The Cure - Part 1

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One Week Later
My brother killed Kol Mikaelson. Now his Hunters mark is complete because when an original dies their entire vampire bloodline dies a long with them. And now we are one step closer to finding the cure. Professor Shane knows where it is and he's going to take us there.
We're getting off boats because Shane has lead us to island where the cure is buried.
"Congratulations we made it." Shane says more to himself than the rest of us. Bonnie, Jeremy, Stefan, Damon, Rebekah are all here too. There's also a catch that comes with the cure. It's buried with the worlds first immortal being. Silas. He is also a witch and Shane wants us to help wake him up in return for leading us to the cure.
Damon and I are standing together and Shane walks over to us. Damon being Damon asks "couldn't they have hidden the cure in Hawaii? Where the hell have you taken us?"

"Two hundred miles off the Nova Scotia mainland. If you recall, the whole point was to hide the cure on the world's most obscure, desolate island." Shane says looking around.

"Oh yeah? I thought the whole point was that no one found Silas, the oldest, deadliest freak in the world." Damon says.

"How do you even know so much about Silas?" I ask.

"That's a long story." Shane says holding up sunscreen and then he says "sunscreen?"

"Is that a joke?" Damon say looking like he really wants to kill this guy.

I look over to Stefan and he is tying a knot with some rope, while Rebekah is standing there glaring at me. "You know your not helping." Stefan says.

"You are perfectly capable of tying a knot." Rebekah says still looking at me.

"I meant, you giving Elena the evil eye is not helping."

"She killed my brother, tried to get you to put a dagger in my back. She's lucky all she's getting is the evil eye. If this was a year ago she'd be dead."

"You know I can hear you right?" I say.

"I don't care." She says and she infuriates me. I pull out the white oak stake and she says "Go ahead, try and kill me. But then you'd have to face your real problems. Like the fact that Stefan invited me here, himself. I guess he likes me again."

I just shove it back into my bag and Damon says "looks like someone forgot her team building exercises."

"I'm not apologising for not wanting her here and for hating her Damon."

" You know Stefan just brought her here to make it seem like he's moving on. He wants you to think that he's over you, and he wants me to think that I can't get under his skin."

"You know, you're right. With any luck, I'll only have to tolerate her for a few more days, and then we'll find the cure and I'll never have to deal with her again."

"Human Rebekah. I can't even imagine her without fangs and that devilish look she gets on her face."

"You know, you've never talked about what you'll do with the cure, once we find it. Will you take it?"

"I don't like to speculate."

Bonnie's POV

I'm taking pictures of Jeremy's tattoo with my phone so I can try and figure it out. "I'm sorry, if there was a less awkward way for me to do this then I would."

"It doesn't bother me." He says making me smile. "But what about Klaus, I mean I killed his brother, he's going to come after me."

"Don't worry I bound him in your living room and I used the full moon to do it. I mean we don't have long but it's enough time for us to get the cure."

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