I look like her

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I've decided to give me and Stefan another chance. But I can't stop thinking about her about Katherine.
It's 7:30 and I've found my self driving to the Salvatore house. I knock quietly on the door and Damon answers shirtless and I'm speechless I try not to look but it's impossible not to. "Is Stefan here?" I ask in a strange tone that I haven't used before.

"No, but you can wait in his room he should be home soon." So I walk past him brushing off his arm. I find candles and matches so I light them up and they smell like vanilla. I pace back and forth Stefan's room looking at books and I pick one up and a picture falls out. Oh God this girl looks exactly like me and I look to the bottom left corner and it says 'Katherine 1864'. I run out leaving the necklace that Stefan gave me on top of the picture of Katherine. I get in the car and I'm driving recklessly. I can't control the car. I see a man on the road...
I wake up in Damon's car and he's driving me somewhere. "I look like her". I say in a hushed tone. He just looks at me. I don't recognise the road we're on so I ask "Damon where are we?". With a half grin on his face he says "Georgia".

"No, Damon I'm being serious, where are we?" Again with the half smile he answers "I'm serious too, we're in Georgia". So almost shouting at him I say "Damon turn around now!". So Damon being Damon he says to me "oh come on Elena don't you just want to have a little fun for once in your life? Just let your hair down and stop worrying about everyone and everything." 'Beep, beep, beep'.

"Is that my phone?" I ask sharply.

"It's Stefan" he says with a look I've never seen on his face before. I just shake my head. So again Damon being Damon he answers the phone and says "Hello Elena's phone". I can just make out what Stefan is saying and I here "Damon where is she? What have you done with her? Is she okay? Damon put Elena on the phone now!" He demands. So Damon holds the phone out to me and I just shake my head so he puts it to his ear and says "sorry she doesn't want to talk to right now okay bye Stefan." And before Stefan gets a chance to reply Damon hangs up and puts my phone in his inside leather jacket pocket.

"Excuse me that's my phone. Give me it." I say.

"Elena all its gonna do is distract you from having some fun on this trip". He says with a half serious half not serious smile that's pretty hard to resist.

"Fine but as soon as we start to go back, you give me my phone."

"Deal" he says with that sexy smirk. "So why aren't you talking to Stefan?" Damon asks.

"I look like her"

"okay that's the second time you've said that, so what do you mean?" So I say "I look exactly like Katherine" I start to cry and Damon tries to comfort me by talking my hand I continue "me looking like Katherine isn't the reason that Stefan" Damon interrupts me and says "Elena let's not talk about Katherine, let's just have fun and enjoy being in Georgia". I just smile at him.
We pull up at a semi small bar in the middle of a street. I look to the top of the bar and it reads Bree's Bar. Damon gets out of the car and says "you coming in?". And of course I say "Em I think your forgetting something I'm only six-teen, I can't go into a bar Damon."

"I thought we were here to have fun Elena, you know what that is right?" He says and I just think what an ass but a not ugly ass I suppose. So I walk up to the bar door and say "you coming?" Whit a grin on my face. We down a couple of beers and then some guy comes into the bar and sits across the bar from us, I notice that he keeps staring at us. I step out to call Jenna but the next thing I know is I'm being dragged away with someone's hand across my mouth I can't see who it is but I have a feeling that it's the guy from the bar. Then it all goes dark. I can't see its all blurry but I can just make out that the figure moving towards me is "Damon". "Damon please help me, I can't see and I don't know what happened to me" picking me up he says "it's okay I'm getting you out of here Elena". I hear a gunshot and my face is hitting the floor. Damon has been shot by this psychopath. I try to stand but the man points a gun to my head and shows me his fangs - he's a vampire. My vision is getting more clear. Damon is on the ground. With a bluet wound on his head. The man comes over takes my wrist and starts to feed from me. When he lets go I put my wrist to Damon's mouth and I say "come on drink, don't you dare die on me Damon for Gods sake drink." His eye lids flicker and he places his hand on my wrist and starts to feed. I stand up and we walk back to Damon's car. This is the first and last time I'll ever be in Georgia.
"What happened?" I ask as we start driving.

"I'm not sure and I don't like not knowing."

"So you have no idea who grabbed me or who shot you?" I ask folding my arms.

"No and let's keep this between us for now."

"More secrets."

"Great thanks for that. You know you're actually not bad company."

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