Chapter Nineteen: Becoming Engaged

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“What do you think?” Iker asked watching Katelyn intensely, he knew that it was a lot to take in and this was the last way that he had ever wanted to drop this on her but he wanted to make things very clear for her.

Iker had sat Katelyn down once they had returned home and explained everything to her, he wanted her to be sure before they took the next step; he knew how confusing all of this could be.

“Okay,” Katelyn murmured nodding her head, she had been given a lot of information and her talk with Mamen had been helpful to her; she knew what to expect by saying yes to what was being offered to her.

Sergio watched her concerned, they had only been together for five months and marriage at this point had been a surprise but there was no other way to make sure that Katelyn was safe.

If Iker was overthrown as the Los Merengues leader then, Sergio would be disposed of as well; there would be no keeping Katelyn safe and the two could only imagine what would be done to their woman.

Whoever disposed of them wouldn’t care what would happen to Katelyn, they could possibly ship her off to America or they would have their way with her before having her tortured; neither option comforted anyone in the room.

However by marrying both Iker and Sergio it offered her some small protection, the new leader couldn’t lay a hand on her and she would just be banished from the air; no one would be stupid enough to hurt Katelyn in any way.

“How would this work?” Katelyn asked looking between Iker and Sergio, she felt a little un-nerved at the idea of what they had planned to protect her and she feared losing them both to whoever was working against them.

Sergio sighed watching Katelyn, he didn’t blame her for being so on edge about all of this; it wasn’t an easy thing to do and it would all happen so quickly.

“I have an island off the coast of South Africa, you’ll live there,” Iker murmured already seeing that she wasn’t going to like the idea, she would be so much safer there than in Madrid and he wouldn’t risk her life in anyway.

Katelyn stared at Iker, she didn’t like the sound of the plan that they had but she knew why they were doing this; if a war started then there was no telling what would happen.

“Just until things calm down,” Sergio reassured wanting to ease her mind, he wasn’t about to watch Katelyn be killed in a targeted attack and he was going to be stuck here with Iker until things settled down.

Katelyn would be safe on the island, it was well protected and the only people that knew it existed were stood in this very room; no one would ever find her there and it would mean that no one could hurt her.

“We’ll get married and I’ll be sent away,” Katelyn repeated trying to wrap her head around the entire mess, she had wanted nothing more than to marry them after Mamen had explained everything last month but now it all seemed some kind of mess.

“After we’ve conceived,” Iker replied a little unsure how she would take that piece of news, it was the only way to ensure the claim and he would do anything to protect her.

Katelyn and any children that he had with her would mean the world to him, they would be protected away from Madrid and Iker was sure that they would be okay.

If anything ever happened to him or Sergio, Iker had spoken with a close friend on having them protect Katelyn; Iker’s friend Xavi was the leader of the Barcelona based gang, Blaugrana, and owned him quite a large favor that he hoped to call in.

Katelyn took several deep breathes as she calmed herself, she was glad that they were making all this known before she agreed; she wanted to know what she was getting herself into.

“How would we conceive?” Katelyn asked softly, she knew that they’d been intimate before and it would be so easy to work out who had fathered a child with her down to the date of conception.

Iker and Sergio looked at one another, they would need to ensure that certain information would be used to protect the child; if no one was sure who had fathered the child then it was for the best.

“We’d use IVF… it’s the only way to make sure neither of us know who the biological padre is,” Sergio replied knowing that it wasn’t the ideal way but it was the best, she was already sleeping with the two of them and there was no signs of anything happening just yet.

Iker and Sergio didn’t want to take any risks and Raul had assured them that this was the best way to protect Katelyn and any children that she carried for them.

Nearly all of Raul, Guti and Mamen’s children had been conceived via IVF with the exception of Mateo who had been a lucky accident.

They weren’t sure who had fathered Mateo since he had been conceived during a threesome but she did look more like Guti than her siblings that were a happy mix of their three parents.

“Kae,” Iker murmured seeing how quiet she had been, he knew this wasn’t ideal and he would do anything to make this right when things had calmed down but he knew that it would be okay in the long run.

Katelyn blinked looking at Iker, her head was spinning right now and she wanted a moment to gather her thoughts before she gave anyone an answer.

“Can I have a moment?” Katelyn asked getting to her feet, she doubted that they would deny her this and she wasn’t going to go far only out into the garden for a moment or two.


“Are you okay?” Sergio asked gently stepping into the garden, his eyes easily finding his girlfriend and wishing that there was some way to ease her mind about what was happening right now.

Katelyn nodded her head, she didn’t turn to look at him instead she focused on the trees that surrounded their home; she was still shocked at what had been planned and it scared her.

“I know that this isn’t how you imagined this,” Sergio murmured shaking his head, he would have asked her right if there was time for all of that but there wasn’t and it wasn’t going to get easier.

Katelyn looked at Sergio, she could see that he was struggling with this as much as she was and she was a little relieved since she had been worried that she was the only one.

“We’ll make it work Kae… it wouldn’t be forever,” Sergio reassured trying to ease her mind, he didn’t like the idea of sending her away but it was that or leave her vulnerable to what was coming for them all.

Sergio had been giving her lessons to defend herself but with a baby in the equation soon it wasn’t going to be that simple, things needed to be done if they wanted this all to work out.

Katelyn nodded her head, she offered him a small smile before Sergio moved to hand her the black box that he had helped Iker pick out a month earlier; it had been an easy choice for the two of them.

Katelyn slowly moved to open the box to reveal the 18ct white gold half carat diamond cluster ring set, she swallowed having no doubt in her mind that they had been expensive.

“A ring from each of us,” Sergio mused smiling, they were matching and she would be able to wear them all the time as soon as they were married.

Katelyn smiled at him, she gave Sergio a small kiss knowing that there was no way in this world that she could say no.

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