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Elena's POV
"I hope she's okay Damon." I say pacing at the edge of the woods.

"She will be. She's strong."

"Yeah she is. For a long time she's been the one protecting me because I didn't have the strength or the armour for it so I just want to be able to do this for her. So I'm just worried that something will happen and I won't be fast enough in the moment that she needs me."

"You've always had armour." He says placing his hands on my shoulders stopping me from pacing back and forth.

"I'm not so sure."

"Elena, your compassion, bravery and courage is your armour. You didn't need physical strength you are the person everyone leans on because you are strong." He says and he makes me feel a million times better.

"You always know what to say but I'm still a little worried. Do you think we could get closer?"

"We could try, but if he hears us..."

Bonnie's POV

I watch as his body turns to concrete. "Why?" He manages to say.

"You won't hurt anyone ever again. The word is better without you." I say before he's complete stone. I get out my phone and I send a group text to Elena, Caroline, Stefan and Damon.
It's done.
Silas is stone. I did it. I'm finally free of that monster.
I watch as Elena and Damon come from opposite sides from Caroline and Stefan.

"Nobody will find him once I dump his stone ass." Damon says folding his arms.

"Do you think the quarry will be deep enough?" Caroline asks looking at the man shaped stone.

"Yeah, don't worry nobody will stumble on him there." Stefan says and hope he's right.

"So do we smash him first?" Elena asks.

"We could, the spell will hold. Nothing will stop him from being solid stone." I say.

"Okay, well I'll put him in the back of my car then I'll smash him up before throwing him into the quarry." Damon says and it should work.

"At first I thought this was a bad idea but it looks like I was wrong." Caroline says looking at the stone.

"There's no such thing as bad ideas just poorly executed awesome ideas." Damon says smirking.

Elena's POV

I'm just sitting in Damon's room waiting for him to come back and my mind keeps going back to all the memories we've had. Good and bad. The bad ones just make the good more memorable as some of the best times in my life.
"Hey." He says walking in.

"Hey." I say walking over to him. He puts his arms around my waist and there's a sense of safety. The safety you feel when your home.

"I was thinking today that I've never thanked you."

"Thanked me for what?" I ask a little confused.

"We've known each other for what feels like forever and I've done some horrible things and somewhere along the way you decided that I was worth saving. I wanted to thank you for that."

"Damon you don't have to thank me for anything because I love you and now that Silas is gone maybe we can start a real life together."

"I love you Elena." He says before kissing me.

Caroline's POV

"Hey Stefan." I say sitting down in the living room of the Salvatore Boarding House.

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