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"Rebekah, I can find her." I say smiling.

"How? She's compelled the whole bloody town and she's not a complete fool, she will have compelled them to forget where she lives."

"We or I can do a little compelling of my own. We look a like, remember?"

"Yes, and? What does that change?"

"I can compel them to remember where I live."

"Clever girl. Maybe there's hope for you yet."

"But first I need coffee." I say walking towards a little cafe on the corner of the street.

"Elena get back here, we don't have time for this."

"Oh I think we do. I think I found the cure."


I walk into the cafe and sit across from her and Rebekah sits down beside her. "How did you find me?"

"You have Damon to thank for that." I say.
"Now where are you keeping the cure? And don't think about lying."

"Like I would tell you." She says taking a sip of her coffee. I nod and Rebekah stabs a fork into Katherine's hand. "Did poor innocent Elena flip her humanity switch off?"

"Where. Is. The. Cure?" I ask again.

"Rebekah I'm disappointed in you, don't you hate Elena I mean she did help kill your brother?" Katherine just laughs. "What an unlikely alliance you two have formed. You've surprised me. Really."
I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket so I take it out to see a text from Damon.

Damon: Where are you?

Me: why do you care?"

Damon: because I love you and I know you aren't you right now but no matter what I will always choose you. In a hundred life times, in a hundred worlds I'd find you and choose you.

Me: whatever Damon


"She's gone. The cure is gone." Rebekah says as Katherine has ran. Again. Next time I won't fail. I'll kill her once and for all.

"Calm down. We'll get it back." I say looking it my manicure which is chipped. Dammit.

"You don't understand, you stupid girl." Rebekah says in tears. Pathetic.

"Then why don't you explain it to me, considering as I am so clearly an 17 - year - old idiot."

"We're never going to see her again. She's gone. She'll distance herself from the cure. She'll most likely compel someone into keeping it safe so there. Are you happy now?"

"Well I'd say this has been fun but it sucked and my nails are chipped so I have to go." I walk over to the door and before I can open it, Damon is blocking it so that I can't leave. "Why are you here?" I ask bluntly.

"I'm here to drag your Katherine 2.0 ass back to Mystic Falls. Now get in the car." He says standing with his arms folded.

"You can't just give me orders Damon, the sire bond is gone. So you're going to have to let me go. I won't obey you or anyone else."

"Sorry can't." He says grabbing my wrist and it actually hurts a little but I know he'd never actually hurt me. He cares too much.

"What are you going to do Damon?" I question.  "We both know that you won't do anything to actually hurt me. I mean you care."



I open my eyes and my neck is so stiff and painful. I look around and see that I'm tied down to a chair. Great. I see Stefan and Damon standing in front of me. "You broke my neck didn't you?"

"You gave me no choice."

"I'm surprised. I mean I never thought you'd actually hurt me. I mean you're a big bag of emotions Damon. You're in love with me. I get it was pretty great but now I'm so much better. Why won't you just leave me to be like this. I mean just because I've no humanity doesn't mean I don't want to have fun. We could have Damon. A lot of fun. Just let me go." I say biting my bottom lip.

"Turn it back on." Stefan says.

"Sorry, can't." I say.

"Well then I'm sorry also." Stefan says and he grabs a bottle and pours the contents over my hands burning them. Vervain.

"Please." I say as I heal. "Like you'd actually hurt me Stefan. I know you still love me, no matter what you say. So by all means go ahead vervain me but the old Elena is gone so get used to it."

"Alright, if that's how you wanna play." Damon says kneeling down and he slips my day light ring off. "Maybe we need a little sun light." Stefan pulls back the curtain and as the light touches my skin it starts to burn and I scream out. "Turn it on."

"No." Stefan closes the curtain and again I heal. I wriggle in my seat and oh boys you've made a huge mistake. I start laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Stefan asks.

"You'll see." I say and I break free and I run over and pull the curtains open, exposing myself to the sun. The rush over to me and Damon pulls me out of the light. "I knew you would never put me in actual danger and now you've proven to me that no matter what you won't hurt me."

"Okay plan B." Damon says. "You are free to go if you turn your humanity back on."


"Okay well then I'll just have to kill Matt." Damon says.

"Damon. What are you talking about?" Stefan asks, clearly out of the loop.
Damon walks out of the room and returns holding Matt by the collar of his jacket. I stand up and fold my arms.

"I'll kill him right now so help me God Elena, turn it back on. Now."

"You're bluffing. You won't hurt him." Stefan says.

"Am I? Because I don't think that I am." He says and I look into Matts eyes and see fear. Although, he isn't fighting back. He knows that Damon will hurt him because Damon doesn't care about him. "Turn it on Elena. Or the world is going to have one less quarterback that everybody thinks is perfect."

"Go ahead, kill him." I say folding my arms.

"No Damon don't." Stefan says taking a step closer to them.

"Kill him Damon. Do it." I say. "Kill him. Now!"

"Okay." So Damon snaps Matt's neck and his body falls to the ground. No. No. Please, this can't be real. I walk over to Matt and I fall to my knees and tears start pouring out of my eyes and I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest.

"What have you done?" I ask. "He's dead. Not him too."

"Then it was probably a good idea he was wearing that." Damon says pointing to Matt's right hand. I lift it up and see the Gilbert ring.

"Do you feel that? That's joy because your friend isn't dead. That's emotion Elena." I hold Matt's hand and I just wait for him to wake up.

When he finally wakes up I pull him into a tight hug. "You're hurting me Elena." He says so I let go.

"I'm sorry Matt." I say and I can't stop the tears. I've done some horrible things.

"You don't have to apologise. You're back. That's all that matters."

"You didn't have to die."

"I owed you. You died for me once. So we're even."

Sorry that it's been so long.

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