Miss Mystic

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"Miss Mystic falls, doesn't seem so long ago we were here." I say to Caroline as she's handing me the flower chart.

"I know, where's Stefan?"

"I don't know."

"I thought the two of you were back together." She says folding her arms.


"Why you two are perfect for each other?" She says judging.

"You know why."



Stefan and I are sitting on my front steps and I don't want to hurt him and I think he knows that.

"We can't do this anymore can we?"

"No and I don't want to lie to you so, something has changed between Damon and me."

"It's okay."

"I feel horrible."

"You don't have to it's okay."


"Yeah Damon." I say looking up to see him walking into the Lockwood house.

"Ew even the thought of you two together makes we want to through up."

"Caroline." I say because I can't help how I feel.

"I'm sorry Elena but he's terrible person, you know how I feel about him."

"He's not a bad person. You know me and you know that I'm a sensible person so trust me when I say he's not bad."

"He's done so many horrible things Elena."

"Yeah in the past, Klaus is a million times worse and yet I saw the two of you earlier and you seemed pretty cosy to me."

"Becoming a vampire has really changed you. And you know why I'm talking to Klaus, your brother killed one of his hybrids so now I'm making it up to him."

"What do you mean?"

"I promised I'd go on a date with him."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"I have to go there's so much that needs doing before tomorrow." I say then I walk away.


"Jer are you home?" I call out as soon as I step in my front door.

No answer. As I'm about to close the door a soft voice says "Elena Gilbert."

"Oh my god April Young, come in." I say. I haven't seen her since her mom died and her dad sent her to boarding school. I used to babysit her.

"Are you back for good?" I ask as we walk to the kitchen.

"You haven't heard have you?" She says worrying me.

"No, what's wrong?"

"There was a gas leak at my family's farm and it blew up with my father and the founders council inside."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do jut let me know."


"Would you like something to drink or eat?"

"No thanks, I actually came here because I was thinking of entering Miss Mystic Falls and I heard you entered and I was wondering if you'd help me."

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