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Elena's POV

Klaus has brought me somewhere I don't recognise.
"Hello, you must be Elena, I'm Greta." A young beautiful girl says.

"Yes I am." I say in fear.

"Follow me." She starts walking so I follow.

"So you are one of Klaus' witches?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Why? Why would you want to work with someone like him?"

"I believe that's none of your business."

"You know you don't have to right?"

"We're here." She says then she waves her hand and I'm suddenly in the middle of a ring of fire."

I look over to the right and I see her in a ring of fire too. "Jenna. Jenna can you hear me? Jenna please wake up. Please." Her eyes open wide and she starts gasping for air.

"Elena." She says looking at me funny.

"Jenna I am so sorry it's all my fault." I say tears streaming down my face.

"You're awake, good." Greta says cutting her arm and putting out the fire surrounding Jenna. Greta walks up to Jenna and she holds her arm out.

"Jenna no. You can't. You have to overcome it. You have to overcome the hunger." I say.

"I'm sorry Elena but I can't." She says then she grabs Greta's arm and she starts feeding on her.

What I have I done? This is all my fault. Jenna is a vampire because of me and she's about to be sacrificed because of me. Greta then pulls away from Jenna and she puts the ring of fire back up.
Then a familiar voice says "we're all here and ready to start." I turn around to see Klaus throwing a random girl to the ground and Greta then puts a ring of fire around her to. The girl is in pain, she must be the werewolf need for the sacrifice to work.

"There's something about it being all female that I like." Klaus says walking up to something which I thing is his sacrifice alter or podium.

"Ready love?" Greta asks and Klaus places his hand in Greta's and she slices his hand open and pours the blood into something but I can't really see what it is.

"Wait." Klaus says and he turns around and vamp speeds away.
I look up to where he's went and I see Stefan standing.

"Jenna you can hear them and I need you to tell me why Stefan is standing here."

"What? I can't. I don't hear anything Elena."

"Just concentrate Jenna please."

He closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and says "oh my god."

"What?" I ask my eyes widening.

"Stefan wants Klaus to let him trade places with me."


"I won't let him do it and by the sounds of things neither will Klaus."

"Now you get to watch the love of your life die at my hands." Klaus says dropping Stefan on the ground in front of the fire that surrounds me.

"Stefan why?" I ask trying to stop the tears.

"I'm so sorry Elena. I'm so sorry for all of this." He says still on the ground.

"It's not your fault. Any of it. It's mine and I know that so you don't have to feel guilty about anything." I say wiping tears away with my sleeve.

"Shall we wolf girl?" Klaus says as the fire disappears from around the girl.
The girl tries to run but Klaus rips her heart out and he squeezes it into the same thing his blood went into.
He then walks over to Jenna. Again the fire is removed from around her and I mouth 'run' to her. She goes to but Klaus grabs her and says "not so fast love." He takes a steak out of his pocket and holds it over her heart.

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