Chapter Eight: Bonding with Iker

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“Do I have to wear this?” Katelyn asked peeking at the tracing bracelet on her left wrist, she knew that she sort of deserved it for what she had done but she wasn’t fond of having them know her every move.

Iker nodded his head moving around his desk, he didn’t trust Katelyn not to run off again and since she was no longer locked in her room all day then this was the best way to keep an eye on her.

“You don’t want you running off again,” Iker reminded her, he had sent Sergio to deal with some business in the city; he could handle Katelyn for a couple of hours and his best friend needed a break since he was far from pleased with Iker’s decision.

Katelyn silently nodded, she doubted that they would be forgetting her little jailbreak anytime soon; it had been a week since she had been brought back and she had been watched like a hawk.

“So… tell me more about you?” Katelyn asked curious about why someone like Iker had gotten involved in all of this; the last few weeks had been difficult and she was curious about Iker and Sergio, thought she doubted Sergio would tell her anything.

Iker looked to Katelyn as he sat down to do some work, he didn’t trust her and he wasn’t going to reveal anything that could compromise him in any way.

“What do you want to know?” Iker replied getting a pen, he had so much work to do and he doubted that Katelyn would be much hassle; he started to work knowing this stuff needed doing.

Katelyn smiled pleased that he wasn’t going to ignore her, she was tired of being glared at and since Sergio wasn’t here then she was going to take advantage of that.

“What’s your favourite colour?” Katelyn said grinning, she doubted that he would be expecting to ask anything like that; she was going to be stuck with Iker for a while.


“I’ve never been in here before,” Katelyn said with a smile, she had often been dragged passed the kitchen by Sergio and she had a feeling now that she had a little more freedom it would be her favourite place.

Iker chuckled, he had to admit that he had enjoyed Katelyn’s version of twenty questions; he hadn’t told her much about his private life but enough to keep her satisfied.

“Why is Sergio so grumpy?” Katelyn questioned brushing some hair from her face while she helped Iker prepare lunch; not a lot of Iker’s men came to the house and it was quiet just the two of them.

Iker took a deep breath, he had a feeling that she would end up asking about the Sevillian; it wasn’t his place to tell her and he knew that Sergio didn’t like to talk about it.

“Daniel cost him a lot when he sent him to prison,” Iker revealed carefully, he peeked at Katelyn who was cutting up the tomatoes for their lunch; he had no idea how his best friend had managed to cope with everything that had happened.

Katelyn was silent thinking about what Iker had told her, she had a feeling that Daniel had destroyed a lot of people’s lives; she knew that this was one of the reasons that Sergio didn’t like her.

“What about you?” Katelyn whispered stopping what she was doing and looking to Iker, she hated Daniel and she had no idea how he could ruin people’s lives without a care in the world.

The blonde wondered how many people’s lives had been ruined by Daniel, how many people had lost everything they had because he was a selfish man.

“What about me?” Iker replied finishing up the salad, he knew what she was asking and he wasn’t sure why she cared so much; it wasn’t as if she could change what had happened in the past before she had any idea what her father was like.

“Did you lose someone?” Katelyn whispered looking to Iker, she felt bad enough that Sergio had lost someone because of Daniel; she could only imagine what it was like to go through what they had.

Iker closed his eyes, he took a deep breath and tried to calm himself knowing that Katelyn was only curious; she wasn’t asking to hurt him and he doubted she understood what this life was like.

“I did, she couldn’t cope with my way of life,” Iker replied softly, he missed Sara a lot but it was for the best that she was no longer around; he had heard that she had married recently and had a little boy.

Iker wanted nothing more than to settle down and have a family of his own, it was what was expected of him as the crime boss; he just didn’t know who would be willing to get involved in this world knowing the risks.

“I’m sorry,” Katelyn murmured watching Iker plate up lunch, she felt bad for his loss and wondered if Daniel had been involved in his lose like he had been with Sergio’s; she doubted the Sevillian would ever open up to her about what had happened.

“You need to stop saying that,” Iker teased signalling for Katelyn to take a seat, he was hungry and he didn’t want to spend the entire day thinking about the past.

Katelyn smiled moving to sit at the table, she hoped that she hadn’t upset him too much; she had a feeling that they would be spending a lot of time together until she found Daniel’s off-shore accounts.


“Did you always want to be a crime boss?” Katelyn asked softly, she had spent the afternoon reading while Iker worked on reports; she had no idea how someone like him had gotten involved in all of this.

Iker looked up and stared at Katelyn, it had been a quiet afternoon and he was pleased that he had managed to get through most of his work; he didn’t want to be working late again.

“You don’t choose this life, this life chooses you,” Iker recalled with a small smile, it had been Raúl who had taken him in when he had needed work and he had been so shocked when Raúl had named him as his successor when the man had returned.

Iker got to his feet and closed his file, he was going to need a drink if they were going to talk about this; Katelyn watched him, she could see that it was hard for him to talk about this.

“I’m sorry,” Katelyn murmured without thinking, she got to her feet to stretch her legs and moved to lean against Iker’s desk; her blue eyes watching him sure that he had been doing this most of his life, he seemed natural at his role.

“If you keep saying that I’ll have to think of a way to punish you,” Iker warned playfully, he sipped on his drink and watched Katelyn wondering how someone like her had come from Daniel; she wasn’t anything like her father and he was a little relieved about that.

Iker walked back to Katelyn and stopped right in front of her, he couldn’t help but admire how beautiful she was.

“You could always spank me,” Katelyn blurted out as she became aware at how close Iker was now standing to her, she swallowed realising that she was trapped between him and his desk.

Iker’s lips brushed against Katelyn’s as he drew her close, the tension in the air around the sizzling as he moved to kiss her; just before their lips could touch the front door slammed shut making them pull apart.

“Excuse me,” Iker mumbled hurrying out of the office not looking back, he couldn’t believe that he had been so stupid to nearly kiss Katelyn; ever if he couldn’t deny the attraction that lay between them. 

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