Stefan Is Out Of Control

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"Stefan is acting strange Damon. What is wrong with him?"

"He'll be fine Elena, he just needs a few days to get back into things, he'll be a bunny drinking pacifist again in no time."

"What do you mean again?"

"Stefan's been drinking human blood Elena and the last time he started drinking human blood he went off the rails big time. He shut his humanity off and he killed people but I won't let that happen to him again I promise you" he says then he kisses me softly on the forehead, looks me in the eye then he leaves. Did he really just kiss me? I can't think about Damon right now I need to go and find Stefan, I go to walk down the stairs but I see Stefan standing at the window through the mirror. I turn and run towards him and I just wrap my arms around him and I say "don't let me go" he doesn't say anything he holds the hug for a little longer then he pushes me away. I see his face changing and he turns around and I say "don't hide your face from me, you don't have to hide because I know who you are Stefan and I love you."

"I love you Elena" he says walking to me and then he kisses me after he leaves I call Damon and he comes over. I grab his arm and he says "no Elena I will no go up to your bedroom with you" I just give him the look that says I'm trying to be serious so stop being a sarcastic ass. We get to my room and I say "Damon we need to come up with some sort of plan to get Stefan back to the normal bunny eating Stefan as you so poetically put it."

"Fine, Elena I'll help you vervain him after the Miss Mystic pageant"

"I completely forgot about that. I think I'm entered. I remember me and my mom filling out the application. Wow that feels like a life time ago." He just walks over and hugs me. At first I don't know what to do because it's a little awkward so I just hug Damon back. When he lets go I say "after the pageant we have to vervain Stefan and you know it."

"I know Elena. I'll do what ever you need me to do. I'll always do what is needed to help you." He leaves and I'm left feeling guilty that I don't love him because I know he loves me. But it would be wrong for me to fall in love with Damon when I'm in love with his brother. I have to follow my heart and do what it's telling me I care about Damon but...
"Elena we its time to go Rick is here." Jenna shouts from the bottom of the stairs. I walk down and Jenna, Alaric, Jeremy and "uncle John. What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I'd stay gone for the Mrs Mystic Falls pageant did you? After all I knew how much it meant to you and your mom. This was always Miranda's favourite event." I nod while a tears falls from my eyes then I say "she wanted this for me because she was Mrs Mystic, you know I actually forgot about the pageant but now I just wish she was here to see me in my dress even if I could just have 5 minuets with her to tell her how much I love her and my dad but I can't so let's get going in honour of the memory of her and my dad."

Jenna and I get into Alaric's car and we drive to the Lockwood's.

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