Chapter Four: Planning an Escape

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Katelyn nibbled on her lip as she messed with her food, she couldn’t believe that it had been days since Iker had called her father for ransom and still she was stuck in the room where she was being held.

Katelyn sighed pushing her plate away, she needed to get out of here and she knew that there was a chance that she would just end up lost but she had to try.

Sergio and Iker seemed to be the only people who knew she was trapped in this secret room, they were the two that came to feed her and keep her company on the long days where she was stuck.

Katelyn didn’t trust them and she knew that the moment that she was back home, she would be speaking with the police to make sure that no other woman went through what she had.

Moving to sit down on the bed, Katelyn had no idea what was going on in the outside world and she wished that there was something that she could do to get out of this situation.

Katelyn didn’t look up as she heard someone enter the room, she already knew that it was Sergio coming to get her plate; she had barely touched it since she didn’t feel hungry.

“You didn’t eat much,” Sergio mused picking up Katelyn’s plate, he frowned a little not wanting her to starve herself; it wasn’t as if they were drugging her food or something.

Katelyn didn’t look at Sergio, she had no interest in making conversation with him and she wished that he would just stop trying to talk to her; she wanted to go home to her family, spend time with her niece and nephew.

Sergio stared at Katelyn, she was starting to annoy him and he knew that this wasn’t an easy situation but her attitude was driving him up the wall; he was tired of her acting that he was some sort of scumbag.

Sergio grumbled to himself, things could have been a lot different for Katelyn and it wasn’t as if she didn’t have some freedom; they could have tied her to a chair or starved her but they hadn’t done any of that.

Katelyn closed her eyes, she was sure that at any moment her father would pay the money back and if he didn’t then she would make her own escape to get away from them.

Katelyn already knew she was on the ground floor and it wouldn’t take much for her to get out, she just had to wait for the right moment to escape; Sergio would stop her if he sensed that she had something planned.

“Okay then… I’ll see you later with dinner,” Sergio muttered doubting that Katelyn was going to do anything, he had no idea what the blonde was sulking back.

Sergio left the room and locked it behind him making Katelyn sit up, she brushed some hair from her face before she looked round.

There wasn’t a camera in the room to watch her and Katelyn doubted that they would come if she was to try and check the door that lead onto the small balcony that was connected to the side of her room.

Katelyn got to her feet and walked over to it, there was a mess wiring around it to stop her from escaping when Sergio let her out so she doubted that there would be much of an escape that way.


Iker sighed looking through files and reports for that week’s work, there was still no sign of Daniel doing anything to pay him back and he was sure the man was taking his time for a reason.

Iker knew exactly what the man was worth and he was far from pleased with the situation, he didn’t want to drag this out for months and wanted Katelyn returned to her life as soon as possible.

“She picked at her food again,” Sergio informed Iker, he wondered how much longer they would be keeping Katelyn here and he was sure that the sooner she returned to her life the better.

Iker looked at Sergio, he had known that this wasn’t going to be easy and they needed to think of what they would do if Daniel continued down this road.

“Keep an eye on her… we don’t want her starving to death,” Iker said running his fingers through his hair, he had no idea what they would do if she carried on down that path but he knew it wasn’t going to be good if they were forced to call in a medic.

Sergio nodded his head, he had no idea what to say about all of this but it was slowly becoming clear that Daniel wasn’t going to make things easy for them.


Daniel sipped on his scotch and stared at the fire place before him, everything had been going so well before Katelyn had been abducted and now he was forced to deal with the mess that she had made.

Daniel had planned to marry her off, she would be the perfect wife for Martin and he wouldn’t have to deal with her anymore; he had never wanted a daughter, instead he had wanted sons to carry on his line.

Jennifer had no idea that Katelyn had even been abducted, Daniel had told his wife that she had gone on a business trip for him; he didn’t want his wife getting involved in his dirty past and she was none the wiser.

“Mr Cardona… Mr Savage is here to see you,” Daniel’s secretary called through the intercom making Daniel smile, he turned to look at the door knowing that his associate had taken his time to arrive.

Daniel watched as Benjamin Savage walked into his office, the door closed behind him as Daniel moved to pour Benjamin a drink; he had called him here for a reason and he didn’t want to waste time.

“Daniel it’s wonderful to see you again,” Benjamin greeted, he had no idea why his old friend had called him but he knew that Daniel had a reason; he looked forward to working with his friend again after so long.

Daniel handed Benjamin a drink, he eyed his friend and he was sure that this was the right call for the situation; he had no intentions of making any chances right now.

“Same my old friend… I have a job for you,” Daniel mused signalling for Benjamin to take a seat, he had thought a lot since Casillas’s phone call and he wasn’t going to change his mind about his decision.

“Really… and who is the lucky sod that you want me to knock off,” Benjamin asked sitting down, he was one of the best assassins in Madrid and he knew that Daniel would have his reasons for calling him.

Benjamin had heard about the sorry mess that his friend had made with the Los Merengues and he had sworn not to anger the crime bosses; he didn’t want to get involved in a gang war for anyone.

Daniel smirked, he doubted that this was going to be simple but it would certainly make things interesting; he wasn’t going to let this ruin anything for him.

“Katelyn,” Daniel informed Benjamin sipping on his drink, his cold blue eyes watched the assassin across from him; he wasn’t going to be giving Casillas any money and he was sure that he could still cause some trouble for the crime boss.

“Your daughter…” Benjamin said to be sure that they were talking about the same Katelyn, he knew that Daniel wasn’t overly fond of the blonde but this didn’t make sense in him wanting to bump her off.

“Si… she’s gotten in with the wrong crowd and disappointed me for the last time,” Daniel replied smirking, Katelyn would die in Casillas’s clutches and he would use it as an excuse to go to the Los Rojiblancos and get them to start a war.

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