The Sire Bond

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I'm laying awake gazing at Damon while he sleeps. He looks so peaceful. A smile appears on his face as his eyes open. "I thought you would've been gone."

"No, I don't need to be at school just yet." I lean over and I kiss him and I feel his smile widen, I pull away and say "what's that face?"

"What face?" He says playing with my hair, which is nice.

"That face."

"I'm happy."

"Good because I am too." I say and we start to kiss again.

Stefan's POV

"This is a disaster." Caroline says leaning against the wall.

"No it's not because we don't know anything for sure yet."

"Stefan we know! Elena is aired to Damon! Which means that she has one singular burning desire, to make Damon happy, just like Klaus and his hybrids."

"A vampire sired to another vampire is one in a million so maybe it won't affect her they same way."

"We already know it's affecting her." I just look at her folding my arms. "It's true. Everything he says Elena agrees with and everything he asks her to do... she does. We need to do something." She says then she pulling her phone out her pocket.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm calling her."

"Wait. Caroline this isn't gossip you can't just drop this on her. A least until we know that it's actually happening."

"Fine. But I need to talk to Tyler. He might know what to do."

"Okay but please don't tell anyone else because if this is true then it may have influence on Elena's emotions and actions since she was turned and God knows what she's done that we don't know about."

"Ok. I promise. And Stefan."


"We'll figure this out. We always do."

"I hope you're right."

Elena's POV

Damon walks me to the door and he kisses me. "Damon listen." I say pulling away.

"No. Don't ruin it."

"You don't even know what I was going to say."

"I can guess it starts with 'what are we?' And ends with 'going to tell Stefan?'"

"He should know Damon. I feel weird keeping this a secret."

"I know. I just don't know when he should know it."

"Well, he knows that something's going on between us. It's the reason he and I broke up."

"I know, but can't we just have this one selfish, secret day?"

"Maybe we shouldn't. I mean last night and this morning was unforgettable so maybe we should just ease into what ever this is. Take it one step at a time. Instead of what we did."

"Elena, this is our time. It's never been right before but it is right now. One day? Just one day?" He says holding up one day.

I smile and say "one day."

I turn and I open the door to see Stefan walking up to the door. And an awkwardness falls over the three of us.

"Hey." I say to him.

"Hey." Stefan says putting his hands in his jeans pockets. There's a very awkward moment of silence between us.

"See you in history?" I say awkwardly.

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