The Cure - Part 2

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Jeremy's POV
Shane approaches me and my kidnapper with the tombstone in his arm. "Jeremy. Thanks for defending him from his attacker Massak." Shane says.

"His attacker?" Massak questions.

"Jeremy was attacked by an islander yesterday. I assumed you were his hatchet-flinging guardian angel." Shane says.

"No, that wasn't me." Massak says.

"Well, then I guess there's somebody else on this island who's desperate to keep our hunter alive."

"Bonnie?" I say as she stumbles towards us.

"What the hell is going on Shane? How did I get here?" She asks.

"The path behind me—" she says.

"Magically disappeared? You can thank the talents of Massak. He's a witch. Should you try to escape, he'll ensure that you never find your way back. So, the gang's all here. Silas awaits." This dude really is crazy. He's brought us all here for himself. He never wanted to help Bonnie at all, he just wanted to use her.

Damon's POV

I open my eyes and I'm tied to a tree with vervain ropes around my neck, wrists and ankles. I look and I see a guy with a tattoo just like Jeremy's. He's a hunter.
"Something botherin' you?" He asks.

"Would you believe me if I said mosquitoes?"

"Aye, I would. How does it feel when a relentless eating machine is draining the blood from your veins?"


"Your friends from Mystic Falls think you're funny, Damon?"

"You obviously know who I am and where I'm from. Have you been spying on me? Got a thing for me? If you do, I hate to break it to you but I don't swing that way."

"Aye, I have.You and Stefan, Elena, your witch, Bonnie. Do you need her to cast the spell written on your pal, Jeremy's hunter's mark...the tattoo that looks exactly like this?."

"You wanna know something, just ask."

"I've been killing vampires my entire life. Still, this thing refused to reveal itself to me. That was, until three days ago and it just magically completed for no apparent reason."

"Come on, man. Do I look like I know anything about tattoos? Look at my skin. It's flawless."

"Ah! You're not taking me seriously. I don't blame ya. You don't know me.So let me introduce myself. My name is Galen Vaughn, and you'd better start talkin'." He stabs me in the neck with a steak.

Caroline's POV

I'm on the phone with Elena and I'm in the Gilbert house where Klaus is still trapped. I put my phone on loud speaker and I sit it down on the table "When we got back from looking for Jeremy, Shane and Bonnie were gone too. Shane needs Bonnie to cast a spell on Jeremy's tattoo in order to find the cure, and he managed to sneak them both out from under our noses." Elena says.

"What about Damon? Where's he in all of this?" I ask.

"We're on the beach and Damon and I had an argument and I thought he just went for a walk but it looms like there's been a struggle."

"Meaning what?"

"Meaning someone's jumped him and dragged him god knows where."

"Do you think Shane could've taken him?"

"No, I mean, he's not strong enough to take Damon on, even with the element of surprise. He must have someone, or at least a few someones helping him."

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