Chapter Thirty-Six: Leaving for Seville

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Katelyn brushed some hair from her face as she stood in Madrid–Barajas airport, she watched Iker fuss over Sansa and she wished that there was another way around this; she didn't want to leave her husband's behind. 

"Papa is going to miss you," Iker whispered holding his daughter close and closing his eyes, he didn't want to let her go but this was for the best; the city was no longer safe and war was going to begin. 

Iker pressed a kiss to the top of Sansa's head before handing her over to Sergio, this wasn't going to be easy but it had to be done; he was sure that they would see each other again. 

Sofia was talking to Marcelo a little away from the family, they were giving the couple some space and it was clear that Sofia was going to be upset for a while about being sent away. 

"Papi will miss you as well be good for your mama," Sergio murmured cuddling Sansa, he fixed her little navy dress and leggings and hoped that his parents would look after her and Katelyn while they were in Seville for the next few weeks. 

Katelyn took a deep breath, she had dressed comfortably in her purple jersey top and high waisted skinny jeans paired with grey chain detail boots; she wasn't sure what to expect when she met Sergio's parents but she hoped that they would like her. 

Sofia hadn't told her much about what had happened between her and her parents but Katelyn guessed that this wasn't going to be pleasant; she hoped that there was no fighting when they arrived in Seville since there was enough of that going on. 

"Be safe," Iker murmured wrapping his arms around Katelyn, he was trusting Sergio and Sofia's family to keep his safe and if that didn't happen then he would happily start a war with them next. 

Katelyn nodded her head and closed her blue eyes, she didn't want to think that this could be the last time that she saw either of her husbands.


The flight wasn't as long as Katelyn has expected and it hadn't been easy with a fussy infant, she was glad that Sofia had been next to her even if the other woman was still injured and recovering. 

Collecting their suitcases from the arrival area, Katelyn and Sofia walked through the airport talking about what they would do with their time; the two made plans to take little Sansa to the beach and they were sure she would enjoy that. 

It wasn't hard for Katelyn to easily spot René Ramos waiting for them with two of his men, she swallowed at how much he looked like Sergio; she was a little worried about what to expect. 

René smirked spotting the two women, he was surprised that his baby sister had agreed to come home after she had fled from their home; he knew that Jorge Molina would be pleased to hear that she was back and their father had something big planned. 

"You must be Katelyn, it is a pleasure to finally met you," René greeted moving to kiss his new sister-in-law on the cheek, he eyed the infant in her arms and he was surprised that Sergio had settled down. 

The family had been worried that he would settle for someone like his ex-girlfriend that would convince him to give up on their way of life; they were pleased to hear that he had married and stayed in their line of work even if it wasn't for them. 

"Ahh Sofia welcome home Jorge will be glad to see you," René murmured smiling at his sister, he knew that she had betrayed them and he doubted that anyone was going to forgive her for that. 

Katelyn shifted her hold on her daughter, the tense was thick between the two siblings and she hoped that things were going to be okay while they were there.

"Okay first off I'm engaged to someone, second my home is in Madrid now and third I hate you," Sofia hissed staring at René, she didn't know when he had turned into this man but she hated him for it; he was too much like their father. 

Katelyn grinned eyeing the engagement ring that now lay on Sofia's hand, she was so happy for her and Marcelo and she hoped that the couple were happy; the two had talked about the engagement while on their flight. 

"We should get home," René stated ignoring what Sofia had said, he knew that she was going to put up a fight and he was sure that their father wasn't going to let this happen. 

Katelyn nodded her head, she held onto her daughter wanting to get Sansa back to the house so that she could have her nap; she was tired and she didn't want the little girl being up all night. 

René signalled for his men to take their things, he wouldn't hear the end of it from Sergio and he wanted to keep the peace; he was sure that the bargain that he had with Iker would make it all worth it. 

Sofia took a deep breath as they started to leave the airport, she wasn't looking forward to going home and she feared what would be waiting for her; the only person that she had missed was her mother and she hadn't spoken to the woman in years. 

Paqui had been a lot more understanding of the fact that Sofia hadn't wanted to marry some stranger that she didn't love; she had encouraged her daughter to do what she wanted. 

José María had never understood his youngest daughter and had planned to marry her off in an attempt to strength the Los Nervionenses; he had done the same with eldest daughter Mirian who had married one of the Muela boys.


Paqui Ramos smiled as René stepped into the house followed by Sofia and Katelyn, she was so happy to finally have most of her family home; she had wanted to meet her new daughter-in-law and granddaughter for so long.

Paqui hurried forward to hug Sofia, she looked so strange with the dyed blonde hair but she suited it a lot better than Sergio had; she hoped her youngest daughter was happy in Madrid. 

"It's so good to have you home," Paqui whispered to Sofia, she stepped back from her and took a deep breath; she had a feeling that this visit was not going to end well. 

Sofia smiled weakly at her mother before spotting her father watching a little away, she swallowed nervously at the look that he gave her; this wasn't going to be easy and she hoped that he wasn't thinking that she would just bow down to him. 

"Madre this is Katelyn and Sansa," Sofia said introducing her mother to Katelyn, she wasn't going to think about her father and his wants; she had Marcelo and that was enough for her.

Paqui grinned stepping forward to hug Katelyn, she had waited long enough for this moment and she was sure that Katelyn would enjoy her time in Seville; she wanted to make her comfortable in hopes that Sergio would visit more. 

"It's wonderful to finally meet you," Paqui gushed holding onto Katelyn, the blonde wasn't sure what to say and she guessed that her mother-in-law knew a lot about her. 

Paqui linked arms with Katelyn and started to show her the way to her room, she talked about the things that she had planned for the say and she was excited to bond with the blonde. 

Sofia watched them go before she peeked over at her father and eldest brother, it was going to be a long few weeks and she hoped to heal soon so that she didn't have to stay with her family long.

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