Chapter Twenty-Seven: Peace and Quiet

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Iker pressed a kiss to the top of Sansa's head, he had barely let her out of his sight since she had been born several days ago; she was as beautiful as her mother and Iker knew that she was just as perfect.

Iker rocked Sansa in his arms and whispered softly to her, he didn't wish to wake Katelyn who needed her sleep; the flight hadn't been easy on them and Sansa didn't like planes.

Sansa was so small in Iker's arms, he still couldn't believe that she was really in his arms; she was perfect and he was never going to let anything happen to her.

"She's perfect isn't she?" Sergio murmured watching Iker with their daughter, he still couldn't believe that this was happening to them and he was worried that something could take this from them in some horrible way.

Sergio wasn't stupid, he and Iker had a lot of enemies because of their roles in the Los Merengues and there were still going to be people after them after what had happened with Arbeloa; now they needed to focus on keeping Katelyn and Sansa safe and protected.

"She is, just like her madre," Iker replied smiling softly, he didn't want to think about what was going to happen when they returned to Madrid; they would be home soon and that was what mattered to them more than anything.

Iker wanted to get his family settled again and he wasn't taking any risks, he had moved Cristiano, Marcelo and Isco over to private security to keep their wife and daughter safe.

Sergio padded across the room and over to Iker, he didn't know what they would do if something happened to them; he peeked at Katelyn, she was everything to them and they would make sure that she was safe.

"We'll keep them safe," Sergio mumbled reassuringly, it wasn't going to be easy and they had a lot to deal with but it was one thing that had to happen no matter what; they wanted their wife and daughter to be safe from danger.


Katelyn took a deep breath holding Sansa close, she couldn't believe that they were actually back to Madrid; she had no idea what was going to be waiting for them back in Madrid.

Katelyn was a little worried about what Iker and Sergio would be willing to do anything to keep them safe; she didn't want them risking their lives for her when she could handle things herself.

Sansa whimpered making Katelyn look down at her, she had no idea what was going to happen if she lost Sergio and Iker; she wanted her family safe and that could never happen while Iker was the crime boss of the Los Merengues and Sergio was his second-in-command.

Katelyn would never ask them to give up their lives, she was as much a part of the Los Merengues as her husbands were; even if she had only been on one mission months ago.

Katelyn tried to settle Sansa knowing that they would be home soon, she hated that she had been forced to go on alone but there was no way around it since Iker and Sergio both had business to attend to.

Katelyn had been left in the capable hands of Cristiano, Marcelo and Isco, she guessed this was their idea of keeping her safe from harm after what had happened with Arbeloa.

"Can I at least know where we are going?" Katelyn asked peeking up from the back at the car to look at Cristiano and Marcelo in the front, she knew the old house was gone so she had no idea where they would be taking her now.

Sansa was starting to get fussy and Katelyn had no idea what to expect when she arrived at their new home; Katelyn had no doubts that Iker and Sergio had arranged everything to be sorted out by the time that they arrived in Madrid.

"Your new home," Marcelo replied not looking back making Katelyn glare at him, she didn't like that reply since it didn't tell her anything that she didn't already know; she gritted her teeth wanting to strangle someone.

Sansa whimpered sensing her mother's discomfort making Katelyn look down at her, she whispered soothingly to the infant that lay in her arms; she just wanted to know what was going on.

"Sergio owns an apartment block, it has some of the best security in the world," Isco explained smiling at Katelyn, he knew this must all be strange for her and with a newborn baby; he knew he would do anything for his own partner and their son.

Katelyn blinked recalling the apartment that Isco was talking about, she wanted nothing more than to relax but she had a feeling that Sergio and Iker were sending her there for the reason.

"It's got the best security in Spain," Cristiano mused knowing that no one in the country would be stupid enough to launch an attack on the building; if they did then they certainly had a death wish, especially taking on Iker and Sergio.

Katelyn chewed on her lip not sure what to say, she didn't want to think of the sort of security that Iker and Sergio had planned for her now that they were back in the capital only that it was going to be insane.

Katelyn doubted that she would be able to move without Iker and Sergio knowing about it, she was never going to be alone and that fact scared her a little; she wondered just what her husbands' weren't telling her about.

Katelyn looked out of the window as they slowly approached the apartment block, her stomach churned and she knew that things hadn't ended with Arbeloa.


Iker took a deep breath as he eased himself into his chair as he stared at the screen ahead and gritted his teeth furiously; he couldn't believe what he was being told and he had hoped they'd seen the last of him.

"Are you sure?" Iker asked looking over at Fábio Coentrão, he knew that there could be no mistakes and he hoped that they would be prepared for what was coming.

Sergio closed his eyes, he had feared that Arbeloa was working for someone trying to stack the cards in a certain way but he knew that this wasn't going to stop what was heading for Madrid.

"Absolutely positive Arbeloa was working for Mourinho," Fábio replied not liking this as much as his bosses did, he could only imagine what was going to happen now.

Sergio looked to Iker, they didn't need this right now especially with Katelyn and Sansa in the city; they didn't want Mourinho targeting their family when things were just starting to go well.

"Official reports says that he's teamed up with the Blues from London," Fábio informed this wasn't going to get better, Mourinho had nearly destroyed things once when he had worked for the Los Merengues now he was coming back and there was no stopping him.

Iker was completely silent as he wondered what was going to happen if Mourinho made it back to Madrid, he was clearly being supported by someone in the capital but the question was who especially when Los Rojiblancos had made it clear they didn't want a war.

"Iker what do you want us to do?" Fábio asked concerned, they had no way of knowing who could be helping Mourinho but they would need to find out if they were ever going to stop him getting a foot hold in Madrid.

Iker didn't say a word, he had to think quickly if he wanted to not only save the gang but his family as well.

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