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Salvatore means saviour and for me it means I'll always have a protector or two. But at this moment in time I don't need one or two because I can't be protected from what is inevitable I will be sacrificed, I don't want to be I'm scared but, I know that if I try to run everyone I love will die. So now it's my turn to be there protector.

"Elena." Stefan says walking into my room.


"Are you going to the dance tomorrow night."

"The 60s dance?"


"I don't think so and why are you asking? You hate dancing."

"But you don't hate it."

"But do you really want to go to another high school dance? Haven't you been to like a million of them?"

"Elena, we have to be a normal high school couple, or at least as normal as possible."

"We're anything but normal and that's partly why I love you."

"Don't try and change the subject, we're going to that dance and I have clothes from the 60s."

"I guess we're going to the dance then."

Bonnie's POV

I get out of the car take a deep breath and walk up the path the door is open so I push it further and take a step inside and he's sitting on the second step.

"Bonnie you need to tell Elena."

"I will, I just don't know how." I walk over and sit next to him and put my head on his shoulder. "I just don't want to hurt her."

"I know and that's why she's really lucky to have you as her best friend."

"I remember your rebellious phase, your druggy phase, your Emo phase and your Elena's little brother and somehow like overnight you've turned into this really hot guy."

"You think I'm hot?"

"But now is maybe not the time."

"Shut up." He says and he kisses me and I'm not thinking of his as Elena's dorky little brother but as the guy I like.

Elena's POV

"I heard voices." I say as I stand up and go to the top of the stairs where I see Jeremy and "Bonnie?" Making out. She immediately turns to look at me and she runs up the stairs to me.

"I'm sorry I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how."

"It's okay."

"So it's not weird that I like your brother."

"I think he deserves someone as amazing as you, I think you both deserve it after everything."

"I love you."

"I love you too Bonnie." We hug then I go back to my room because even though I'm okay with it I don't want to see it.

I walk back to my room to see that Stefan is gone.

I try to call him five times but there is no answer.
Stefan's POV


"What do you want Stefan?"

"The moonstone."

"What makes you think I have it."

"I know you have it. I couldn't help noticing you're starting to desiccate." I say holding up a blood bag. She jumps up, her fangs coming out.

"If you want the stone come in here and get it."

"So you do have it?"

"You know I have it."

"No, I was bluffing but know I know you have it."

"Well come and get it Stefan."

"Throw it out and I'll bring you blood everyday and I'll try to get you out."


"You bitch."

"I don't want the spell to be lifted because when Klaus comes if he's not here already I'll be here where no vampire will enter because they can't get out I'm safe in here so if you want the moonstone then come and get it. I know you're going to try and get Bon Bon to lift the spell from the stone therefore saving Elena, so you'll come and get it."

I can't leave the stone in there so I run in and throw the stone out but I leave the blood bag on the other side of the barrier then I call Damon.
"Aaaghh Stefan how could you be so stupid." Damon says appearing.

"I had to get the moonstone out Damon."

"Damit. I'll get you out."

"Don't worry about me just take the moonstone to Bonnie so she can un-spell it."

"You won't be here for long I promise you."

"Make me one more promise Damon."


"Keep Elena away from here."

"That's going to be hard."

"Please Damon." He just nods takes the moonstone and goes.

Elena's POV

I'm sitting in the kitchen when Damon comes in and says "Elena I need to tell you something."

I take him upstairs close my bedroom door and say "what is it?"

"It's Stefan he's trapped in the tomb with Katherine." Before I know what I'm doing I'm running to my car and driving to the woods where the old Fells Church is.

I run down to the tomb door I go to step in but Damon pulls me back and pins my shoulders against the wall.
"Damon what are you doing I need to see him."

"Elena don't you understand if you go in there I can't protect you and Katherine is old and hungry and she'd drink you dry."

"This is Stefan Damon." I say shouting.
"Damon let go of me." I try to wiggle out from his grip but he just pins me harder against the wall. I know Stefan can hear us arguing.

"We'll get him out. I promise you Elena but right now you need to go home."

"Damon let go of me. You're hurting me." He lets me go and I get ready to run down into the tomb but he puts his arm in front of me and makes a tutting noise. "Damon Please." He just looks at me.

"If you go in there, then there is nothing I can do to keep you safe."


"Don't Damon me. I've already told you that your safety is important to me. You are my friend Elena and I know you're planning on letting Klaus sacrifice you but you have to trust me. Now we have this." He says and he picks up a small oval stone. "There's a way out of this for you. I promised you I'd find one and now here it is. So do you trust me?"

"I trust you. But please can you just let me past?" He shakes his head. Then I turn around and drive home. All I can think about is how he's stuck in there with her.

Stefan's POV

"Aww look at that she's fighting Damon to get to you, I just can't believe she's pretending not to be in love with him." Katherine says with her bitchy tone.

"You know what Katherine I'm a lot stronger than you right now so I suggest you just shut up until I get out of here." I just hope Damon and Bonnie can figure something out.

"You can't be serious, are you really that blind? I don't even know her and I can see it written all over face. She's in love with him and she maybe can't admit right now, but one day she will and when that day comes just know I'll be here waiting for you Stefan."

"I said shut up." I say before snapping her neck.

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