Chapter Forty-Three: Recovering

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Sergio took a deep breath as he walked into the bedroom where Katelyn lay, it had been a week since the battle had ended and he was still relieved that she was alive even if she hadn't woken up yet. 

Gareth and Fernando had decided it would be best to keep her sedated for a little while and allow Katelyn's body recover before they slowly started to wake her up again; her body had been through a lot a rest was important now. 

Iker had barely left Katelyn's side since he had been allowed into the bedroom, he had wanted to make sure that she had the best care possible after what had happened; he knew that the gang was perfectly safe in Sofia's hands for a while. 

"Nando says that she should wake up today," Sergio murmured moving to sit down next to Iker, he watched his husband knowing that things had been tense. 

The building where the final battle had taken place had been involved in an explosion and they received word that things were starting to calm down now that Mourinho was gone. 

Iker nodded his head, he ran his tired hands through his hair as he continued to watch the rise and fall of Katelyn's chest; she was alive and with only a few scars to show for what she had been through it was enough for him. 

"I was thinking maybe we should go on holiday," Sergio continued knowing that they deserved one, he knew that it would be a while before Katelyn was well enough to travel but he doubted that being stuck in Madrid would help. 

Iker nodded his head in agreement, they needed to get away and Sofia would be able to handle things when they were gone; they all deserved a nice long break. 

Sergio was about to say something else when he saw Katelyn's hand twitch, he sighed in relief knowing that she was finally going to wake up. 

Iker gently took Katelyn's hand letting her know that she wasn't alone, her wedding rings had been returned to their rightful place when they had tracked down her car.


Katelyn frowned as Iker fussed over her, she knew that she had almost died but she was starting to wonder if something else had happened; she had never seen her husband like this before. 

Sergio chuckled leaning back in his chair, he watched amused as Iker made sure that Katelyn was comfortable and he hoped that their wife would forgive him for not trying to stop Iker from bothering her. 

"I am fine," Katelyn insisted ignoring the itch of her stitches, she had taken three bullets to the stomach and she had no idea how she had gotten away with so little damage at close range. 

Fernando and Gareth both called it some sort of miracle and Katelyn knew that she had been very lucky; it could have ended a lot worse than it had for her. 

Iker rolled his eyes making sure that Katelyn's pillows were comfortable enough for her; he couldn't imagine what he would have done if she hadn't of made it, but he was going to make this better. 

Sergio looked up when he heard the bedroom door open, he smiled at his sister as she entered the room knowing that she had been just as worried as they had about Katelyn. 

"We'll make you some lunch," Sergio said getting to his feet and grabbing hold of Iker and dragging him out of the room so that they could give them some space. 

Sofia took a deep breath and turned back to Katelyn, she had honestly been worried that she would be attending her sister-in-law's funeral now instead of preparing for her wedding. 

"How are you feeling?" Sofia asked moving to sit down next to the bed, she had no idea what was going to happen now that Katelyn was awake and recovering.

"Better," Katelyn murmured trying not to scratch at her stitches, she was a little grateful that Iker and Sergio had helped her wash and change into her black print pyjamas so that she was more comfortable while stuck on bed rest. 

Sofia nodded her head, she took a deep breath knowing that the next few months would be so strange and she hoped that things would get better for them now Mourinho was gone. 

"Why did you do it?" Sofia asked watching Katelyn, she didn't know why Katelyn had gone to Mourinho when she had been safe out of the way; she knew that Iker and Sergio weren't happy about what had happened to her. 

Katelyn messed with her sleeves, she hadn't really told anyone why she had done what she had done; most had left it alone since things were okay now but she knew that the questions would start sooner or later. 

"He threatened to kill them... blow up the apartment, I couldn't," Katelyn revealed with tears in her eyes, she had been so stupid for falling into Mourinho's trap but she knew that she couldn't have just done nothing. 

Sofia nodded her head and took Katelyn's hand in comfort, she would have done the same thing in Katelyn's position and she knew that Mourinho would have done anything to hurt Iker and Sergio to get what he wanted. 

The two women were both silent as they thought about the battle, things had been so strange and they could only hope that everything went okay now that Mourinho had gone. 

"So how is wedding planning going?" Katelyn asked smiling at Sofia, she was hopeful that things would just go perfectly for her sister-in-law when she married Marcelo; she knew that things were still tense with the family.


"I was so worried that we had lost you," Iker murmured climbing into bed, he was gentle with Katelyn knowing that she was still injured and he hoped that the pain medication kept her from feeling too much. 

Katelyn smiled sleepily, she didn't know what pain medication that she had put on but she knew that it made her tired; she cuddled into Sergio who gently wrapped his arms around her. 

Sansa was still with Carmen and would be for another week, they wanted to make sure that Katelyn was okay before they brought the three month old home. 

"Don't you dare ever do that to us again," Sergio whispered into Katelyn's ear, he didn't want to think what he would have done if she hadn't of made it; he knew that they had come pretty close to losing her. 

Katelyn made a small noise of agreement as she started to fall asleep, she was tired and she was happy to sleep with her husbands; she felt so safe and she knew that they wouldn't let anything happen to her. 

Iker watched Katelyn as she fell asleep, he still found it hard to believe that she was in fact alive; he didn't know what he would have done if Sofia had told them the news that somehow Fernando and Gareth had saved Katelyn. 

"It'll be okay," Sergio murmured looking to Iker, he didn't want to wake Katelyn but he knew what their husband was thinking about and he wanted to put a stop to it. 

Iker nodded his head, he believed that now more than ever and he hoped that the next few months were peaceful now; he wanted to relax with his family after everything that had happened to them. 

Iker closed his eyes and cuddled in bed with his spouses, he couldn't wait for them to head off on holiday after everything that they had been through in the past couple of months.

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