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Rebekah's POV
"Klaus where the bloody hell are you?" I ask getting frustrated with stupid mobile phone.

"Renovating." He says sounding a little annoyed.

"Renovating? You left me here so you could renovate?"

"Yes and technically sister the house I'm renovating is in Mystic Falls."


"Because I want us to be a family again."

"So your going to un-dagger Kol, Finn and Elijah?"

"When the time is right."

"Kol will kill you. You know what he's like Nick."

"Rebekah, Kol is an imbecile and besides he can try but I can't be killed."

"What of Finn? It has been nine hundred years since you've spoken to him and he won't be all pleased brother."

"Finn. Finn believes that we shouldn't be what we naturally are and that's a predatory species. But I have have my ways of making Finn see as I do."

"Elijah. How I have missed him. It's always been me and Elijah who have stood by you. So what do you think he'll do when he gets a hold of you?"

"I gave Elijah my word that I would reunite him with our family and I always keep my word, so you needn't worry at all sister."

"You are mad."

"How so?"

"Because you believe that they are all going to forgive you so easily. It took me to forgive you so imaging what it'll be like especially for Finn and Kol."

"They will because we'll all be together. We will be family again. Don't you want that?"

"More than anything because I love all of my brothers I just wish we could all get along because let's be truthful, you and Finn never really got along. Not even when we were children."

"You worry too much, besides I have something that will make peace with Finn."

"And Kol."

"Kol shall have all the blood he likes, you know he can't resist."

"What about me?"

"What about you?"

"Do you have an apology for me?"

"Look we've been over this I did what I had to, to save you from your own stupidity. Now I will come for you, for we will be a family again. If you don't want to be a part of our family then you will be dead to me Rebekah. Now I must go. I have colour schemes to pick out and a few murders to plan." He says and I don't even get to say goodbye because he hangs up the phone. Sometimes he can be so inconsiderate. He never thinks. I love my family and I would never let anyone harm them but if Klaus wakes them all at once they'll put him down. I won't let my brothers kill each other.

Elena's POV

"How's it going?" I ask folding my arms while Damon stands in the doorway refusing to let me in.

"Elena I've told you to let me handle this."

"Damon please let me see him."

"No, now go home."

"You know I can't do that."

"And you know I can't let you see him right now Elena. It's not good for you to see him like this and it's not good for Stefan either. Look as much as this is going to surprise you I care. If I let you go down there you could get hurt."

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