Chapter Eleven: Learning More

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“I was thinking that we take a trip next month,” Iker mused setting down a drink next to Katelyn, he knew that she was so confused and he didn’t blame her; none of this made sense even if she had no idea what the two mobsters had planned for her.

Katelyn slowly nodded her head, she wasn’t sure what Iker had planned but for the past week she hadn’t been able to shake the memory of him and Sergio together.

“Okay,” Katelyn replied wondering if the two men were together, she felt horrible that Sergio had kissed her and she wondered if she should tell Iker what had happened.

Iker cleared his throat making the blonde look at him, it was the middle of September and he knew that things hadn’t been easy since she had come into his life.

“Are you okay? You seem a little distracted,” Iker commented knowing just what was on her mind, he and Sergio had given her a bit of a show last week and he doubted she would be forgetting it any time soon.

Katelyn nodded her head forcing a smile, she didn’t know why she was having so much trouble with all of this; she couldn’t believe that it was all happening like this, and she wanted to cry at how things had worked out.

“I’m find just a bit tired,” Katelyn replied simply, she heard Sergio step into the room and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him; she felt awkward being in a room with him and Iker after what she had seen.

It made her curious about why Sergio had kissed her, she doubted that Iker would be pleased if he heard what the man had done; she would be shipped off to America for sure and there was little that she could do to stop it.

Katelyn took a deep breath and continued on with her work, she wasn’t going to say anything and she could only pray that Sergio did the same; she needed to make her mark if she wanted to stay.


“Why did you join the Los Merengues?” Katelyn asked softly, she peeked at Iker as she shut down the laptop done for the day; she passed over her work to Iker so that he had everything that she had found.

Iker raised an eyebrow at Katelyn, he wondered why she was asking and he had a feeling that it had been playing on her mind; he leaned against his desk knowing that there was no one she could tell anyone.

“You don’t choose to get involved in something like this, it chooses you,” Iker murmured moving to rub his left shoulder, he would wear the gang’s mark for the rest of his life; he swallowed remembering when he had been taken to get it.

Katelyn watched Iker curiously, she wasn’t sure what he was rubbing at but he was clearly not in any pain; she brushed some hair from her face wanting nothing more than to learn more about why he was the crime boss of a gang like Los Merengues.

“It’s a family thing… my padre, his padre,” Iker explained simply shaking his head, he had never asked for any of this but he was bound for life; he had nothing else to do and he could never leave unless he choose someone to replace him.

Katelyn swallowed, she looked down at her feet wishing that she knew what else to ask; she was curious and she knew that the Los Merengues was an extremely large gang, it was one of the top three gangs in Spain.

“And Sergio?” Katelyn asked knowing that Iker’s second in command wasn’t going to be far, she was still so nervous about their kiss and she had no idea what would happen if Iker found out what had happened.

Iker raised an eyebrow at Katelyn, he had to admit that it was a little amusing to watch her; he had a feeling about why she was asking all of these questions and it made him smile.

“The same… his padre ran the Sevillian gang, Los Nervionenses, his brother runs them now,” Iker mused knowing that Sergio hadn’t seen his family in such a long time, they had fallen out when Sergio had made the decision to join this gang.

Katelyn nodded her head, she didn’t want to ask more and she doubted that Sergio would take kindly to her asking so much about his private life.

“Do you all have markings?” Katelyn asked softly, she had seen Sergio’s multiple tattoos and it made her curious; she wondered if Iker had anything like that or if it was just Sergio’s thing.

Iker chuckled and nodded his head, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt while he stared at Katelyn; he grinned pulling his shirt off to reveal the tattoo on his left shoulder.

“Everyone gets one when the join up and pass their initiation,” Iker murmured his fingers moving over the black ink that was forever burned into his skin; it had hurt to get but he hadn’t had much of choice and now he was proud to wear it.

Katelyn stepped closer nervously, she had no idea what was going to happen but she couldn’t help herself; she reached up carefully moved to trace her fingers over the tattoo while she watched Iker’s face.

“Initiation…” Katelyn murmured softly, she could only imagine what they had people to do to get into a gang like this; she felt a little uneasy about everything now especially since she was considering asking to stay with them.

Iker nodded his eyes watching Katelyn closely, Sara had hated looking at his tattoo because it reminded her of what he did; he was a little impressed that it didn’t seem to bother Katelyn at all.

“It’s different for each person,” Iker replied enjoying the fact that Katelyn was tracing the tattoo on his arm, he usually avoided it and hid it because of what it meant to him now.

Katelyn nodded her head, she swallowed at the closeness between her and Iker which brought back memories of how close she had been to kissing him before; Sergio had been his friend and boss to it though.

Iker slowly took the hand that Katelyn was tracing his shoulder with, he pressed a tender kiss to the hand before he drew her close; he couldn’t help himself especially when he knew that he had waited so long for this moment after what had happened.

Katelyn couldn’t pull away from Iker, she had no idea what to expect since she feared what would happen if Sergio were to walk in right now; she was very aware that the Sevillian carried a gun around with him.

“Iker…” Katelyn whimpered a little scared, she opened her mouth to say more only for the thirty-three year old to kiss her; she closed her eyes as Iker pulled her closer.

Iker tugged the blonde closer to him, he had waited long enough for this especially after Sergio had told him about their kiss; he wanted to enjoy this moment before things got complicated, he knew Sergio was waiting to interrupt them.

The clearing of someone’s throat made Katelyn pull back from Iker, her blue eyes wide as she turned to look at Sergio; she felt sick realising what she had been caught doing.

“Now isn’t this a surprise,” Sergio teased crossing his arms and looking at Katelyn and Iker, he had been waiting for the right moment to step inside and was impressed with what had happened.

Iker grinned looking back at his lover, they had been waiting for Katelyn to give in for so long and now they had what they had wanted; they were just going to have to explain everything now.

“I think it’s time we talked,” Iker mused calmly stepping away from Katelyn to pull on his shirt, they had much to discuss about all of this.

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