Blood Is The Key

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Klaus has me strapped to a chair so I can't run. Even if I tried I'd get caught and Klaus would just kill me. He's going to kill me anyway. He's just trying to toy with me. He wants me to beg for my life. But I won't. I won't give him the satisfaction.

"Hello my precious doppelgänger." Klaus says walking into the room.
He comes close to me which scares me but I try not show him I'm scared. "I can see why you have the Salvatore brother competing for you attention. Oh love you can speak up."

"I have nothing to say."

"Okay well just between us girls who would you have picked Stefan or Damon?"

"They aren't toys to picked up off a shelf."

"Oh come on we both know your in love with both of them, your more like Katerina than you think. As we speak Damon is driving off with her so I guess the decision has been made for you. It looks like your stuck with Stefan."

"Stop, just stop."

"Oh have I touched a nerve?"

"Just kill me."

"Well Elena, there's been a turn of evens where basically if I want to create hybrids I need your blood." Then I realise he's taking my blood as I look down to my arm to see a tube filling up blood bags.

"How? How do you know this?"

"Let's just say that necklace of yours belonged to the original witch, she was the one who cursed me in the first place and she hated me. We made contact with her using the necklace. She told me if I want hybrids I have to kill you and of course I'm not going to do what she says so instead I experimented. I used your blood to turn Tyler Lockwood into a loyal hybrid who will be eternally great full because I have relieved him of the pain of having to turn every full mood. When I leave this tragic little town you will accompany me while I select the best werewolf's to join me. But first I think I'll have a little fun. Stefan you can come in now." Then Stefan walks in with no expression on his face.

"What have you done to him?"

"Isn't it obvious I compelled him."

"Please don't hurt him, I won't try to escape. I'll come with you openly just don't hurt him or anyone else."

"Your compassion is a gift Elena but it is also your biggest weakness." He walks over to Stefan and says "please have a little taste of Elena's blood. I know you want to."
I can see Stefan trying to fight it as he slowly walks over to me.

"No, I won't feed on her." He says using all his strength to resist the compulsion.

"Oh well then we'll have to change that, now turn it off." Klaus says walking over to Stefan and placing his hand on Stefan's shoulder.

"No!" Stefan says pushing Klaus away. He was faking earlier. Why?

"Aww Stefan how disappoint me. Now. Turn... It... Off."

Again Stefan says "no."

"Turn it off." Klaus shouts at the top of his voice pushing Stefan against a wall.

"Stefan don't. You can't fight this." I say tears starting to fall down my face. Then I see Stefan's face turn black and his fangs come out.

"There's my ripper." Klaus says smirking.

"No. Why?" I ask getting angry.

"Fun." Klaus says walking away from Stefan and over to me. "Now wouldn't you like a drink ripper?" Klaus says smirking and pulling my hair away from my neck.
Stefan starts to walk towards me. I just close my eyes and wait.
Nothing's happening. I slowly open my eyes to Stefan on the floor with his neck snapped.

"Damon." I say as I see him untying me.

"Come on let's get you out of here." He says takin the tube out of my arm.
I go to stand up but I can't I just fall but Damon catches me and carries me.
I wake up in Damon's bed with him sitting by my side.

"Where were you Damon?" I ask recalling what just happened.

"I'm sorry I never should've left."

"I needed you."

"Don't worry I'm not going to leave you ever agin. I promise." He says taking my hand.

"Why did you leave?"

"With Stefan back I didn't think you needed me anymore and Katherine came by and offered me to go with her to where ever it is she was going."

"I do need you Damon and I'm always going to need you. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere now get some rest, you've lost a lot of blood."

"Klaus will not give up until he has me."

"What are you talking about and why was he talking your blood?"

"Because my blood is they key. The hybrids have to drink my blood in order to complete the transition."

"How does he know this?"

"He used Tyler as an experiment so now Tyler's a hybrid."

"All that happened in two days?"


"Well if he wants to use you as his own personal supply for hybrids he's going have to go through me first."

"Damon he'll kill you."

"I don't care. All I care about is your safety and Kluas puts you in danger. I won't let him hurt you ever again."

"You can't Damon and deep down you know it."

"No Elena I won't let him take you."

"I'm just one person Damon I don't matter."

"Don't ever say that again because you do matter. You are the glue that keeps us all together. Without you Stefan and I wouldn't be close again. Without you so many people would be broken because you've helped so many people."

"I'm the reason that so many people have died Damon and I won't let anyone else get killed because of me because my parents, Jenna, Bonnie's grams, Isobel, John I mean even John they're all dead. They're all dead because of me. They all died because of me."

I just burst into tears. Damon just pulls me into a tight hug and says "none of those deaths are your fault Elena. You have to know that and you have to believe it."

"I can't John gave up his life so I could live, my parents gave up there life so I could live, Isobel died to protect me, Jenna was killed because of me, Bonnie's grams died because of me and Katherine. Its because of me. All that death is because of me. I've caused so much pain and sometimes I wish I'd died with my parents like I was supposed to. And now Stefan has flipped his humanity off because Klaus was using him to get to me. Then there's you. I'm so sorry for all the pain I've caused you Damon." I say pulling myself out of his arms.

"Don't apologise because your are by far the greatest person I've had the privilege of loving and calling a friend in my life." He says cupping his hands in my cheeks.

"Aww how sweet." I hear Stefan say. I look over to see him standing in the doorway.

"Stefan I'm sorry just turn it back on." I say looking into his emotionless eyes from Damon's bed.

"Yeah no thanks. Just thought you should know that your under my protection. Klaus is gone but he'll be back and he's ordered me to protect you and that's what I'm going to do."

"Stefan." I say more tears running down my face.

"Save it Elena besides you have Damon with all his humanity. I'm getting bored of this conversation so bye. Please continue." He says then he walks away.

"We have to make him turn it back on." I say looking to Damon who isn't looking pleased.

"Agreed I have a plan, but you are not going to like it."

"I'll do what ever it takes."


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