1000 Years

901 21 4

Dear diary
A thousand year old original vampire is coming after me and everyone I love. I can't let anyone get hurt because of me, I won't.

"Stefan it's Elena call me." As I leave message on Stefan's voicemail I don't even know why I called him, I think I just wanted to hear his voice. Then I get text:

Stefan: You ok? I just got your voicemail.

Me: Yeah I'm fine Stefan I just wanted to see you but I didn't want to say that because I felt that it was selfish.

Stefan: No it's not because I miss being around your compassion, selflessness, your great smile and I could go on forever about what I miss about you.

Me: You think I have a nice smile? You've never said that to me before. Anyway I need to talk to you about Katherine, I just think that maybe she's telling the truth.

Stefan doesn't answer then I see him standing in my doorway.
"Don't trust her Elena"

"You didn't see her face when she was telling me about what Klaus did to her family."

"You don't understand this is what she does, she's manipulative and she's playing you."

"No Stefan you are wrong about this." I say because she was locked up so she had no reason to lie to me and she looked genuinely hurt by what Klaus had done to her family.

"You don't know her like I do and you're going to get your self hurt or worse killed."

"Why would she lie to me Stefan? She had no reason to lie and if you didn't come to the tomb trying to be the hero then I could have got more information out of her." He walks over and sits on beside me on the window seat.

"With Katherine you only get out of her what she allows you to get."

"You don't understand."

"No Elena I do, I really do but you're just human and she's a five hundred year manipulative vampire."

"Just human?"

"I didn't mean it like, you need to trust me."

"I do trust you and I know exactly what you mean Stefan. I'm human and she's not, you're not." I stand up and turn away from him. But he uses his vampire speed to stand in front of me.
"I have to go back Stefan."

"I can't let that happen."

"Why do you care? We've hardly spoken in weeks"

"I love you" he says as I take a deep breath and then Stefan move some of my hair behind my ear but he keeps his hand on my face our lips meet and we're kissing and it feels good and right. I pull away.

"We shouldn't be doing this Stefan."

"No this is exactly what we need to be doing."

"Stefan, I can't not after what happened to Jenna."

"Katherine is trapped in a tomb, so how can she hurt anyone Elena?"

"She'll get out."

"Not today she won't. Isn't that enough?"

"Stefan, I just, look I just don't think that we can be together and it's not just Katherine"

"Is it Damon?"


"Do you have feelings for my brother Elena?"

"I don't wanna lie to you, so I'm going to tell you that I don't know what I feel for him but I know that I care about him."

"Is that it?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask confused as to why he's even asking me about this.

"I care about Damon as well."

"That's different and you know it. He's your brother of course you care."

"You're right I do, but the question is how much do you care?"

"A lot"

"That's not an answer."

"Then why don't you just leave Stefan because I don't want to fight with you so goodbye." I turn away from him and instantly feel a rush of guilt rushing right over me.

"Stefan, I'm sorry I shouldn't have spoken to you like that." When I turn around the person standing before me is not who I was expecting.

"Damon, what are you doing here?"

"I found someone who knows about Klaus."

"Okay let's go."



"Don't get your hopes up, this person could just be telling lies."

"Don't worry Damon it'll be fine."

"Yeah, if she try's anything you'll have me to protect you." Everything is going to be fine, I tell myself over and over as we go to the Salvatore house. I walk in and there is a tall short haired woman standing in the living room. I take a seat.

"You must be Elena, I am Rose."

"You're Rose? Katherine told me about you. What do you know about Klaus?" I ask getting right to the point of us all being here.

"Not much, I just know that he is very scary, very old and very real."

"Okay, is that it?"

"He is a member of the original family, from the first generation of vampires. Klaus is over a thousand years old. Which means he is the most powerful creature on the planet. He has done unspeakable things, a lot of them to his own family. He will be coming for you Elena." She says.

"So you're saying the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" This is insane.

"It's an old legend of the curse of the sun and the moon. It's a curse that was placed on both vampires and werwolf's, the vampire part is we can't go out in the sun or we die and the werwolf part keeps them turning only on a full moon and if a vampire breaks the curse then werwolfs stay slaves to the moon but if a wear wolf breaks it then vampires stay weakened by the sun forever."

"How do I fit into all of this?"

"You Elena are the Patrova doppelgänger, you are the key to breaking the curse."

How would you feel about a little twist? Or are you happy the way it is? Please comment and let me know any thoughts you have.

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