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Dear diary
Today Damon did something amazing he.....

"Elena come on we need to go now."

"Yeah, Damon if we're going to do this then we can't rush it." Damon is driving me crazy we've been up all night plotting or planning on how we're going to change Stefan back to his amazing, loving self. Damon says "are you sure you want to try this?"

"What other choice do we have Damon? I know he hasn't flipped the switch but he's just not himself and human blood isn't doing him any good, so yes I'm sure. If it were you that was going off the edge you know that me and Stefan would do everything to bring you back." He gives me a half smile and he says "yeah, I know you would." So let's go. We walk to the front door and Damon walks out and then I try to leave but I can't even get my hand out of the door. "Damon what have you done? You can't leave me in here while you're getting Stefan back."

"Elena its to dangerous and I asked Bonnie to put a barrier spell up and she agreed, did her witchy woo woo stuff and ta da you can't leave not until the fool moon rises tomorrow night. Sorry but I can't be worried about you're safety tonight." He starts to walk away and I say "how could you do this to me when you know what it means to me to be there when he gets pulled back from the edge?" He turns to look at me and he sees the tears in my eyes about to fall, I know he does but he just keeps walking. "Damon.... Damon please." I see this makes no difference so I slam the door shut and I go and sit on the sofa.
Four hours, ten minuets I've been sitting here just thinking when I get a text from Damon I look at it and it says:
Stefan will be at your house right about now.

Just then I hear a knock at the door and I run towards it. I reach for the handle and before I reach it the door opens and "Stefan." He puts his arms around me straight away and I do the same and it feels so great because it's really Stefan not almost non-humanity Stefan. He kisses me on the head. I pull away from the hug and I put my hands on his face and I say "I love you"

"I love you" he says kissing me and his kiss is so gentle and soft and I never want it to end he picks me up and I put my legs around his waist still kissing him as he starts to go up the stairs Damon walks in and before I know it the moment is over and Stefan puts me down and he pulls away from the kiss and I remove my hands from his face. I walk over and I hug him in appreciation of what he did tonight. He hugs back and I can feel his hands move up my back to my head. I whisper "thank you for doing what I asked you to do." Into Damon's ear and he whispers back "I'd do it all again in a heartbeat for you Elena." We let go and I go over and stand next to Stefan and he says "thank you Damon for not letting me turn it off."

"No problem brother." He says with a little grin on his face and he turns around and walks out the door. I take Stefan's hand and I lead him into the kitchen and I say "I'm starving. You hungry?" He shakes his head. More for me then. I grab the knife to cut the bread and it slips and I get a tiny cut on the tip of my finger. Oh no the blood. I turn around to look at Stefan but he's already gone.

I just hope he doesn't ruin what Damon got back. I know it's hard for him but he has to fight his blood lust. I want to help him, but I'm almost afraid that I'm to much of a temptation for him and I'd hate to be one, again, to make him loose control.

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