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Damon's POV
"Hello, Damon." A voice says from behind.

"Katherine." I say not even turning to look at her. Just what I don't need right now.

"And how is the hottest Salvatore?"

"What do you want?" I ask, I am not in the mood to deal with her right now.

"Quite a lot actually."

"Well you should go, nobody wants you here."

"Ouch. Come for a walk with me."

"And why would I do that?"

"The cure. I mean I know deep down you don't want Elena to have it but you'd give it to her anyway because it's what she wants."

"Fine but I a few conditions." I say walking over to the bitch.

"Damon Salvatore gone soft. Am I dreaming? Do go on." She says smirking.

"No sudden moves, no tricks. No Katherine-ing." I say folding my arms.

"Did Elena turn it off after little Gilbert?"

"Why? It's not like you care about anyone but yourself."

"I loved you, Stefan too. Humanity is a vampires greatest weakness, no matter how easy it is to turn it off, it tries to find its way back in and sometimes I let it. So yes Damon I care because it's reminder that after everything I'm still here. Surviving. But right now that doesn't matter."

"Katherine what the hell are you doing here?" Stefan asks walking in.

"Sorry Stef, but this party is invite only are you coming Damon?" Kathrine says being her usual annoying self.

"No, maybe another time. I just remembered I have a million other things I'd rather be doing right now. One of them even includes building houses for the homeless." I say smirking.

"Fine. I won't ask again." She says then she walks out the door.

"We need to talk because we're going to loose her Damon?" Stefan says.



"Stefan it's only been a couple of days, she just needs some time." I say walking into the parlour and pouring myself a drink.

"Her humanity is gone. And her humanity is who she is." Boring.

"She's a vampire. Off switch is one of the biggest perks. If being undead gets you down, voilà, vampire Prozac. She needs this right now and I know you don't get it but give her time. Just trust me Stefan, I know what I'm doing." He needs to learn not to be so serious all the time.

"Trust you? She burned down her family home with her brother's dead body still inside."

"Look at it this way that saved us from having to come up with a cover story."

"There is no talking to you at all."

"Worst case scenario: I'll invoke the sire bond and tell her to turn it back on. Problem solved."

"No, her brother just died. If you force all that grief on her at once, it's going to overwhelm her. We need to give her a reason to want to turn it on Damon."

"Fine, we'll show her a good time then." Stefan just looks skeptical about this idea. "I know it's controversial, Stefan, but people actually like to have fun."

"Do you really think it's going to work?"

"There's only one way to find out brother."

Elena's POV

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