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We're all still in our prom dresses and nobody has slept because Bonnie is in a hospital bed and the doctors have idea what is wrong with her.
Bonnie's POV

I sharply wake up taking sharp breaths as I look around and I'm in the cemetery. How did I get here? I stand up and I see my grams.
"Grams." I say running over to her.

"Bonnie." She says hugging me tightly.

"Grams how did I get here?" I say stepping back and all I can hear are whispers.

"I don't no but the witches are angry."

"How do I get back?"

"There coming. We have to go. Now." She says taking my hand and leading me through the cemetery.

Elena's POV

I take Bonnie's hand and she just looks like she's sleeping. We've tried to give her blood but it didn't work. "Bonnie please wake up."

"How's she doing?" Caroline asks sitting down on the other side of her.

"It doesn't make sense. Blood always works. So why hasn't it helped her?"

"I don't know." She says taking Bonnie's other hand.

"If blood won't work then it's down to her. Maybe it's a witch thing."


"Is Damon still out there?"

"Yeah why?"

"Because I'm going to ask I he and Alaric can find out anything about a witch falling into a coma for no medical reason." I rush out of the room and Stefan and Damon are standing together.

"How is she?" Stefan asks because he actually cares about Bonnie.

"We don't know which is why I need you to something for me." I say praying that they'll find something.

"Anything." Damon says taking my hand.

"I need you to try and find out what ever you can about a healthy witch falling into a mysterious coma." They both just look at me as if I'm crazy. "Please. We need to do everything we can to get her back."

"Okay." Damon says and I give him a quick kiss before going back to Bonnie."

Bonnie's POV

"Grams where are we?" I ask

"This is the other side Bonnie."

"Why am I here. I'm not dead." I say starting to panic. "I'm alive aren't I?"

"Yes don't worry you are still alive." He says putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Then how did I get here and why am I here?"

"The witches have a lot of power but I'm not sure what kind of magic they used. You're here because they don't want you to drop the veil between this side and the world you live in."

"Grams I have to. You can come back. We can see each other again."

"No Bonnie. It's too dangerous. That much power will kill you."

"Grams I can handle it. I'm stronger now."

"No. You don't understand they won't let you."


"The witches. They'll stop you. And if they can't then you'll die and they'll be living again so they'll put the veil back up. It's pointless. I won't let you risk your life for this."

Elena's POV

Eight hours Caroline and I have been here and Stefan, Damon and Alaric are still looking for something.

"We found something." I hear Damon say and I must have fallen asleep. I sit up and ask "What's going on?"

"The blood of two doppelgängers from the same bloodline will wake her up." Alaric says as he reads a large book with a leather binding.

"So we need Katherine and she'll never help us." Caroline says. "No but she would help you Stefan. If you ask her she'll do it. She'd do anything for you. You just need to know how to ask."

"I'll try." Stefan says giving me a smile then he walks out of the room. Damon walks over to me and he places his hands on my shoulders in a comforting way.

Bonnie's POV

"Grams, I'm scared." I say sitting down on the ground and I pull my knees up to my chest.

"Oh Bonnie. You are a strong young woman. You will get through this."

"I'm afraid of what Silas will do. He's come to me a few times and I'm just tired of always being the one who has to fix everything. I love my friends and I would do anything for them but that means I have to..." I can't say the rest. I'm starting to fall into a puddle of tears. She sits down next to me and she takes my hands and pulls me into a hug. "I don't know how to fix this grams."

"You're not alone. Talk to your friends. It's time for you to go back."

"Wait. Can we just be together for five more minuets?"

"It's too dangerous you don't belong here. Not yet."

"Please Grams."

Elena's POV

I take Bonnie's hand in mine and I just close my eyes. Caroline has been asleep in the other chair for an hour but I can't. I'm exhausted but I can't sleep until I know that she's awake and safe.
"Elena you should go home and get some rest." Damon says walking in.

"I can't." I say looking at her and she looks peaceful, I hope she is.

"Elena. You're no good to her if you're to tired to construct a conversation."

"Damon I need to know that she's going to be okay." I say as tears appear in my eyes blurring my vision.

"She will be. Stefan is working on getting Katherine here." He says walking over to me.

"That's a long shot. She won't step a foot in Mystic Falls with Klaus floating around."

"Where's that Gilbert optimism?"

"Lately I've not been feeling so optimistic."

"You have to be. It's who you are."

"I try but I don't know. I'm a little lost and I'm trying but I've done horrible things Damon and I can't take them back. I was the worst friend and I'm sorry that I pushed you away."

"I'm not one to judge I've done way worse but I get it you didn't care. And that was not the best idea I've ever had. I mean I forced you then you turned into Katherine 2.0." He says and it makes me crack a smile.

"Okay. I wasn't that bad."

"Yeah you were. But it's okay." I look back over to Bonnie and her eyelids start moving.

"Did you see that?" I ask not taking my eyes off her.

"Yeah. Should I get the nurse?"

"Yeah." I say then he leaves the room and I watch as her eyes flutter open and she looks like she's seen a ghost.

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