Chapter Fifteen: Katelyn's First Tattoo

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“Will this hurt?” Katelyn squeaked eyeing the tattoo gun, she wasn’t looking forward to have her first tattoo but she couldn’t stop staring at a shirtless Sergio; there was no denying that he looked good with his shirt off.

Sergio snorted in amusement and nodded his head, he peeked at Iker sure that they would be able to keep Katelyn calm while they gave her the tattoo; it was only a simple design and this wasn’t the first time that Sergio had done this.

“Relax amor,” Iker mused brushing some hair from her face, he watched while Sergio strapped Katelyn’s left arm down to the chair so that she couldn’t move it; it was just a safety precaution in case she moved.

“What are you doing?” Katelyn yelped staring at Sergio, he hadn’t even lifted up the needle yet and she felt so nervous about what was happening; she trusted Sergio with her life but that didn’t mean that she was prepared for what was about to happen.

All of this was new to her and Katelyn could hear her mother’s voice in her head telling her how unladylike getting a tattoo was; it only served to excite her a little more.

“If you flinch and move this needle is going somewhere you don’t want it to be,” Sergio mused calmly signalling for Iker to do the same with Katelyn’s right arm, it was better to be safe than sorry; he didn’t want to cause any unnecessary damage.

Iker was careful as he secured Katelyn in place, he would do his best to keep her distracted from what Sergio was doing; he doubted that it was going to be a quick session.

“Now last chance to change your mind,” Sergio stated calmly, he didn’t want Katelyn thinking that she had to do this; she was already a member of the Los Merengues and nothing would change that now.

Katelyn shook her head, she wasn’t going to change her mind; it was sort of the last way that she could rebel against her parents and she wanted this.

“I want to do this,” Katelyn said peeking at the design that Sergio had picked out for her, it was one of the rarer Los Merengues tattoos and it was the one that suited Katelyn the most.

Sergio nodded his head before he moved to transfer the imagine from paper onto Katelyn’s arm, he was silent while he made sure that it looked alright on her arm; there would be no getting rid of it once it was done.

Katelyn squeaked softly as she stared at the tattoo gun, her stomach turned and she watched as Sergio made sure that everything that was ready to start.

“Kae look at me,” Iker murmured brushing his lips against her ear, he smiled when she did knowing that staring at what Sergio wasn’t going to help her; he had felt ill when he’d gotten his done.

Katelyn blinked a little surprised at the nickname, she was so used to having people call her Kate; it was nice that Iker had created his own nickname for her.

“Deep breathes,” Iker reassured peeking at Sergio, who moved to start on the tattoo; he doubted that tensing up was going to help her in anyway.

Katelyn bite on her lip as Sergio started work on the tattoo, she closed her blue eyes while taking deep breathes through her nose; she swallowed at the stinging sensation in her arm.

Iker reached forward and gently pulled Katelyn’s bottom lip from between her teeth, he didn’t want her biting through it in pain; he leant forward and kissed her softly hoping to distract her from what was happening.

Iker cupped Katelyn’s face, his hand holding her still while Sergio worked patiently on the moon and star tattoo that he was giving Katelyn; he was sure that his lover wouldn’t mind what he had planned to keep their girlfriend relaxed.

Katelyn whimpered quietly as she tried to focus on Iker instead of the pain in her arm, she was grateful for what he was doing since she doubted that she would have managed without him.

Iker pulled away from Katelyn’s lips and started to kiss down her neck, his hands easily moving to unbutton a couple of buttons of her black lace back crop half-sleeve shirt so that he could have better access.

Katelyn yelped in surprise as Iker bite down a little on her neck, she let her head fall back into the head rest while Iker kissed and nibbled his way down her neck.

Sergio peeked up at what the two were doing, he rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to what he was doing; of course Iker would decide to do something like this while he was trying to focus.

Katelyn made a small noise in the back of her throat, she tried to calm her breathing while she felt Iker pop the button on her flared jeans and slipped his hand inside.

“Mierda Iker, I’m trying to focus,” Sergio teased as Katelyn yelped in surprise, she stared at Iker wondering what had gotten into her eldest boyfriend; she had expected something like this from Sergio not Iker.

Iker chuckled winking at Sergio before he returned his attention to Katelyn, he was keeping distracted; he moved his mouth back to the blonde’s neck and his hand worked inside of her jeans.

Katelyn swallowed back a moan as she spread her legs a little more so that Iker had better access; she couldn’t believe what was happening right now and she didn’t want it to end.

“Please,” Katelyn whimpered slowly reaching the end, she squirmed in the chair doubting that she was going to last much longer; she had completely forgotten what Sergio was doing to her arm and the pain that the needle was causing her.

“Let go,” Iker murmured not stopping his actions, he smirked to himself seeing the marks that he had left on Katelyn’s neck; he was a little pleased that he had managed to do this to Katelyn.

Katelyn moaned softly as she did as Iker asked, she closed her eyes shocked that Iker had been able to do that; none of her past boyfriend’s had been interested in her pleasure only their own.

Iker ducked down and kissed Katelyn, he wouldn’t be able to claim her completely yet but he knew that it would happen one day; she had taken his life a lot better than Sara had when he had told her the truth.

“Done,” Sergio called making the other two pull apart, he grinned to himself moving to set down the tattoo gun before he moved to wipe down Katelyn’s new tattoo; he was pleased how well it had turned out.

Katelyn blinked surprised, she hadn’t realised how quickly it had gone and she was still a little fuzzy from what Iker had done; she peeked down at the tattoo that was the start of her new life.

“It looks good,” Iker said nodding at Sergio, it suited their girlfriend a lot more than their tattoo would have; he was pleased that they had found her something a little different than the more common Los Merengues tattoo.

It would mean that no one would ever lay a hand on Katelyn without the consequences of starting a turf war with the Los Merengues; she was a member and no one would ever take that away from her.

“Some of my best work,” Sergio agreed moving to unstrap her arms, he would keep an eye on it for a while but it looked good and would heal just fine; he shifted a little uncomfortable.

Iker moved away from Katelyn and Sergio, he had spotted the bulge in Sergio’s jeans and he was going to give his lover and their girlfriend a moment.

Sergio pulled Katelyn into a kiss, he doubted that he would be forgetting what had happened in this chair anytime soon; it would certainly give him something to think about in the shower later.

Katelyn smiled into the kiss, for the first time in her life she finally felt like she belonged somewhere and that she was loved. 


Author's Note:

What do you think of Katelyn's tattoo? xxx

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