Chapter Twenty-Eight: Sergio's Younger Sister

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Katelyn raised an eyebrow as she finished feeding Sansa, she looked at Sergio knowing that she certainly hadn't been expecting this when he had said that they were having a visitor.

"Your sister is coming to stay," Katelyn murmured staring at Sergio, she wasn't sure how she felt about that since she had never met any of Iker or Sergio's family; she had accepted that she had never expected that it was possible.

Sergio nodded his head, he was sure that Katelyn was surprised especially since he hardly spoke about his family anymore; it was better off that way since he had fallen out with his father and older brother.

"Sofia, she's been away on business," Sergio confirmed nodding his head, he moved to take Sansa and cuddled his daughter close while Katelyn fixed her top; he had missed his younger sister but he knew that it had been necessary.

Sergio was happy that she was coming home, he had no idea what he would have done if she hadn't; things were getting bad and he needed someone around to keep an eye on Katelyn and Sansa if something happened to him.

There was no one he trusted more than Sofia and he knew that she would take Katelyn and Sansa away if something went wrong; she would have them back in Gloynt Islands before anyone could target them.

"How come you've never mentioned her before?" Katelyn asked curiously, she wanted to know more about her new sister-in-law; she wanted to be prepared for the woman that was coming into their home.

Sergio sighed and looked down at Sansa, he hoped that Sofia wouldn't bring more trouble home with her; he had no idea what was going to happen with Mourinho but they didn't want anything to happen like it had with Arbeloa.

"She's been away on a top secret mission," Sergio revealed since he couldn't discuss what Sofia had been doing, it was something that had meant that she had been gone for over two years.


Climbing out of the taxi that she had taken from the airport, Sofia Ramos grinned staring up at the apartment block where her brother was now living; she had been upset to hear what had happened to the house.

Sofia wasn't sure how much she had missed out on, she knew that things had changed in the two years that she had been gone; her mission had been important and she hadn't wanted to stay away that long.

Sofia grabbed her suitcase and started to walk towards the building, she recalled the last time that she had been there and the happy memories of spending time with her older brother.

Sofia had always been closer to Sergio than she had ever been to Mirian and René; she guessed it was because they had both been so serious and prepared to take over their father's role as the bosses of Los Nervionenses.

Sofia shook her head and started to think about what she had heard from a couple of the other members of the gang.

Sofia had left Sergio a couple of voicemails but he had yet to call her back, she was so worried about him especially if what she had heard about the explosion was right; she wanted to know what was going on.

Sofia quickly passed through security and headed for the elevator, she still had the key for the lift that would take her all the way up to Sergio's apartment.

Sofia bounced on her feet hoping that Sergio would be home, she wanted to hear all about everything that had happened in the months that she had been away and she was sure he had some stories to tell.

Sergio had a nack for getting into trouble and she wanted nothing more than to keep an eye on him; the last thing she wanted was her older brother in an early grave.

The lift ride seemed slower than Sofia remembered, she almost jumped in surprise as the doors to the lift opened; she dragged her suitcase out of the lift and walked down the small corridor that led into the apartment.

Sofia unlocked the front door and stepped inside, she held her breath and looked around curiously before realising how quiet the apartment was; she sighed in relief before closing the door behind her.

Sofia looked around wondering where everyone was, she was sure that Sergio would have been home to greet her; she slowly walked towards the living room and hoped that he would be there.

Sofia looked around before shaking her head and heading towards the bedroom that she knew was always hers, she wanted to shower before she did anything else; she set her suitcase inside and quickly had a shower.

Sofia didn't take a long shower before she headed for the kitchen to rummage through the fridge for food, she was starving and the airplane food had been terrible and she hadn't touched her meal on her flight.

Sofia set her gun carefully on the table and headed towards the fridge so that she could find something good to eat; she wanted nothing more than to relax after the flight that she had.

"You know it's dangerous to leave your gun lying around," a familiar voice mused making Sofia jump a little, she turned around and stared at her older brother; she smiled at him knowing how much she had missed him while she was away.

"And I care because," Sofia mused watching him, she leant against the counter and waited for a moment; she knew that things had always been hard but she had always been able to rely on Sergio.

Sergio chuckled and shook his head, he was pleased to see that Sofia had changed in the couple of years that she had been gone; he knew her mission had taken her across the world and he hoped that she had some good news for the Los Merengues.

"Welcome home Sofia," Sergio mused watching his sister, he wondered how she would feel about everything that had happened since she had gone; he doubted she would be pleased when she heard who he had married.

Sergio had done his best to keep Sofia in the dark about Katelyn, he knew that it wasn't good but he wanted Sofia to hear about everything from him so she wouldn't judge Katelyn for her father.

"Hola Sergio," Sofia replied finding some leftovers from the dinner that Iker had prepared the night before; she had missed his cooking and she wondered why he had never become a chef when he was so good at it.

"It's been so long since you've been here I've missed you," Sergio murmured a little embarrassed about things, he doubted that Sofia would be staying with him long since she would be a little pushed out with Sansa in the picture.

Sofia set her food into the microwave before she turned to look at Sergio, she had so many questions about what she had heard and she hoped that he knew what was going on.

"I've missed you to big brother where's Iker?" Sofia asked curiously, she'd love to see him especially after hearing what had happened with the explosion; she had been so worried and anger about it all.

Sergio chuckled shaking his head, he was glad to have her home and he hoped that she was able to stick around for a while; he wanted nothing more than to relax for a bit.

"Asleep with Katelyn and Sansa," Sergio explained wanting to get this out of the way, he was going to have to explain things to his sister after everything that had happened while she was away.


Author's Note:

Check out the tie in story, Every Move You Make by RMHSdefender featuring Sofia Ramos.

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