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"Damon I need you to come over now."

"Okay Elena I'll be right there."

I go down stairs and let Damon in I pull his arm and he says "no Elena I will... Not go up to your bedroom with you." I just give him a look that says this is no time for your humour and that's the second time he's said that.

I close my bedroom door so Jeremy doesn't hear then I say "I can't stop thinking about Stefan feeding on that girl just after Caroline was crowned Mrs Mystic Falls."

"Elena it'll be okay he just needs sometime to get back to being a bunny eating pacifist."

"That is what you've been saying for weeks now and he's not getting any better." I get interrupted there by Stefan who says "what are you two talking about?"

"You Stefan. How could you almost kill and innocent girl? That's just not you." I say trying to hold back the tears.

"I don't know what your talking about Elena." He says.

"Stefan how can you deny it I saw you feeding on that that girl then me and Damon had to call an ambulance after he compelled her to forget that she was attacked by you."

"Elena I'm fine I have this under control."

"No you don't Stefan because if you did you wouldn't have hurt that girl and Stefan if you don't get this craving that I caused under control then you won't just lose yourself you'll lose me too forever and I mean it I love you but I can be with a ripper."

"Elena." Damon says

"What Damon?"

"The ripper is a little bit of a doggy subject." He says looking to his brother.

"Can you leave please Stefan? I need to talk to Damon alone."

"So you trust my brother more than me?" Stefan asks.

"Yes, right now I do because you're not yourself right now." After that Stefan leaves and I start to cry and I hug Damon and it makes me feel better. When I let go I say "Damon we need."

"Shhh, stefan is not gone he's standing at the bottom of the stairs." Knowing this I send Damon a text that says:
Damon we need to do something. We need to vervain him and lock him up in your basement. So will you help me put Stefan down? Help me save him.
After reading it he nods and sends me a text saying:
I'll do what ever you need me to do Elena.
I smile and mouth thank you to him.

Dear Diary
Today is the day. Today is the day that Damon and I will put Stefan down. We have a plan to lock him up but Damon doesn't want me to be anywhere near Stefan when Damon is injecting vervain into him because he thinks I can't handle it, he also thinks that I might get hurt in the process. Which I get but this is my fault. Stefan wouldn't be spiralling out of control if it wasn't for me, I was the one who forced him to drink blood. Damon keeps telling me that I did the right thing because I saved his life but look at what has been lost. I mean what if the Lexi recovery plan doesn't work then what are we going to do? (Lexi was Stefan's best friend every time he's went off the rails she's been there and she's turned him back into the loving and caring person that he is until Damon drove a steak through her heart.)
Elena xoxo
"Elena what are you doing here? I told you to stay away."

"I know what you said Damon but you can't control what I do and where I go and we both know that I wouldn't stay away, especially since I caused the problem."

"Look its not your fault Elena. Stefan chose his own path. You didn't make him do anything." This brings tears to my eyes, I try to hide it but Damon saw and he comes over and cups his hands on my face and says "don't worry we'll get him back Elena, I promise you."

"Thank you Damon for everything." He smiles and the walks away. Tears fall as I walk away. Wait no I'm not giving up, I start to run to catch up with Damon. I see him walking past the grill and he hears me and he does his vamp speed thing to me and he says "You are going home right now. I thought we understood each other on the Stefan plan."

"Yeah well as I was walking away I realised that I owe it to Stefan and myself to be there when we bring him back. I owe it to myself as well because I'm full of guilt Damon and I can't get rid of it so are you going to stand here arguing with me or are you going to come with me to get Stefan?"

He closes his eyes takes a deep breath and says "fine but you stay next to me you don't leave my side." I fake a smile and walk to his car with him where we see Stefan standing against the trunk of Damon's car. As we get closer I go to reach for Stefan's hand but Damon puts his arm out in front of me. "Look who's playing the hero now" Stefan says with blood dripping down is face I gasp when I see it and Damon says "Elena you've got to get out of here." He gently pushes me behind him but I don't leave. "Come on brother don't make this harder than it already is." Damon says.

They start to fight and it's really bad and I shout "Stefan stop it your hurting him. This isn't you." He looks at me and says "maybe it is Elena but how would you know? You don't know who I truly am. I haven't shut my humanity off so doing this hurts."

"Stefan it'll be okay." I say with a hopeful smile.

Stefan starts to get closer and he says "I'm sorry Elena but I can't control it, I need more blood."

"You can fight the urges, I know that you can." He gets even closer and he starts feeding on me. My neck really hurts. "Stefan you're hurting me please stop."

"Elena, Elena. Wake up. Come on Elena." I hear Damon say. My eyes start to open and I see blood everywhere. "What happened where is Stefan?" I ask.

"He's gone Elena after you passed out he got scared that you were going to die so I gave you my blood to heal you but he ran." Damon puts his arms around me so I do the same. I start to cry and I say "he hurt me Damon but we can't give up on him. We just can't."

"I know Elena. We will get through to him. We'll get him through the thirst he has for human blood and we will get him back in control because right now the blood is controlling him."

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