Chapter Thirty-Four: José Mourinho

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Katelyn slowly opened her eyes confused why she wasn't dead or at least on the floor in agony, she felt sick as she stared at Daniel who had a bullet hole through his head; she clapped a hand over her mouth in horror as he fell to the floor. 

Katelyn stared at her father, she couldn't believe that he was actually dead and she couldn't move an inch; she blinked confused about what had just happened, she should have been the one of the floor not him. 

"It is nice to finally meet you Mrs Casillas," a voice said making Katelyn's blood run cold, she looked up at the grey-haired man that was stood just a little away from her; he held a gun in his hand and had two men she didn't recognise with him. 

The silence in the corridor made Katelyn nervous and she wondered why Sofia hadn't contacted her via their earpieces; she hoped her sister-in-law was okay since she hadn't had much luck. 

"I must say I am a little disappointed," the man mused eyeing Katelyn as he handed the gun off to one of his men, he wrinkled his nose in disgust looking down at Daniel and sighed; he had always known he would be forced to dispose of Daniel when the time came. 

"I expected something more from the woman who was married to Iker Casillas and Sergio Ramos," the man continued stepping around the dead body, he had no use for Daniel anymore and this was just the beginning; he had failed him but not getting the Los Rojiblancos or the Blaugrana on their side and now he had been punished. 

Katelyn stared at him confused, she had never seen this man before and she didn't know what was going on; she felt her stomach turn wondering if there was another traitor in their presence that they hadn't realised. 

"Forgive me... this must be terribly confusing," the man said smiling, he wondered just how Iker and Sergio would feel when they realised that their mission had gone so terribly wrong.

Katelyn took a nervous step back from the man, she didn't know what to do and she hoped that Sofia realised that something had gone horribly wrong; she didn't know what could possibly make this situation worse. 

"I am José Mourinho," the man introduced holding out a hand for Katelyn to take, he watched her wondering what she was going to do; he watched as the realisation dawn on her face and laughed. 

Katelyn had been told that Mourinho was still in London, she had never thought for a minute that he would show up here when she was on her very first mission; she wondered how they hadn't realised this until now. 

"You look surprised," Mourinho teased watching Katelyn, he had done his best to make sure that the Los Merengues had no idea that he was in Madrid; it helped that he had ways to keep an eye on the mob that he wanted control over. 

It had taken a long time but Mourinho had managed to bug and hijack a lot of the Los Meringues' systems and he wasn't about to reveal that to anyone. 

Katelyn felt her back hit the wall behind her as she backed into it, she peeked at the two men wondering who they belonged to; she guessed they must have come from London with Mourinho and she wondered just how many more had come with him. 

Mourinho smirked at the look on Katelyn's face as two of his men dragged an unconscious and bleeding Sofia into view; he couldn't believe how well this was working out. 

"I have a message for your husbands," Mourinho stated moving closer to Katelyn, he watched her shrink back away from him while her eyes stayed on Sofia; he had a message that he wanted Katelyn to pass on to the men that he was going to destroy.


Katelyn groaned slowly coming back to, her head was killing her and it took her a moment to remember what had happened; she rolled over onto her side and blinked at the sun shining in her eyes. 

Katelyn looked around confused before realising that they had been dumped in a back alleyway surrounded by rubbish, she slowly pushed her way over to Sofia praying that the other woman was alright. 

Katelyn winced in pain as she reached for her ankle, she wasn't sure if it was broken but she knew that she needed to do something; she shook her head focusing on Sofia who was luckily still breathing. 

Her hands were shaking as Katelyn checked the gunshot wound that Sofia had to her shoulder, she didn't know what to do and she looked around trying to work out why they had both been left alive. 

"I got the security footage," Sofia murmured making Katelyn jump, she peeked down at the woman as she sighed in relief; she didn't care about the footage but she was sure that it would be useful. 

Katelyn tried to stem the bleeding so that Sofia didn't bleed to death, she tried to focus on what she was doing; she didn't think she would be able to cope if her sister-in-law died now. 

"Come on Sofia stay awake," Katelyn pleaded softly, she wanted nothing more than to get home but she could tell that wasn't going to happen with some help. 

Un-noticed by Katelyn, the rose gold plated pave crystal heart charm bracelet had a small light that was now flashing; she was too busy trying to make sure that Sofia didn't bleed to death. 

"Tell Sergio I'm sorry and tell Marcelo I love him," Sofia whispered staring to drift back out of consciousness; she had kept her promise to keep Katelyn safe and she was glad to see that things weren't as bad as her dreams had made her think. 

Katelyn opened her mouth to say something when she heard shouting, she looked behind her panicked and almost burst into tears at the sight of Sergio approaching with the others.


"It's just sprained," Fernando reassured Katelyn with a weak smile before leaving to check on Sofia with Gareth, they had done what they could for her and it was now all up to Sofia what happened now. 

Katelyn took a deep breath as she looked at Iker and Sergio, she hated that this had all happened but she counted them lucky and she knew that this was just the start.

Iker patted Sergio on the shoulder allowing his husband to check on Sofia, he knew that Sergio was blaming himself for what had happened and it would take time for him to forgive himself. 

"You said that Mourinho gave you a message," Iker murmured watching Katelyn, he was relieved that she was okay and secretly glad to think about the fact that the bracelet that she was wearing had a small tracking device planted in it. 

Katelyn nodded her head, she looked at Iker feeling like she had let him down and she wished that there was something more that she could have done; she had told them everything what had happened during the mission. 

"The end is coming," Katelyn whispered staring up at Iker with tears in her eyes, she didn't want to think about what Mourinho meant but he had drugged her quickly after passing on the message and left her in an alleyway. 

Iker took a deep breath before moving to wrap his arms around Katelyn and holding her close, she cried in his arms and he knew that this had all been a nasty shock for her. 

"It's gonna be okay," Iker murmured knowing that he would never let anything happen to his family, he would make Mourinho pay for what he was doing to them.

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