Chapter Thirty-Two: The Go Ahead

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Katelyn wiped the sweat from the top of her head, she stared at Sofia as she pushed herself back to her feet; the two were sparing and enjoying the quiet of the apartment since Iker and Sergio weren't home. 

They were both away on business for the day, something that Katelyn was a little thankful for and she was sure that things would be good; she was excited about the idea that she might be going on a mission. 

Sofia took a deep breath as she stared at Katelyn, the other woman had improved a little in the couple of weeks that they had been training together. 

Sofia had gone over a few self-defence things first to make sure that Katelyn was able to defend herself before she had gone through other things that Katelyn needed to know. 

Sergio really hadn't taught Katelyn much and Sofia was a little annoyed about how easily her brother could get distracted with his wife; she had taught Katelyn things that she would need to protect herself in the future. 

Katelyn licked her lips, her blue eyes watched Sofia as she tried to get her breath back; she wasn't going to slip up and she wanted to prove that she wasn't completely useless. 

Sofia circled slowly around her sister-in-law, she quite liked the fact that they had managed to find something to really bond over; she was sure that they were going to get along just fine since she was glad to see that Sergio had found someone that wasn't using him. 

"Come on Kat... we don't have all day," Sofia said eyeing her sister-in-law, she had given Katelyn the nickname since she didn't want to call her Kate and she knew that Iker and Sergio had dibs on Kae. 

Katelyn bit into her lip, she was trying to not let Sofia bait her but she hoped that she had learned something over the last few days that would help her. 

Sofia smirked as she watched Katelyn, she had a feeling that their small mission into Daniel's company was going to be interesting especially with Katelyn at her side.


"You did good Kat," Sofia said patting Katelyn on the shoulder, they were done for the day and she was sure that things would get better; it was going to take time and they really hadn't been practicing for long. 

Katelyn nodded her head, she wiped her head again and groaned as she got to her feet; she wanted a shower and she had to check on Sansa who would be waking up from her nap soon. 

Katelyn left the home gym and headed for the bedroom, so that she could have a shower; she was all sweaty and she doubted that it would be long before Iker and Sergio were home for dinner. 

Katelyn checked on Sansa first, she was pleased to see that her daughter was still asleep; she stared at Sansa for a moment with a small smile on her face. 

Things might not have been normal for them in anyway but Katelyn was going to ensure that nothing ever happened to her daughter; she dread to think about the danger that was going to come their way with Mourinho in the picture. 

Katelyn sighed shaking her head and moving out of the nursery, she headed for the bedroom and then into the en-suite so that she could have her shower; she took her time stripping off and making sure that her shower was the right temperature. 

Katelyn sighed in relief, she brushed her fingers through her wet hair and closed her blue eyes allowing the warm water wash over her; she would have a bath later to sooth her aching muscles but this would do for now. 

Katelyn couldn't imagine what was going to happen when she undertook her first real mission, she had been hidden away for too long and that needed to change.

Katelyn wasn't sure how long she had been in the shower before she felt someone wrap their arms around her waist, she smiled a little as Sergio kissed her shoulder; his beard scraping against her shoulder as he did so. 

Sergio pulled Katelyn back against him and held her close, he closed his eyes kissing her neck and shoulders; he wasn't happy that she was going on a mission but they needed someone like her on the inside. 

Iker had done what he could to keep Katelyn out of all of this and Sofia had sworn that she would keep their wife safe when she came to talk to them about the mission. 

"You're home early," Katelyn murmured turning around to face Sergio, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly; she held him close as he backed her into the glass wall making her gasp. 

Katelyn squeaked softly staring up at Sergio, there was something in his deep brown eyes that made her worry; she guessed that something hadn't gone right while he was working with Iker. 

"Sese," Katelyn whispered moving to brush her fingers through his wet hair, she watched his face and couldn't help but worry a little about what was going on. 

Sergio shook his head and leant forward to kiss Katelyn, he knew that it wouldn't be long before Iker joined them; he wasn't going to forget what he had heard that day, there was no way around sending Katelyn back in to her father's work to get what they needed. 

"I love you so much," Sergio whispered holding Katelyn close to him, he prayed that Sofia was able to keep Katelyn safe; he didn't know what he would do if something happened to her or his sister while they were gone. 

Sergio ducked down and kissed Katelyn, he held her close not wanting to think about what would happen if this whole mess wasn't cleaned up soon.


"Daniel is going on a business trip to Barcelona to meet with Xavi," Iker said looking around the room, he took a deep breath and tried to focus on what was going on; he peeked over at Sergio who was holding Sansa in his arms. 

Iker felt his heartache that his daughter was in so much danger right now, he didn't want to think what could happen if Mourinho won but it didn't seem like they would be able to stop a war starting. 

"Xavi doesn't know what he wants but he guess he wants to gain more support for the war that he is funding," Iker continued shaking his head, he trusted Xavi with his life and he knew that his old friend wouldn't betray him. 

Sofia gritted her teeth staring at Iker, she didn't like this one bit and she hated that Mourinho thought that he was going to get away with all of this; she would kill the man with her bare hands when she got a hold of him. 

Katelyn closed her eyes, she hated her father and she couldn't believe that he thought that he would get away with this; there was no way that Mourinho would keep him around when he had stopped being useful. 

Sergio wrapped an arm around Katelyn and drew her close, he knew this couldn't be easy for her; her own father was the one behind this and he had tried to kill her a little while ago. 

"I don't know which gangs are with us right now but it appears that war is upon us," Iker stated looking to Sofia, this was the last thing any of them had wanted and while they knew that Blaugrana would stand with them and maybe the Los Rojiblancos, there was still a chance they would be overpowered. 

Katelyn stared at her husband, she didn't know what to think about all of this and she prayed they would all be okay.

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