He's here

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I'm walking into the grill with Damon and there is a man standing with a gun pointing at the entrance and Matt is on the ground and I can't tell if he's breathing or not and I hear the trigger being pulled.

"Elena can you hear me?"


"My blood will heal you."

"No, Matt first. I'm awake but he's not Damon please help him." He rushes over to Matt to heal him and I feel tired.
Damon's point of view

"Dammit, Elena." I give her my blood but she's not waking up.

"Oh my God." Stefan says from behind me.

"She won't wake up, I fed her my blood but she won't wake up."

"Get her out of here take her to the hospital. Go now Damon." I pick her up and we are in the hospital within two minuets. I put her down on the bed and the doctors rush her off. Crap what am I going to do if she doesn't make it?

"Damon what happened?" Caroline asks tears running down her face.

"Someone shot her and Matt and she was fine, she was awake and I was going to give her my blood but she made me save Matt, I shouldn't have listened and when I gave her my blood she wouldn't wake up."

"Of course she did and thanks to the both of you Matt is breathing."

"But I don't think Elena is Caroline."

"Bonnie called and she wants to try a spell, I'm not sure what it does she was cryptic but I think it might work."

"I'll do anything for Elena, she needs this."

"Okay she'll be here any minute."

And there she was Bonnie and she's going to make it all better.

"Okay I need you to take her out of her room, it's to dangerous to do it where anyone could just walk in at any moment." Bonnie says walking towards the room where she is so I follow her and I pick her up in my arms as I take all the wires off her chest and then we go to a room in the basement.

"Okay put her down over there then grab that salt over there and empty it in a circle around her." Bonnie says pointing towards the salt. I put Elena down then do what Bonnie says and I can't believe I'm taking orders from Sabrina the teenage witch. After I put the salt in a circle around her Bonnie opens her spell book and starts chanting.

"What are you doing." I shout when the ring of salt goes on fire.

"Don't worry she'll be fine Damon."

23 days later
Elena's Point of view

My eyes flutter open and I see Damon, Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy and Jenna all standing around the room.
"She's awake." I hear someone say.

"Elena can you speak?" Jenna asks.

"I...I don't understand. What are you all doing here?" I ask more confused than I've ever been.

"You were shot." Jeremy says.

"What? How?" I ask trying to stay awake.

"Jenna, Jeremy why don't you two go and speak to the doctor." Stefan says.

"Okay we'll be right back." Jenna says then she kisses my forehead and her and Jer leave.

"You made me save Matt first I tried to heal you first but you wouldn't let me and so I healed Matt and when I went back for you my blood wouldn't wake you up, I'm so sorry Elena." Damon says sitting on the bed next to me and placing his hand on mine.

"Is Matt okay?" I ask.

"Yeah Matt's fine." Stefan says smiling at me. It goes silent and they all just stare at each other then at me.

"What is it. Caroline Forbes I know that look on your face so just tell me." I demand.

"Fine. Do you remember Klaus?" I nod and indicate for her to keep going.

"Well he's here in Mystic Falls."

"What? Okay you need to get me out of here now."

"Elena you know that won't happen." Stefan says walking towards me.

"We can't let Klaus hurt someone so Damon I want you to compel the doctor into discharging me."

"Are you crazy." Caroline asks crossing her arms.

"No I think it's a good idea. It's not safe for you here. If you go home then you'll be safe because we can protect you there." Damon says squeezing my hand.

"Okay then take me home." I take the clip off my finger and I stand up but I'm dizzy so I start to fall but Damon catches me and says "I got you."

Damon does his thing on the doctor and then we go home and Alaric is waiting for us. He walks up to me and says "here let me help you."  He helps me upstairs to my room and says "you should lay down." I get under the covers and he asks "can I get you anything?"

"No Rick I'm fine." When he goes back down stairs I whisper "Damon, I know you can hear me and I need you to do something for me." Before I know it he's sitting on the edge of my bed and says "I'm listening."

"I want you to get Klaus here, I won't invite him in but I need you to do that for me."

"No, it's suicide."

"Please can you just do this for me?"

"I'm sorry Elena but I won't watch you have you're self killed."

"Please. For me. I need this Damon."

"And I need you alive."

"So does Klaus, he needs me alive if he wants to break the curse."

"Elena, I can't, I won't. You need to understand that I'll never let anybody hurt you especially some thousand year old original vampire. I'll do what ever it takes to protect you. To keep you safe."

"Maybe that's the problem."
I say and I instantly feel bad for it. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"No, I got it Elena I just care to much." After that he walks away, I go to call out his name but I think I have to let him go. Nobody will get hurt trying to keep me safe and that's a promise I'm going to make myself. If it comes down to me or the people I love then I'll be sacrificed in the ritual. It's going to be a hell of a fight. But it's one I'm going to win. Klaus won't hurt anyone and if he does I'll kill myself before he gets the chance to break the curse. What I won't do is turn into a vampire.

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