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I know what I have to do know. Blood. It is the key. My blood is what Klaus needs and if I have any say he will get it. I said it before and I'll say it again I won't risk my friends and family. They come first. I will die. All I need to do is stop Stefan and Damon from protecting me, but they care to much and I love them for that it's just they need to let me go because if they don't a lot of people are going to get hurt.

Damon's POV

I'm walking and I see this girl that I knew in the 20s and she reminds me of Elena. "Damon Salvatore, how are you?"

"I don't know how to answer that honestly."

"Go on, spill your guts to me." She says and honestly I have nothing to lose by telling her what's going on.

So I say "see I'm this guy who's in love with this girl and the thing is..... I'm not totally sure wants me the same way I want her, and I need her to know that I'll love, and care for her, and protect her as long as I live..... Because she's all that matters to me. She actually cares about me and that's something that I have not experienced for a very long time. Even the bad parts she makes redeemable. I want to be better because I know that she's too good for me as I am. I could go on forever."

"Do you mean that?" Amelia asks.

"More than anything in the world."

"So why don't you tell her." She says as if it is the most obvious thing to do.

"It's complicated."

"I have time and I understand complicated, I am complicated."

"This girl, happens to be in love with someone else."


"Stefan, my brother."


"Trust me I know, brothers girl and all." I say and that's the worst part about loving her; she's not mine.

"You need to tell her."

"The worst part is that I think she knows and if she does she's not making it easy for me."


"She wants me to take her to Klaus and as much as I want to because she's asking I can't because I know it's not safe for her."

"Wait did you just say Klaus? As in the original vampire?"

"Yeah, do you to know each other?"

"We've crossed paths, which is why I need to get out of this town if he's here. Sorry Damon I hate to miss the drama and action but I can't be close to him."

"I understand, it was good to see you again."

"Yeah it was fun and if this girl can't love you then that's her loss."

"I think she's afraid."


"Because I'm not the good brother but she sees good in me and she makes no point of hiding it. Anyway I better get going but was good to see you Amelia."

"I really need to get out of here so good luck with your girl trouble."

That was odd. I haven't seen her for over eighty years. I wonder what she was doing in Mystic Falls.

Elena's POV

"Stefan please just try to understand." I say.

"How can I understand that you went to Damon behind my back?"

"Because I thought he'd help me but I was wrong he said and I quote 'I'm sorry Elena but I won't watch you have you're self killed.' He also said something about not letting a thousand year old vampire hurt me. I can't remember his exact words but it was something like that."

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