Happy Birthday

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Damon's POV

"Elena we'll get Stefan back I promise you." I say pouring a glass of bourbon.
"You've been saying that all summer and we've still not got any leads since the last one Sheriff Forbes gave us was a dead end." She says standing up from the couch.

"Look why don't you go home and get ready for the party? You only turn eight-teen once."

"I don't even want a party but Caroline is insisting."

"Of course she is becoming a vampire really has turned her into an obsessive control freak."

"She's always been that way. Vampirism only magnified that."

"Wow. Now go Elena."

"Okay but call me if there's any new leads."

"I will, I'll see you at the party."

As I hear her closing the door my phone starts ringing so I take it out my pocket and I say "this better be good Liz."

"Damon." The voice says and I instantly know it's the voice of my little brother.

"Stefan where the hell have you been?"

"None of that matters right now Damon because Klaus is on his way back to Mystic Falls and he'll be there by eleven o'clock tonight."

"What? NO NO NO!" I throw my glass at the fire. "How could you let that happen?"

"Just get Elena out of there now."

"You know she won't leave."

"Damon you have to try. Please can you just get her as far away as possible? One more thing Klaus has a sister and she's with him and she's one to watch." He hangs up before I can say anything crap now I have 3 very big problems.
Klaus' sister.


The party is about to start and I still haven't told Elena about Klaus coming. She's in Stefan's room so I take the present I got for her out of my pocket and I walk up to Stefan's room.

Elena's POV

I'm just looking in the mirror at my above the knee, white, lace, dress and I just feel like something is missing.
"Knock knock." I turn my head to see Damon walking towards me holding a small box.

"Hey I was just about to go downstairs." I smiling at him.

"I got you something."

"I thought I said no presents."

"It doesn't count I didn't pay for it."

"So you stole it?" I say folding my arms.

"Just open it." He says holding the box out for me to take. So I do and I open it to reveal the necklace that Stefan gave me.

"I though I'd lost this forever."

He takes it out of the box and says "may I?" I nod and I turn to face the mirror moving my hair away from my neck. He places it gently around my neck and it's nice and cold. He clasps it shut and puts his hands on my shoulders.

I just realised the necklace that Stefan gave me to keep Damon away from me was the one thing that has made me realise something very important.
This is the most selfless he's ever been. He gave me the one thing that symbolises hope for me and Stefan even though he loves me but he did it to make my birthday better and it's now that I know that I'm in love with Damon Salvatore.

"Thank you." I say turning to face him again.

"You're welcome, we should downstairs because by the sounds of it we're missing one hell of a party." He says putting out his arm for me to take so I take his arm and I let him lead me downstairs to the party which is in full swing. I think a few people are actually drunk already.

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