Chapter Thirty: Christmas Shopping

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Sergio pouted as he watched Katelyn get ready for her shopping trip with his sister, he wasn't happy that she was going out for the day; he wanted her to stay home where it was safer but there was no talking her out of it. 

Katelyn rolled her eyes as she pulled on her pink stripe zip shoulder jumper and black jeans; she had been surprised to find that it had snowed during the night and it was quite cold out. 

"I'll be back before you know it," Katelyn teased sitting down on the bed to pull on her ankle boots, she was a little nervous about leaving Sansa alone with her two fathers but she was sure that Iker and Sergio would be able to cope for a few hours. 

Sergio grumbled not happy in the slightest, he had hoped that Iker would stop Katelyn from going but their husband had agreed since he thought the trip would keep their wife out of trouble. 

"I don't want you to go," Sergio whined softly, he was so used to having her home with him that he had no idea what to do with her going out like this. 

Katelyn ignored Sergio for a moment as she made sure that she had everything, she checked her tote bag checking before she nodded her head pleased that she would at least get some Christmas shopping done. 

"Please stay," Sergio mumbled getting up from his chair and walking over to Katelyn, he wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her neck stopping her from putting her coat with fur trim and hood on so she couldn't leave. 

Katelyn turned to face Sergio and kissed him, she wasn't sure what had made him so clingy but it made her wonder what was happening that he and Iker weren't telling her about. 

"I'll be home soon," Katelyn promised before she pulled away from Sergio and walked out of the bedroom to meet with Sofia; she had a feeling that this was going to be a good day. 

Sergio watched her leave, he prayed that nothing went wrong while Katelyn and Sofia were out of the apartment; he was going to have Cristiano and Isco follow them.


"I cannot believe that they had us bloody followed," Katelyn hissed furiously shaking her head as she walked into the restaurant where they were stopping for lunch; it hadn't taken her long to notice Cristiano or Isco. 

Sofia nodded her head, she didn't know whether to be annoyed or furious that her brother and Iker didn't think that she could keep Katelyn safe; she had no idea what was going on with them. 

Katelyn shifted her hold on the bags that she was carrying, she had gotten quite a bit done and she was pleased because it was so close to Christmas; she was quiet while they were lead over to their table until the hostess left. 

"I took self-defence classes before I even met them and Sergio did train me... a little," Katelyn said shaking her head as she moved to check her menu, she was tired of them treating her like she would break. 

Katelyn's life had changed so much since she had meet Iker and Sergio, she was sure that they forget that she had done quite well since they had abducted her. 

Sofia snorted wondering how fast her older brother had gotten distracted, she could just imagine how long the sessions had lasted before he had started making out with Katelyn. 

Sergio wasn't known for his focus at the best of times, he had always had an eye for women and Sofia was just pleased that he had chosen better than his last; she had hated Lara especially since she had been so quick to break things off with him. 

"I just wish that they would stop treating me like I'm glass," Katelyn continued looking at Sofia, she knew they were practically alone right now and she didn't see the harm in just asking her sister-in-law for some help.

Sofia shook her head, she didn't blame Katelyn for getting frustrated about being shut away and she knew she'd be the same if it was her; she looked through her menu and tried to figure out what she wanted. 

"I'm always here to help," Sofia murmured chewing on her lip, she wasn't sure what she wanted but she knew that she was glad that they had stopped for something to eat. 

The two had been shopping for what felt like hours and Sofia had managed to get most of her Christmas shopping; she had been a little worried that she wouldn't be home in time for Christmas. 

"I was hoping that you'd say that," Katelyn said smiling at Sofia setting down her menu, she was sure that there was no way that the other woman would say no; she just wanted to get back into it especially after having Sansa. 

Sofia set down her menu and stared at Katelyn, she didn't know where the other woman was going with this; she wasn't going to do anything that could bring more trouble into their home. 

"I was wondering if you would train me," Katelyn asked softly, she wanted to prove that she wasn't someone that could be pushed around; she needed to be able to defend herself and she felt out of practice. 

Sofia stared at the other woman, she smiled pleased to see that Katelyn actually wanted to be involved with what was going on; she had been a little concerned about how little the blonde seemed to know about the Los Merengues. 

"Of course," Sofia agreed smiling at Katelyn, she had been looking for a sparring partner and the guys wouldn't fight her since they knew that she would beat their arses. 

Katelyn grinned relieved that Sofia had said yes, she was going to work hard to prove that she could do this; she didn't want to rely on other people for everything. 

"So tell me about you and Marcelo?" Katelyn asked changing the subject, she was curious just what was going on between her younger sister-in-law and the tattoo artist.


Daniel frowned staring at the report that he had been handed, he couldn't believe what he was reading and he knew that the pictures didn't lie about what he was seeing; he had thought that Katelyn was dead. 

"When were they taken?" Daniel asked staring at the papers, he felt furious that Benjamin had failed to kill the blonde; he had been so sure that she was dead. 

Daniel hadn't told his wife that, he had told Jennifer that Katelyn was away working for one of their foreign offices; he knew that she would be devastated if he told her what he had done. 

It had been sixteen months since Daniel had ordered Katelyn's murder and not once had he thought that she was still alive; he had been so sure that he had already cut her from his life completely. 

Daniel had removed pictures and evidence that Katelyn existed from his home, he had done so without his wife even noticing and his son didn't care. 

Matthew Cardona was Daniel's heir and he was going to benefit the most from what Daniel was doing; he had been working with Mourinho since the start and soon the Los Merengues would have a new boss. 

"In the last week," José Mourinho replied sipping on his glass of wine, he smirked watching Daniel knowing that the businessman had no idea just what he was getting himself into by working with him. 

Mourinho had big plans and no one in Madrid would see him coming since they all thought he was still in London with John Terry.

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