Chapter Six: A Father's Betrayal

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Katelyn tried to untie her hands, she couldn’t believe that she had gone from one abducted to another; she struggled against the bonds that held her in place tied to a chair in the middle of a dark room.

Cursing under her breath, Katelyn tried to work out why this kept happening to her; she knew her father had made Iker angry by not paying back his loan but this abduction didn’t make any sense to her.

It felt like ages since she had woken up in this place and her stomach grumbled since she hadn’t eaten since she had fled from Iker and Sergio; she now wished that she had thought out her plan a little more than she had.

Hearing the door in front of her being unlocked, Katelyn looked up and blinked in surprise as her father stepped into the room alone; the door shut behind him as Benjamin left them alone to talk.

“Padre,” Katelyn whispered confused about what Daniel was doing there, she doubted that Benjamin stood to gain anything from all of this; she watched him wondering what he was doing her, she had a feeling that he wasn’t here to take her home.

Daniel stared at Katelyn it had been weeks since he had seen her and she looked a little rough, he could only imagine what she had been doing while she was with Iker and Sergio; he was going to make sure that she would no longer be a mark against his name.

“You’ve always been such a disappointment to me,” Daniel muttered with a shake of his head, he stared at Katelyn glad that he could finally get rid of her without having to worry about the consequences.

Katelyn closed her blue eyes, nothing that she could ever do would be good for him; she had worked hard and done her best but it was never good enough for Daniel.

“I never wanted a daughter… your gender is weak,” Daniel spat in disgust, he had married his wife to give him sons and yet only Matthew made his marriage seem successful.

Katelyn was never meant to have been born and Daniel had always planned to marry her off so that he didn’t have to deal with her; he wanted nothing more than to correct the mistake that had been made when Katelyn was born.

“However I finally have a use for you, one that will serve me well,” Daniel chuckled moving to sit down, he couldn’t think of a better way than to solve all of his problems; Katelyn would be the start of a war that no one would see coming.

Katelyn looked to her father, a bad feeling forming in her stomach and she wondered just what her father had planned for her; she had known he hadn’t paid Iker back the money and somehow things had gotten worse for her now that she was trapped there.

“I had planned to marry you off to Martin but you’re attack on him put an end to that,” Daniel sighed with a shake of his head, he had no idea how she couldn’t see that he had no use for her; he didn’t want a daughter and this was the best option that he had now to deal with this mess.

Katelyn gritted her teeth, she had fought back in self-defence and she wasn’t even surprised that Martin had twisted what had happened; she doubted that her parents even cared what had really happened that night she had been abducted.

“I’m your daughter… you’re meant to love me,” Katelyn spat trying to get free from her bindings, she stared at her father wondering why he couldn’t love her; she had never asked for much and only wanted him to be proud of her.

Daniel snorted and looked down at his watch, he had to be going soon and he was sure that Benjamin would have everything sorted out by tomorrow; he would have to play the grieving father so no one would know his part in this.

“How can anyone love a pebble in their shoe,” Daniel dismissed moving to get to his feet, he had to get back and he had so much planning to do; this was going to be the start of a new world and it was all down to Katelyn.

Straightening out his suit, Daniel moved to leave not wanting to spend another moment here; he would never see Katelyn alive and he could only see that as a good thing.

“You were never going to rescue me, were you?” Katelyn whispered as tears filled her eyes, she stared at Daniel while everything seemed to fall apart around her; she had foolishly hoped that everything would go back to normal when she got home.

Daniel stopped but didn’t turn to face her, he was sure that this was all going to end this way; he could only imagine how well all of this would work out when he had everything that he wanted.

Katelyn watched as Daniel walked out of the room and left her alone, she could barely stop the tears wondering just what would happen to her now; her life was in the hands of Benjamin and that fact alone scared her.

Katelyn stifled a sob, she wished that she had stayed in the clutches of the Los Merengues; she would have been a lot safer than the situation she currently found herself in.

Katelyn had no idea what Benjamin and Daniel had planned for her, her life as she had once known it was over and that fact scared Katelyn more than she wanted to admit; she doubted that anyone would ever be able to find her.


“Are you sure that you want to go through with this?” Benjamin asked carefully walking after Daniel, he already had a feeling for what Daniel would say but he wanted to make sure that he had his orders right.

Katelyn was Daniel’s daughter and Benjamin could only imagine what the fall out could be if Jennifer learnt what he had done; there would be no forgiving Daniel for ordering Katelyn’s death.

“Of course,” Daniel replied with a shrug, he looked around the small opening that housed the cottage where Katelyn was being held; there was no way that anyone would be able to find the place and Benjamin knew to clean up after himself.

Katelyn was no longer his problem and Daniel would greatly benefit from a war between the Los Merengues and the Los Rojiblancos; he would play the two groups against one another without them even knowing that he had planned all of this out.

“How will you explain this to Jennifer?” Benjamin asked staring at Daniel while the man walked to his car and opened the car door to get inside; he was sure Jennifer would be devastated at the loss of her only daughter.

Matthew barely saw his parents and had children of his own to keep him busy, he would stand to inherit everything once his sister was out of the picture for good.

“She’ll get over it,” Daniel replied simply, he couldn’t imagine that his wife would be overly upset at Katelyn’s death and they had grandchildren to spoil now; he adored his son’s children and he couldn’t wait to spend more time with them.

Benjamin just stared at Daniel, he could never see Jennifer just getting over the loss of a child and Daniel still hadn’t explained what he would tell his wife about the death of their daughter.

Watching Daniel get into the car, Benjamin didn’t say anything while he watched the businessman leave; he had a job to do and he couldn’t get attached to the blonde that he had locked up.

Benjamin took a deep breath wanting to get this job over with, he started back towards the house when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up; he looked back knowing that someone was watching him.

Before he could reach for his gun something wrapped around Benjamin’s neck and started to choke him from behind.

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