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"Caroline it's me Elena, I need you to do me a favor. When you get this please call me back"

Two minutes later Caroline is standing in my kitchen with a worried look on her face.

"Hey, thanks for coming Caroline" I say.

"What this favour that you need me for?"

"Before you get all paranoid just listen. I need you to distract Stefan so I can go and talk to Katherine."

"That's not a good idea Elena."

"She's trapped as long as I don't go inside the tomb she can't hurt me, so will you please do this for me?"

"Fine I'll drive you there, but if you don't text me within two hours then Stefan and I will be there like a shot."

"Fine, lets go then."
We get in Caroline's car and I'm holding a bag with blood so Katherine will answer me honestly. We drive out to where Fell's Church was and Caroline moves the door of the tomb over and Katherine slowly walks to the exit. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Caroline asks.

"Don't worry as long as I stay on this side of the door she can't hurt me."

"Okay I'll see you later Elena."
Once Caroline leaves I say "I brought you something" taking out the blood, and immediately I have her attention.

"What do you want Elena?"

"In exchange for blood I want you to tell me your story. I want you to tell me why I'm in danger." I then pour a small amount of blood into a plastic cup and push it towards her using a stick.
She drinks the blood and starts to speak "I had just given birth to a little girl and my father wouldn't let me hold her, he told me that I'd brought shame to the family, so I fled to England and soon became very English. It was March 1492 when I met Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson who were Lords hiding a secret. That they were the part of the original family of vampires. I grew close to Klaus but Elijah was always kind to me he spent time with me when Klaus didn't. Then there was Trevor who believed that he was in love with me but I said that love is not true unless it is returned."

Caroline's Point of View

If I'm going to do what Elena asked then I have to find "Stefan hey, do want to go to the grill for lunch? I'm starving and I'm having some issues."

"Sure Caroline, I'm here for you" we get to the grill and I sit down and order a Cheese Burger, Fries with a side of salad, vanilla cheesecake with raspberry sauce and a soda. I'm not even hungry but I'm doing this for one of my best friends.

Elena's Point of View

"Once I found out that all Klaus wanted was just to sacrifice me because I am a doppelgänger just like you Elena. I took something from him and I ran."

"What did you take Katherine?"

"A moonstone. Trevor told me to go to this cottage so I ran like hell because I could hear Klaus' men shouting 'Katerina we will find you, just come out now and no harm will come to you' but I knew they were lying so I ran and I go to the cottage where a woman named Rose told the old woman who answered the door to let me in and give me food and water. I then went into the bedroom and I stabbed myself. Rose came in and she fed me her blood. Which was what I needed her to do. I then grabbed some rope and I hung myself when I woke up Trevor and Rose were standing over me. The old woman came into the room with food then I ran over to her, slit her neck and I started to feed and I'll never forget the look on Trevor's face when I said 'better you die than I'."

Caroline's Point of View

"Caroline what is going on you've been acting strange all day? Where is Elena?"

"I can't tell you Stefan."

"Your seriously not going to tell me, she could be in danger."

"I wouldn't have left her alone if I thought that she would get hurt."

"Please just tell me Caroline, I thought we were friends."

"We are friends but Elena is my best friend and I made a promise to her that I wouldn't tell you so I'm sorry Stefan but I'm not going to tell you where she is." Then Stefan stands up and leaves.

Elena's Point of View

"Klaus will come for you Elena I know this because when I was on the run I went back to Bulgaria and my entire family had been slaughtered. Klaus killed them because I ran from him."

Before I get the chance to say anything Stefan runs down to me and I say "Caroline?"

"Oh don't worry Caroline kept your secret."

"Then how?"

"I didn't take long for me to figure out where you could be that Caroline wouldn't tell me. Look what ever she said to you is a lie."

"How do you know? You didn't hear what she said."

"I didn't have to, this is what she does she manipulates because she a psychotic bitch."

"Well Stefan when Klaus comes and believe me he will, I'll be the safest little psychotic bitch in town because I'm safe in here where no vampire will enter because they can't get out." Katherine says then she turns away from us. Stefan drives me home and walks me to my door.

"Katherine was telling the truth. I can't blame anyone else anymore, it's not because you came to town or because we fell in love that's not the reason why everyone I love is in danger is because of me its all because of me. Klaus killed Katherine's entire family because she ran." Stefan wraps his arms around me and I can't stop the tears. He's coming and it's all my fault.

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