Meeting The Salvatore brothers.

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I woke up in the hospital, clueless. Jeremy, Bonnie, Caroline, my aunt Jenna and Matt were all standing around me. "What's going on? How did I get here?"

"You don't remember?" My aunt Jenna asks and I just shake my head while they all look at each other.

"One of you needs to tell me what is going on." I say sitting up.

"Elena mom and dad are dead." Jeremy says tears streaming down his face and I feel my heart drop a thousand feet. They can't be dead. They just can't be. This cannot be happening, not like this. 

Today is the first day back at school and I have promised myself that I won't break down into a puddle of tears because the truth is I haven't moved on from my parents death in the spring. I wake up every morning thinking, hoping I am going to see them and all of this is just a nightmare but every morning I know I'm never going to see my mom or my dad ever... again. Aunt Jenna is amazing and I lover her but she's not them as for Jeremy he's just been blocking it out soaking pot, drinking, sneaking out in the middle of the night. I worry about him all the time but... there is nothing I can say or do to ease his pain.  I run down stairs grab my keys and run out the door where Bonnie is waiting outside in her car for me. "Elena" Bonnie says smiling at me.

"What's up?"

"We are going to be late for our first day of Junior year, just think this time next year we will be high school seniors". I couldn't help but laugh "Bonnie, breathe and just drive" I say.

We arrive at school and I realise that I can't do this, I can't go in there and be the sad little girl who lost her parents but that's what I am. Ever since the funeral I've been going to the cemetery and writing in my diary. It was my mom who bought me my first diary when I was 10 years old. "Elena, you okay?" Bonnie says. I can't reply so I just nod and started to walk. We got to the office and Bonnie says "hey there is the new guy, he's hot. His name is Stefan Salvatore. and I say "Bonnie you can't see his face" and for the first time today I smiled. 

"I know he's hot he has a nice butt".  She says checking him out and I just laugh at her and continued to walk to my locker where I was getting a bad look from Matt, it's been 4 months he has to move on find someone else.

Before I knew it I was taking my own advice. 

***                                                                     2WEEKS LATER


Stefan and I are getting closer last night we talked on the phone for hours and hours. Bonnie said she gets a bad vibe from him because her grams told her she was a witch. How crazy right? It's safe to say I'm not a believer in the supernatural but Bonnie seems to be. I'm going to go and pay Stefan a surprise visit at his house today, I hope he doesn't get mad or anything. 


Wow his house is huge and very old. I knock on the door and it creeks open I walk through the door into the foyer then into the living room and there is this guy standing there not to much older than Stefan and I. "Sorry, the door was open hope you don't mind" I say shyly. 

"You must be Elena Gilbert, I'm Damon Stefan's brother". He says. 

"Stefan didn't tell me he had a brother" I reply. He walks over takes my hand and kisses it. One thing I can say about the Salvatore brothers is that they are both insanely hot. 

"My little brother is just full of surprises." He says giving me a charming smile. And there's something about him. Something familiar.

"Are you close?"

"We used to be. A very long time ago. Right Stefan?" Damon says and I look behind me and I see Stefan standing with a look on his face like he wants to kill Damon.

"I hope you don't mind me coming over." I say as he is walking towards me.

"Not at all. Would you like to go outside and talk?" He asks.


"Can you meet me outside, I just have to talk to my brother."

"Sure, it was nice meeting you Damon." I say being friendly. 

"You too." He says smirking. 

Stefan's POV
I wait until she's outside before saying "what the hell do you think you are doing Damon?"

"What? She came in here brother." He says pouring himself a glass of whiskey.

"Stay away from her. It's bad enough you being here but keep away from her."

"I like her."

"I mean it Damon." I say trying to stay calm.

"What will you do Stefan, kill me? We both know you're not capable of killing me. I'm stronger and faster than you. I can hear better than you because I am a normal vampire who drinks human blood. But you can't control yourself with the human stuff. So you drain sweet animals. It's great, really I admire your ability to choke it down. Now I'm off. Tell Elena it really was lovely to finally meet her." He says then I turn my back and I walk out to Elena who's sitting on the wall which faces the front door.

Elena's POV

"I'm sorry about that." He says sitting down next to me.

"How come you never mentioned you have a brother?" I ask turning my body to face his.

"We don't get along that well."

"I can tell." The tension in that room was crazy. It's like they literally wanted to kill each other.

"Sorry, I should've warned you about him. He can be very forward."

"He wasn't all that bad." I say smiling at him. "But let's not talk about Damon."

"Let's not talk at all." He says before pressing his lips to mine and its nice. It feels really good and right. When I'm with Stefan everything else just disappears, its like its just us and I love feeling like that. 

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