallowed thickly as he handed it over not remembering the last time a woman like her had talked to him like that.

“Gracias,” Katelyn said smiling, she slipped the badge around her neck and winking at the security guard before she headed for the elevator; she could feel his stare as she walked away and resisted the urge to shudder.


The trip up to the thirty-seventh floor was nerve wracking, Katelyn stood silently in the elevator trying to ease the tension that she felt inside of her; she couldn’t act suspicious if she didn’t want people to realise that she wasn’t meant to be there.

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